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IMAGINE: Going on a mission with Tony

     Tony and you stealthily walk through a shady neighborhood in New York. There are no street lights. It's pitch black. You got a tip that the robbers, who've been burgling sketchy neighborhoods in the city, are going to hit up this one next. Tony is your boyfriend. He wanted you on this mission because you are known for your tact and stealth. “See anything?" You whisper, not seeing your boyfriend, but knowing he's there. “Besides nothing? No. I can't see anything." You half smile and then it drops when a thought occurs to you. "What if-what if that was a false tip, Tony? What if they are going to hit up another neighborhood next? It could be a ploy just to distract our attention while they make a move elsewhere." He shrugs. "It's the risk that comes with the job, Y/N. Besides, we've got other officers planted all around the city. If the burglars hit any of the neighborhoods in the city, we'll catch 'em." He tells you. He lashes out and grabs your arm, pulling you behind an old car. "A car's coming." He whispers harshly. You both crouch as the car, driving without its lights on, pulls off into an alley. “Can you see what it looks like?" Tony asks you. You squint. No, not a thing." “I'm going to call it in." "Wait!" You cry lowly, stopping him. "You don't know if these are the robbers. They might be some people who live here." “Driving without their lights on?" He asks. You can't see his face, but his tone is dripping with doubt. “You never know. I don't want to jump to conclusion; I just want to get a closer look." You whisper. “Y/N." Tony warns. “Come on, Tony." You huff, quietly moving out of cover. You skitter across the street without a noise. Tony sighs and follows after you. You move along the back fences of the houses. You stop right at the alley where the car is parked. “Are you sure they're gone for the night? I swear I saw somethin'." A voice says. Two car doors lightly close. You look back at Tony and strain to hear the low voices. “Yeah, I've been doin' a stakeout at this house for a few days. No one's been in or out. It's perfect." Another voice says. Tony pulls you close. "I'm calling it in." He whispers in your ear, his breath hot. A shiver runs down your spine and you nod. “Do it. It sounds like there's only two of them." You whisper. “That we know of." He replies, before calling it in. "Reinforcements will be here within minutes." He tells you. “Let's go around back, just in case someone might be watching. You never know." One of the voices say. Your eyes widen and you start shoving Tony backwards to get him moving through the darkness. He quickly hurries away, tripping over a tin garbage can in the process. “Tony!" You exclaim. “I'm fine! Come on!" He growls. Shots ring out and you instinctively duck. “Go! Move around the front! We need to flank them!" You cry as dogs start barking, the bullets still ringing out. You're about to take off running to the front when a bullet hits the back of your calf. You cry out in pain and lunge forward. You gasp and hold onto the side of the house. “Y/N!" Tony screams. “Go!" You yell. He stops, clearly debating about grabbing you or stopping the burglars shooting at the both of you. "Go now!" You command harshly. You limp forward and Tony obeys, whipping out his gun in the process. He takes off running to the front of the house. You limp as fast as you can to cover, blood running down into your shoe. The bullets don't stop. The blasted darkness, you can't see anything or anyone. You fumble around when another shot hits you in the shoulder. You fall the ground with a cry of pain. You drag yourself behind a bush, panting. More shots ring out as Tony fires at the burglars. In a couple of minutes, there's complete silence. You so badly want to call out Tony's name but you know in doing so would only alert the burglars—if they're still alive—of your position. The sound of sirens sound and you can spot the flashing of red and blue lights. You sigh with relief.      "Y/N! Y/N!" You hear Tony screaming about the sirens. You shakily pull yourself up to standing. “Tony! I'm here! I'm here!" You exclaim. He follows the sound of your voice and you reach out to him. You collapse into his arms. “What happened?" “I shot them. I shot them both. They're dead." He states. You sigh. "Come on, we have to get you to the ambulance." He says, grabbing your bad shoulder. You yelp and he quickly pulls his hand away. "Is-is that blood?" He asks worriedly. “I got shot in the shoulder too." You grit out. “Oh no. This is my fault. This is all my fault." He whispers in horror. You hear the panic in his voice. “Tony, calm down. I'll be okay. You just need to get me to the ambulance, okay?" You say, trying to keep the shake out of your voice. He grabs onto your waist and carefully starts walking. “Y/N," He starts, his voice hoarse. "You need to forgive me. Please. I'm-I'm so sorry. This never would have happened if I hadn't tripped over the garbage. Heck, this wouldn't have happened if I hadn't taken you along for this mission." He chokes out. “Tony, you can't think like that. This could have happened to anyone. It's not your fault. The alley was dark. You couldn't have known the garbage can was going to be there. You can't blame yourself." You say. Tony is silent. You know he's berating himself. He's angry for not protecting you, for not keeping you safe. Officers come rushing towards you. “Y/N's been shot! She needs an ambulance!" Tony exclaims. ———      You lay in a hospital bed, flipping through the channels on the TV. Your hospital door opens and in comes Tony, looking haggard. “Tony." You smile. He rushes to your side and collapses into a chair next to your bed. “I'm so relieved you're okay, Y/N. I can't-I can't stop thinking about you. I can't stop thinking about what happened and what I could have done to change it. You need to know I'm so sorry. Please, please, please forgive me. I will never put you in a situation like that again." He blurts out in a rush. You stare at him, your eyes wide. You blink twice and take a deep breath. "Tony. You are my boyfriend and I love you. But you can't continue to blame yourself for what happened. I don't. I lived, okay? I'm here. I'm alive. That's all that matters. Sure, I'll be put up for a little bit, but that's nothing compared to what other men and women go through. You cannot not put me in a situation like that. You can't have me doing office work, Tony. That's not who I am and you know it. Every single day I put on my badge, I'm signaling that I'm ready to do whatever it takes to keep people safe, including sacrificing my life. And I'm glad to do it. It makes me who I am. It makes me love what I do. This job comes with a risk—one I'm willing to take every day of my life. You of all people should know that." You tell him. Tony stares at you, then cups your face and kisses you soundly. “I hope you know how much I love you." He whispers. You smile. "Trust me, I do." “So you forgive me then?" He asks carefully. You cup his cheek with your hand. “There's nothing to forgive." You murmur, caressing his cheek. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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