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IMAGINE: Falling in love with Gaston

     "I'll see you tomorrow." You say to your friend LeAna, as you gather your things from the table. Your childhood friend smiles at you. "Have a good night." You start to walk out of the pub when Gaston walks up to you. Your heart starts hammering in your chest and you try to remain calm. "May I walk you home, Y/N?" He asks gently. "You may." You answer, nodding. He takes your hand and it feels like a lightning strike bolts up your arm. Gaston and you have deep feelings for each other. You aren't exactly courting, but you're in love with him. You know Gaston used to have a flame for your older sister, Belle; however that quickly burnt out when she married Prince Adam. Gaston had confronted Adam angrily, who was a Beast at the time, and tried to kill him. Adam mercifully let Gaston go with a strict warning to have a change of heart or else he’d come after him. Gaston took it seriously. He came back to town, a changed man. And that's exactly who you've fallen in love with—this new Gaston. He's sweet, considerate, charming, and humble. A change of heart indeed.      "A beautiful night, is it not?" Gaston asks as you leisurely stroll to your home. You decided you didn't want to stay in the castle with Belle, Adam, and papa. You like this town. It's a little crazy, but it's home. You occasionally visit your family. “It's truly magnificent. You can smell autumn in the air." You say with a smile. Gaston sniffs and then a smile rests on his lips. “You know, I haven't noticed it before but you're right. It's amazing!" He exclaims. You laugh. "See what happens when you stop and smell the roses? I mean...smell the air." Gaston shakes his head and gets serious. "I don't-I don't even know how I lived before, Y/N. That's the thing—I wasn't even living. I was just existing...for myself. I didn't care about anyone or anything, but myself." He takes a deep breath of the air, smiling again. He outstretches his arm. "This—this is what I love. I feel like a free man, Y/N. I love it. I love my life now." You smile at him, falling in love with him just a little bit more. Gaston notices you smiling at him and you swear he blushes. A slight chilly breeze blows at you and you rub your arms. "Oh, here, Y/N, I'm sorry." Gaston says, quickly stripping himself of his red coat. Before you can protest, he gently grabs your elbows and you both stop in the middle of the empty street. He settles the coat around your shoulders. When he's finished, he puts his hands on your shoulders, smiling at you. “There we are." He says softly. You smile shyly up at him. "Thank you." You reply quietly. Gaston leans forward and lightly kisses your forehead. He then puts his arm around your back and leads you home. ———      Gaston and you stand on your front steps. You're one step above Gaston so you're eye-to-eye with him. "Thank you, Gaston, for walking me home. It was lovely." You say. He smiles at you. "You're very welcome, Y/N." He clears his throat. "I hope it's not too bold to say, but I hope one day, instead of walking you to your home, I'll be walking you home to our home." Your heart jumps. "Oh, Gaston." “I know, I know, it was a foolish thing for me to say." He stammers, rubbing the back of his neck. You grab his one hand in yours. “No, it was beautiful. I hope so too." You smile at him. He looks at you with hope. “Truly?" You nod. "Gaston, I-I-" You stop, unsure if you should say what you're feeling—what you've been feeling for quite some time now. “I love you." He says before you can. You sigh with relief. "I love you too." He slowly wraps his arms around your waist. "Will you marry me, then, Y/N?" He asks hopefully. Tears fill your eyes. “Of course I will." You laugh. Gaston lets out a hoot and spins you in his arms, laughing joyously. Suddenly he stops and gently sets you on your feet. He gets this worried look on his face and panic sets your heart racing. He takes a step away from you as if you've burned him. “Gaston?" You question worriedly, your eyebrows drawing. “It's no good. I can't marry you." He whispers. You take a step backwards in horror. “What?" You gasp.      