IMAGINE: Edmund saving you

You cut down one of the White Witch’s men with a grunt. You bring your sword up just in time to block a dagger flying straight towards your chest. You pant hard, your arms killing you. Aslan is dead. This is the final battle and the White Witch’s men are slaughtering everyone. You glance around the battlefield, dead bodies ravaged all throughout the land. “So much death...” You whisper in horror. Never in all your years in Narnia have you seen so much. It’s heartbreaking. And there will only be more. An arrow whizzes past your ear and strikes one of the White Witch’s creatures coming for you. You turn around and see one of the centaur’s nocking another arrow. You smile your thanks at her. You hear someone yell out in pain. You look and see Peter Pevensie struggling with one of the White Witch’s minotaurs. “Peter!” You scream, panic setting in. You take one of your calf daggers and hold it in your hand, waiting for the perfect shot. Your heart pounds nervously. You hold your breath and then chuck the dagger. It sails straight the air and into the minotaur’s heart. He groans and then falls backwards, dead. You sigh with relief. Peter looks at you in shock, his jaw dropped. “Did-did you know you were going to hit him?” He asks loud enough for you to hear. You don’t say anything. Instead, you look away. “Y/N? Y/N?!” He exclaims. You grin and still don’t answer him. You bring your head up when you hear a growl. Another minotaur is coming for you. You bring your sword up and prepare yourself. ——— You cut down creature after creature. You don’t know how long you can keep doing this for. Your arms, from the weight of the sword, feel like they’re about to fall off. You’re exhausted. You stumble about, trying to find an enemy. You stop when you hear the cackle of the White Witch from behind you. Fear swells in your heart. You slowly turn around and face her. She sickly smiles at you. “You and your pathetic little army. You never stood a chance.” She hisses before letting out a scream and launching herself at you. You stumble backwards and almost trip, barely bringing your sword up to block hers in time. She kicks you in the stomach and you fall onto your back. She brings her sword down and you parry it. She rests all of her weight on it, bearing down on you, and your arms start shaking. You groan, gritting your teeth, knowing that if your arms give it, her sword will cut straight through you. You let out a scream and shove both feet at her chest. She fumbles backwards, trying to regain herself, tripping over her own dress. You push yourself up. “We’re not giving up victory that easily, your highness.” You spit. She glares angrily at you. The White Witch and you fight hard, neither of you letting up. ——— You’re overpowering the White Witch when one of her creatures comes up behind you and rams his huge fist into the side of your head. You cry out and fall to your knees. You drop your sword absentmindedly to clutch your head. Your ears are ringing, your heart is pounding, and your vision is blurry. You groan and shakily push yourself up. You’re dizzy. Everything sounds muddled. The White Witch is moving towards you but she just looks like a blur. You try to bring your sword up but it’s heavy. Too heavy. You let out a soft sigh of sorrow and know this is it. This is where your story ends. The White Witch is coming for you. “Y/N, no!” You hear someone scream. It sounds like Edmund. You turn your head to the sound of his voice just as he runs in front of you, protecting you from the White Witch, saving you from her. “Edmund.” You whisper, panicked. You can’t see what’s going on. There are just flashes of movement and the sounds of swords hitting each other. You back up, getting out of the way, when you hear a load, thunderous roar that rattles your bones. You know exactly who it is. “Aslan.” You breathe, a ghost of a smile on your face. He sounds close. “Y/N, let’s go!” Edmund shouts, grabbing your hand. You both take off running. “Wait! What about the White Witch?!” You exclaim. “Aslan is here! He’ll take care of her.” He answers, pulling you to safety. Edmund puts you in a rock alcove away from the battle. In a few minutes, your vision clears and you can finally see straight. Your head is still pounding. “Are you okay?” Edmund asks worriedly. You nod slowly. “Yes, yes, I think so.” You reply, clutching your head. You look at his worried face. “Edmund, you saved me. I thought I was going to die. I was-I was prepared to die.” “I know. I saw you and it looked like you had given up. I wasn’t going to let her kill you.” “I could barely think. I couldn’t see her. I couldn’t really see anything. I figured it was over. Until you came.” You smile and hug him. “Thank you, my friend.” You whisper. He hugs you back tightly. “I’d do it again, Y/N, if it meant saving you and keeping you safe.” “I owe you my life, Edmund Pevensie. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.” You tell him, looking at him. He smiles and shrugs. “Don’t mention it.” [THE END] I hope you liked it!