IMAGINE: Kylo getting angry at you, a flirt

You exit your ship that’s in the hangar on Starkiller Base. You lowly whistle when you take in the size of it. You knew it was big but you never imagined it is this big. You shake your head. Your father, the Supreme Leader Snoke, sent you here to help his apprentice, Kylo Ren, deal with the Resistance. Two First Order Stormtroopers come up to stand beside you. “Boys, it’s so sweet you want to escort me to my quarters, but I’m perfectly capable of handling it myself.” A flirtatious smile settles on your lips then and you cusp their masked faces. “Though if you want to escort me back to my room tonight, that’d be perfectly fine. A girl could get lost in a Base like this.” You say, your eyes wide with innocence. They look at one another. You flip your hair and stride right past them. You are notoriously known as being a major flirt. “Whatever you need to do to get the boys to come to your every beck and call.” You chuckle lowly. Some use the Force, others use their power and strength. You use your naturally given ‘talent’. You grin to yourself. ——— After you get situated in your room, you start to walk around the base. You don’t even have to introduce yourself—everyone looks upon you with fear, already knowing who you are. You can’t help the arrogant, little smirk that settles on your lips. You stalk through Starkiller Base as if you own it. As you walk through the command center you hear this rapid beeping sound. You go to the nearest table and lean over the shoulder of one of the suddenly frightened officers. “What’s happening? What’s going on?” “One of our cruisers were destroyed by a band of Resistance soldiers.” You frown. “We will have none of this.” You ground out. “Where is Kylo Ren?” You demand. “Right behind you.” A voice says. You turn around. He’s in his mask. “Follow me.” You command, walking past him. “You don’t give the orders here, Y/N, contrary to what you think.” He grits out, following you out into the empty hall. You laugh and turn around to face him. “You know my name.” You smirk. “Regretfully so.” He mutters underneath his breath. “Take off that stupid mask. I can barely hear what you’re saying.” You roll your eyes. “I happen to like the mask, thank you very much.” He grumbles. “Well I don’t.” You retort. You start walking again and Kylo follows you. “So what’re we going to do with them?” You ask once you’re in a secluded room with Kylo. “Do with who?” “The Resistance...?” You ask as if he should know that. “They just blew up one of our cruisers. They keep making attacks on our fleet! They’re out of hand and we need to show them a lesson.” Kylo finally takes his mask off and your eyes widen slightly. He looks different than his hologram. You clear your throat. “So?” You raise your eyebrows. “I’m working on it, Y/N. General Hux is also working on it. We plan to wipe out the Resistance as soon as we can.” Kylo explains. He rests up against the wall. You move to lean up against the wall beside him, smiling slightly. You lean near him and lower your voice. “You know...the sooner you wipe out the Resistance, the sooner my father will see that you should take his place as Supreme Leader.” You murmur. You lightly touch his hair, staring at his lips. His eyes are on you. “Then everything will be better for you. You will see that your place is on Dark Side. It’s where you’re meant to be. And you’ll rule the galaxy as a strong, handsome—“ “Enough!” Kylo screams, jumping away from you, furious. “Get. Out.” He seethes. “Kylo, I was only kidding.” You laugh, a little too loudly. “I said get out!” He screams. Your eyes widen and you stifle a gasp. You glare at him. “Why I never—“ You sputter. You let out a low growl and stalk out the room. You clench your fists, wanting to punch something...or someone. You let out a frustrated grunt. You glance behind you and see Kylo stalking off in the opposite direction. He’s beyond angry. Never in all your years has someone treated you the way he just did. It’s beyond humiliating. “I knew I couldn’t stand him.” You mutter to yourself. [THE END] I hope you liked it!