Gaston looks at you, tears in his eyes. "Your father, sister, and brother-in-law would never agree. They hate me. I tried to kill your father and your brother-in-law. I tried to manipulate your sister into marrying me. They would never let me marry you. Ever." He whispers sadly. You take a step towards him and you reach out to him with both hands. He takes them. "Gaston, that was the old you. That's not you anymore. You've changed. For the better. I can see it. Everyone can see it. I thought it was truly impossible for someone to change as much as you have, but you continually prove me wrong." "But what about your family?" He asks, his voice cracking. “My sister fell in love with a beast, for goodness' sake, Gaston. Adam changed. You have changed. It's not like my family hasn't seen it before." “How can I prove to them that I've really changed?" He questions, pulling you into his arms. “We must go to the castle and prove to them that you are not the same person." You tell him. Some of the concern on his face drains away and he nods slowly. You cup his face and stare into his eyes. "I love you, Gaston. Nothing will ever change that." You whisper. “Unless I revert back to my old ways." He tells you with a smile. You laugh and rest your forehead against his. “But you won't." You whisper. “But I won't." He whispers back, closing his eyes. ———     You walk through the doors of the castle alone. You told Gaston to wait outside for a little bit. “Y/N!" Belle exclaims, running down the stairs. She throws herself into your arms and you hug her tightly. “Oh, Belle, it's so good to see you!" You shriek excitedly. “Y/N." You hear a deep voice. You look up and see Adam making his way down the stairs. “Adam." You grin. He hugs you tightly. You hold Adam and Belle at arms length. They look positively happy and in love. “Oh, it's so wonderful to see you both. I've missed you so much." “We've missed you too." Belle says. "Where's papa?" You ask, looking around and not seeing him anywhere. "He's taking a nap in his room. He was up late working on a painting." Adam replies. You smile and shake your head. “What are you doing here, Y/N? We weren't expecting you for another couple of weeks." Belle admits. You take a deep breath and look between Belle and Adam. "Uh-oh, I know that look." She mutters under her breath. You wring your hands together. "Before I say anything, please, I want you both to have an open mind and an open heart. Please. I'm begging you to." “Of course, Y/N." Adam nods, wrapping his arm around Belle's waist. "Wait here." You tell them, before moving to the front door. You can feel Belle's and Adam's eyes on you as you open the door slightly. "You can come in now." You whisper.      Belle audibly gasps when Gaston walks in. Adam wraps his other arm around her protectively, his defenses up. “Please! Hear him out." You say, grabbing Gaston's hand. You walk him forward. "Go ahead." You prompt Gaston. He takes a deep breath. “I'm sorry. I'm sorry for who I was and for what I've done. I'm not the same person anymore. I've changed." “It's true." You add quickly. Gaston looks at Adam. "You made me promise to have a change of heart. I've kept that promise." He looks at you and his voice softens. "In so many ways." He whispers. You smile up at him and Belle takes note of it. “What's going on between you two?" She asks. “Belle, Adam, call me crazy, but I've fallen in love with Gaston. The new, changed Gaston. His's beautiful. He has became such a beautiful person, I can't even explain it." You say, your voice cracking. “I've learned so much. I learned that the world doesn't revolve around me. I realized that my world, my world that was once pathetic and self centered, now centers around Y/N. I love her more than anyone. I want to be a better man because of her. She has made me better in so many ways." Gaston chokes out, his eyes filling with tears. He looks down to the ground. "I want you to know how sorry I am for everything I did. I know it was wrong—I know that now. Please forgive me. I have truly learned my lesson." He looks up at Belle and Adam. "I know you have no reason to say yes, but I'd love to have your blessing on my relationship with Y/N. I promise I will take the best care of her and that I will be the best husband I can possibly be. I know I'm not perfect and I never will be, but I will try." He says. Tears slide down your cheeks and you quickly wipe them away.      Belle sniffs and you realize she's crying. "I forgive you, Gaston. And you have my blessing." Adam shakes Gaston's hand. "I forgive you. You better treat Y/N as well as you say you're going to treat her, or else..." He threatens. You smile at Adam's protectiveness. “Oh, I promise. I promise." Gaston vows, wrapping his arm around your waist. “Papa's going to think I'm crazy." You admit. “Not if we all vie for Gaston, he won't. I see the love between Gaston and you. I know papa will too." Belle says. She hugs you tightly. "I'm so happy for you, sister." "Thank you. For everything." You tell her. She pulls back and smiles at you. "I guess we have a wedding to prepare for." She announces, grabbing Adam's hand. “We can start the preparations." Adam replies. He and Belle walk to the kitchen. You turn in Gaston's arms and smile up at him. "See? I told you we accept change." “That you did, my love." He whispers, before kissing you passionately. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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