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IMAGINE: Lindir and you telling your son the story of how you met

     You sit on a balcony above Imladris teaching your son, Locien, how to play the harp. The warm, setting sun shines down at you and glistens off of the waterfall. It's absolutely beautiful. Locien's fingers fumble across the strings causing a horrible clash of notes. You wince. “Daro, daro, daro [Stop, stop, stop]." You murmur, gently pulling his hands away from the instrument. “This is hopeless. I am never going to understand this." Locien says defeatedly. You frown and cup his little face. "Ionneg [My son], you just started to learn. You cannot expect to be an expert after only a few lessons." He looks up at you with his big, beautiful brown eyes just like his father's. "But I want to play like you." You laugh. "And you will, but with time and lots of practice. If you give up now, you are not going to be able to play at all." He pulls back his shoulders and gives you a nod. "I am ready." He says seriously. You smile at him as he starts to play again.      Just as Locien is finished with the lesson, Lindir, your husband, walks onto the balcony. "Nae [Alas]! Here is my beautiful family." He exclaims. You turn in your chair and grin at him. “Ada [Father]!" Locien squeals, rushing to his father. He launches himself into Lindir's arms. Lindir hugs him tightly and then looks at his son. "Henig [My child], how was your harp lesson with Nana [Mother]?" He asks. Locien looks at you, smiles, and then turns his gaze back on his father. "Good." Lindir kisses his son's cheek. "That is what I like to hear." He walks over to you, Locien still in his arms, and kisses you soundly while Locien screeches and covers his eyes. You laugh when Lindir pulls away, the love he has for you burning evidently in his eyes. He claims Locien's chair. Locien settles into Lindir's lap and watches as Lindir and you stare at each other, smiling. "Ada [Father], Nana [Mother], how did you meet each other?" He asks curiously. “Van [What]?" Lindir laughs. Locien repeats himself. "You never told me before and I am wondering." He admits, shrugging. You slowly look at Lindir and smile. He smiles back and it still sets your heart racing. “I suppose we can tell you." Lindir says to Locien. Locien settles into Lindir's arms and looks up at him, waiting. Lindir laughs softly and gazes at you, this peaceful, loving smile on his face. "It was a very long time ago... " He starts. He stops and pulls up straight. “I know! Come, follow me. Your Nana [Mother] and I will show you.” The three of you stand. Locien holds both yours and Lindir’s hands as you lead him to the main dining room. He looks up at Lindir and you in confusion. “You met over dinner?” He asks, sounding slightly disappointed. “Not quite.” You laugh. “It began...” Lindir starts. ———    *Many years ago*      You sit down in Lord Elrond's dining room along with the other musicians. Dinner will be starting any minute. This is your first time playing the harp in front of such a large crowd and in front of Lord Elrond himself. You are beyond nervous. You take a deep breath and try to relax your fingers. You rest your fingers against the strings and begin to play with the other musicians. You stay focused on not missing a note as the music flows beautifully. Elves start pooling into the dining room and soon it's filled with talking and laughter. You feel someone's gaze on you and you quickly glance at Lord Elrond's table to find the culprit. You do a double take and nearly mess up a note. You refocus and slowly draw your gaze up to the meet the Elf’s, who's sitting next to Lord Elrond. You've never seen him before. He's handsome with his beautiful brown hair and big brown eyes. He's staring at you, a slight smile on his face. Your cheeks blush crimson and you offer him a smile in return. His eyes stay on you for most of dinner.      After dinner, the dining room empties. The musicians gather their instruments and leave. You are playing the harp ‪tomorrow morning for breakfast‬ so you leave your instrument where it's at. You turn around to leave when you see him—the Elf who stared at you all throughout dinner. He's waiting for you. You walk over to him, your heart pounding. “You played beautifully." He tells you, smiling at you. “La fael [Thank you]." “I do not know your name." “Nor I yours." You laugh softly. "Lindir." He answers, crossing his one arm over his chest and bowing his head. “My name is Y/N." “A lovely name." "La fael [Thank you]." You smile. "Would you care to take a walk with me?" Lindir asks. “I would love to."      Lindir and you walk through Imladris and just talk. You take a deep breath, finally getting the courage to ask him the question that has been burning in your mind since you saw him. “Who are you?" You blurt out. "What?" He laughs in surprise, stopping on a bridge that overlooks a waterfall. “We Elves usually know everyone in Imladris. However, I have not seen you before." “Is that uncommon not knowing someone? I have not seen you before either. So, if I may ask, who are you?" He says, raising an eyebrow. “I am Y/N." He steps closer to you. "I know what your name is; I want to know who you are." He responds, gazing into your eyes. “I am a musician. And that is all I am." “Somehow I doubt that." He says softly. “Am man [Why]?" You ask, narrowing your eyes in suspicion. "Because when I look into your eyes, I do not only see a musician. When I look into your eyes, I see a beautiful Elf who has a burning passion for life and adventure—one who would very much like to explore the world outside of Imladris." He states quietly, his face mere inches from yours. You stare at him, your mouth dry. "How did you know that?" You whisper. “Because that is exactly what I see when I look into my own eyes. I know a kindred spirit when I see one." He smiles at you. You smile back, your heart picking up speed. Then you realize how dark it has gotten. You step away from Lindir with a gasp. “Van [What]?" He asks in confusion. "It is late. Boe i 'waen [I must go]. ‪Tomorrow morning‬ I will be playing at breakfast." You explain. You look at him. "Will I see you there?" You ask hopefully. He steps forward and clasps your hands with his. "I would not miss it for the world." He answers. You smile at him. "Abarad [‪Until tomorrow‬]." He whispers. “Novaer [Farewell]." You whisper back. He squeezes your hands, smiling, and then releases them. You laugh softly and walk away toward your room, Lindir's eyes on you the whole time. ———      *Present day*      "And from then on there, it was love." You smile, Lindir and you gazing at each other. “It still is love." He replies, winking. Your smile widens. "And it always will be." You state. Locien looks between Lindir and you, smiling. “Gi melin [I love you]." You say to Lindir. “Gi melin [I love you], Y/N." He returns. He looks down at Locien and hugs him tightly. "Gi melin [I love you], Locien." “Gi melin [I love you], Ada [Father]. You too, Nana [Mother]." Locien smiles, hugging you and then Lindir. You smile at them—your whole entire world just within arms reach. Lindir reaches for you and pulls you to his side. He kisses you deeply. Locien shrieks, burying his face in his father’s shirt. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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