IMAGINE: Vronsky falling in love with you

You watch the dancers at the party while sitting in a corner all by your lonesome, which exactly how you like it. No attention from anyone. No looks. No glances. No anything. You smile in content. You really do hate parties but when your aunt asked you to come with her to this one, you couldn't refuse her. Literally. She practically had to drag you here. You take sip of your drink when you feel a pair of eyes on you. You stiffen slightly and casually look around the room. Your eyes stop when you see a handsome, young cavalry officer staring at you, a slight smile on his face. You quickly avert your eyes, blushing. In less than a minute, he's politely pushing his way past people. When you realize he's coming near you, your heart starts to pound nervously. This party has suddenly gotten very interesting. When he stands next to you, you look up and smile at him. He smiles down at you and takes your hand. Bending, he places a light kiss on top of it, his eyes never leaving yours. "Sir." You greet, nodding. “My lady." He murmurs, straightening. I don't believe we have had the pleasure of meeting. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Count Alexei Kirillovich Vronsky." Your eyebrows raise slightly at his fancy title. "I'm Y/N L/N." You say awkwardly, your title sounding so lame compared to his. Vronsky stills and his eyes narrow, not in suspicion, but with curiosity. He seems amused by you, not a duchess or countess, but, really, a nobody. “My lady Y/N." He says, nodding. "Oh, no, I'm not a lady, just Y/N will do." You laugh softly. “Then only if you will call me Vronsky. Most everyone does." “All right." You smile. "Do you not dance, Y/N?" “Ah, no. I mean, I do—I can dance. But I prefer not to." "You're not fond of it?" “Oh, no, I love to dance! I just don't like the attention that comes with it. People staring at you just waiting for you to mess up..." You give a little shudder and then smile. "I do believe that's one of my worst nightmares." Vronsky laughs. "I was going to ask you for a dance but now that you've just said that, it's made me self-conscious." You grin up at him. "Sorry." He waves a hand in the air, dismissing your comment. He's silent for a few seconds and then he stares at you. “What?" You frown. “You know, there's an empty balcony through those double doors." He says, nodding to the doors across the room. "No one goes at there. We-we could dance there. We'd still be able to hear the music." He offers. He holds out his hand. You slowly smile and put your hand in his. ——— The double doors close behind Vronsky and you. He was right: you can still hear the music out here. There's a crescent moon in the cloudy night sky. You can't stop smiling. Vronsky moves one arm around your back and pulls you near him. You both sway to the music for a minute, getting the feeling of it. Then Vronsky sweeps you away, both of you dancing the length of the balcony and then back again. He smiles down at you. "You're a wonderful dancer, Y/N." “And you're a wonderful partner." You comment. He and you talk as you dance the night away. Time flies quickly and, before you know it, the music stops. When it stops, so does Vronsky. Both of you are breathless, arms still around each other. “The music stopped." You state the obvious. “I think the party is ending. People are leaving." Your eyes widen. "My aunt—she came with me. She's probably looking for me." You gasp, before pulling yourself out of Vronsky's arms. You give him a quick curtsy. "Thank you for everything. I had a lovely evening." You say hurriedly before all but running out the doors. Vronsky stares after you as you exit the double doors, his arms feeling empty and cold. He hates it. "Y/N, wait!" He exclaims, running after you. ——— "What do you mean she's gone?" You ask the butler. No way would your aunt leave without you. It's impossible...Isn't it? “She didn't know where you were. She thought you went back home so she left. She seemed to be a little..." The butler trails off awkwardly. “Tipsy?" You fill in for him. “Yes, miss." “Thank you." You say tightly. He walks away. “Y/N, wait!" You hear a voice call from behind you. You turn and see Vronsky running towards you. "Don't go. Not yet." He breathes, coming up before you. “Apparently I'm not going anywhere." His eyebrows knit. "I-I don't understand." “My aunt—she left without me. When we were dancing on the balcony, she thought I left to go home. So she left. Without me." “Oh, Y/N, I'm so sorry." Vronsky whispers. You smile and shrug. "I'm not. I danced with you the whole night. I'd do it again." You reply. He smiles at you. "Well, I guess I'd better get a carriage to take me home or something." You say, starting for the door. Vronsky grabs your arm, stopping you. "Or-or I could take you home." “Oh, no, I couldn't have you do that. That'd be a total inconvenience." You stammer nervously. “Nonsense. I must take you. It's my fault your aunt left without you." “All right." You smile. ——— When you get outside, you both stop and gasp softly. "It's snowing." You whisper. It's falling steadily and already starting to blanket the earth. “Y/N, how far is your house from here?" Vronsky asks. “Two miles, I suppose." You reply in confusion. "Why do you ask?" “Would you like to walk instead of ride in the carriage? I love walking in the snow. It's so peaceful and quiet." You smile. "I'd love that." Vronsky tucks your hand in the crook of his elbow and then you both start the walk to your house. By time you're halfway to your house, everything is white. It's absolutely beautiful. You laugh with glee and twirl in the snow. “Oh, this is amazing!" You exclaim. Vronsky laughs, watching you. "Yes it is." He says intently. You look at him and flush. He takes your hand and squeezes it. ——— Vronsky and you stop right outside your home's front gate. He faces you and takes both of your hands in his. "Will I see you again?" He whispers hopefully. “I-I don't know." You murmur. His hold on your hands tighten and he frowns. “What do you mean?" “Well I'm sure the Count Alexei Kirillovich Vronsky is a very busy man who doesn't have time for someone like me." You remind him. He steps closer to you, his warm breath making little puffs of whiteness appear in the air. It mixes with yours. “And what are you, Y/N L/N?" He whispers, his eyes on your lips. You swallow, your mouth suddenly dry. "I'm-I'm a nobody." You choke out. You look away. “No. Not to me you aren't." He tells you softly. You drag your eyes up to meet his. “What am I to you, Vronsky?" “Something special. I know I just met you but I'm so-I'm so taken with you. You're absolutely enchanting. You're not like other girls. You're intelligent. You know what you want. You don't let the ways of the world sway your opinion. You're spirited and kind. Your heart is beautiful.'re beautiful." He whispers. You smile up at him as he cups your face in his gloved hands. "I've known you only for a night but I feel like I've known you whole my life. I only want more. I want to learn more about you. I want to know you." Vronsky looks at your mouth and then back at your eyes, silently asking permission. You give him the barest of nods and he leans his head down, kissing you. It's like nothing you've ever experienced before. You sigh and wrap your arms around him, kissing him back. He deepens the kiss. “Y/N?" You suddenly hear your aunt call from the front door. You quickly shuffle Vronsky behind one of the large, brick gate pillars. “I have to go." You breathe against his mouth. His arms don't move. He kisses you again. You kiss him back. "Y/N, is that you?" Your aunt calls again. You push against Vronsky, breaking apart. "I'll-I'll see you soon." You say breathlessly, holding his hand in yours. You start to walk away. He pulls you back and you giggle. “Vronsky." You chide. He grins and gives you a series of short, sweet kisses. He grabs you by the shoulders and then puts you at arms length. “Now go before I can't help myself anymore." He says. You grin and give him one more kiss. "I'll see you soon." You whisper. He smiles at you and squeezes your hand before you quickly open the gate. "Here I am, aunt. Sorry about that. I was just looking at the snow." You fib. "Heavens, child, you walked here in the snow? Alone?" Your aunt asks, grabbing your arm and pulling you inside. Before she closes the door, you look out the door and see Vronsky watching you. Your heart bursts with joy. “Yes." You lie to your aunt, smiling. [THE END] I hope you liked it!