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IMAGINE: Falling in love with Jason

     "Good morning, Jason." You say cheerily as he walks through your makeup trailer door. He smiles tiredly at you. “Good morning, Y/N." He murmurs. It's ‪4:30‬ in the morning. Jason is two weeks into filming Aquaman and you're his makeup artist. He sits down in your chair and you hand him a cup of coffee. "There you go." He looks up at you in surprise. "This is for me?" “No, it's for the ghost sitting in your chair." You retort sarcastically. You roll your eyes. "Of course it's for you!" He smiles and takes the steaming cup. "Wow, Y/N, thank you so much. No one's ever done this for me." He admits as you move to the back of him. "I'm not no one." You smirk, grabbing a hair-tie and gently combing back his long, curly hair away from his face. You twist it up into a ponytail, noticing how Jason watches you. You put your hands on his shoulders and stare at him through the mirror. "Ready?" You ask. He smiles and nods at you, before taking a sip of his coffee, his eyes never leaving yours. ———      Jason is back in your trailer that night. "How was filming?" You ask as you start to gently wipe the makeup off of his face. “It was great." He yawns. "Somebody needs to get to bed earlier." “Yeah, I know. It's a little hard when you film late and then have to get up early." “I'm sure. It must be so hard." You murmur dryly. Makeup artists for movies go through the exact same thing yet no one ever says a thing about them. Jason’s eyebrows furrow. "But you go through the same thing, don't you? You have to stay up late in and get up early for your job." You half smile as you lean near him, trying to get his under-eye makeup off. "You're smarter than you look, Momoa." You say jokingly. “Hey!" He exclaims. His eyes open. "Close your eyes!" You exclaim as you wipe at his eyes. “Sorry, sorry." He laughs, his voice deep. You smile fully. "And for your information, I'm very smart looking. I have brains and brawn." He says. “I didn't doubt the brawn part..." You trail off. This time Jason's eyes open and he flashes a glare at you. You hold up your hands in surrender, laughing. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. You're very smart." You soothe. He smiles, satisfied. "Thank you." You roll your eyes and shake your head. "'re all the same." “What do you mean?" He asks seriously. You sit back against the table, arms crossed. Jason stares at you, all signs of joking gone. You're both serious. You shrug. "I don't know, I mean, every actor I have worked with, they're all the same—trying to prove that they're the best. They're all trying to prove something, whether it's to directors, other actors, the world, or even themselves." Jason grabs your wrist. "Y/N, I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone. I'm not like every other actor you've worked with. Trust me, I'm not." He says lowly. A smile creeps on your lips. "What, are you going to prove it to me? Are you going to prove that I'm wrong about you?" He slowly grins. "If I have to, yes." ———     As you work with Jason almost daily, you're growing close. You look forward to seeing him each morning and each night. Every morning you have coffee waiting for him. There's something about him. He's so different than you expected him to be. He's down-to-earth and kind. He genuinely enjoys conversing with you and you both have a ton of fun when you're together. One early morning you're getting Jason's makeup ready when he walks in. "Good morning, Jason." You greet, straightening and looking at him. He's grinning like a little boy. “I brought muffins and doughnuts for us." He says, showing you the box. "Oh my gosh, thank you." You gush in surprise. He sets them down on one of the tables. "Here's your coffee per usual." You say, handing him his cup. "Thank you." He grins at you. Your stomach flops and you shyly look away. "I had this incredible dream about you last night." He admits suddenly. You look at him, your eyebrows shooting up your forehead. "Really." “Yeah, it was crazy!" "Care to elaborate on it?" He smiles smugly and blushes slightly. "Not really." “You can't tell someone you had a dream about them and not tell them what it was about!" You laugh, playfully hitting his buff shoulder. He grabs your hand, laughing. "Yes, I can! It's my dream, not yours." You both stare at each other and you blush hard. “So Friday is my next off day..." Jason says softly. “Congratulations. I'm off too." “You are?" He asks wistfully. You nod, smiling. "Well, um, would you like to do something together then?" Your eyes widen slightly with surprise. "I'd love to." ———      On Friday, Jason and you go see a movie and then you go out for dinner. You have a wonderful time and Jason does too. He walks you to your trailer that night. "Thank you for tonight, Jason. I had a lot of fun." You say. He looks at you and smiles. "Me too." He replies softly. His fingers slowly entwine with yours. Neither of you say anything until you're at your trailer. “Well, I guess I'll see you ‪tomorrow morning‬ then." “I'll be there bright and early." He answers, squeezing your hand. “Well, goodnight. Sleep good." You murmur. Jason leans down and plants a kiss on your cheek. “Goodnight, Y/N." He says hoarsely, his face so close to yours that you feel like you can't breathe. You turn your face towards his, your eyes staring into his. “Goodnight, Jason." You whisper. With that, he quickly walks off. You release a breath and close your eyes, before going into your trailer. ———      By the end of filming Aquaman, you've fallen in love with Jason. You always promised yourself you wouldn't get close to any of the actors you work with but with Jason, it's different. You've never been so captured by someone before and you don't think you ever will be again. Today is the last day of filming. You're getting ready for Jason to come into your trailer for the last time. The past few days he's been quiet. You both have. The trailer door opens and Jason slowly walks in. You turn and smile sadly at him. “You ready?" You ask softly. “Not really." He whispers, moving to your chair. He sits down and stares at you through the mirror. You brush his hair away from his face. “It was amazing while it lasted." You whisper. While you take his makeup off, Jason is wordless. He just watches you the whole time. You take your time taking his makeup off and nearly an hour later, it's finished. “Done." You say softly, setting your last makeup wipe away. You stand against your makeup table. Jason and you stare at each other, neither of you saying anything. He stands up and grabs your hands. “Did I do it?" He whispers, standing close to you. Your eyebrows furrow. "Did you do what?" “Did I prove to you that I'm not like the other actors you've worked with?" You smile and finger his curly hair with one hand. "You did." You whisper. His hands settle at your hips, pulling your body against his. You rest your hands on his chest and look up at him. "Jason Momoa, you aren't like any of the actors I've worked with before. You're different. You're special..." You whisper. He rests his forehead against yours. "You're the one my soul longs for." You state. Before you can say anything else, he kisses you. His hands roam the length of your back as he kisses you deeply. You wrap your arms around him and kiss him back. After a minute, he slightly pulls his head back. “You know I think it was the first morning you gave me coffee that made me fall in love with you." He grins. You laugh softly before he kisses you again. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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