IMAGINE: James thinking you’re dead

You watch as Kong and the huge Skullcrawler brutally fight. You're up high on a cliff, safely out of harm’s reach. The Skullcrawler is taking a beating by Kong. You silently cheer Kong on. “Come on." You whisper eagerly as they fight. You glance at Captain James Conrad, who's on the ground, and you smile to yourself. While you're trapped on this island with James and his crew, there's no one else you'd rather be with than him. You're in love with him. Suddenly Kong picks up the Skullcrawler by the tail and hurtles him into the cliff you're standing on. You scream as parts of the cliff give way, sending you sprawling towards the water. “Y/N!!" You hear James scream. Your shriek gets caught off as you hit the water with such an impact, you're paralyzed. You sink beneath the waters, panic striking your heart. You can't move your arms and legs, no matter how hard you try. You feel your lungs quickly squeeze out the last of their air. The last thing you think of is James's face and you squeeze your eyes shut, your heart breaking in two, as you slip into darkness. ——— Someone breathes air into your lungs and your eyes fly open. You sit up, coughing up water and spitting it out. James sits back with a sigh relief. Panting, you look at him. “What happened?" You breathe. "Kong pulled you out of the water and saved you. He laid you on the bank, but you were unconscious." James explains. “But I'm not unconscious now..." He blushes and looks down. "I, uh, I gave you mouth to mouth." He admits. You blush. "Oh." You sigh. "Well, thank you." You smile. "I-I-I-" You stammer. You suddenly throw your arms around him and hug him tightly. He stiffens in surprise and then relaxes. His arms slowly move around you and he pulls you against him. You sigh and close your eyes. "Thank you, James. For saving my life and not letting me die." You whisper against his warm neck. He caresses your wet hair. "You're welcome, Y/N." He whispers back. "I was freaking out. I thought you were going to die on me." You swallow as his voice cracks. "You know, I thought I was going to die. The last person I thought of before I passed out" You whisper. James pulls his head back to look at you. Tears fill your eyes. "And I realized what a fool I was. I could have died not telling you of my feelings. I could have died not knowing if you could have loved me as I love you." You breathe. He cups your face and brushes his thumbs across your cheekbones. "Oh, Y/N, that's exactly what was going through my head as I gave you mouth to mouth. And I don't want to make that mistake again." He tells you. He swallows and looks you square in the eye. "Y/N L/N, I've been in love with you since the first moment I laid eyes on you. You have captured my heart like no other has before. I'm so crazily, desperately in love with you. And I always will be." He whispers. You slowly smile at him. "I love you too, James. I will love you until my dying day." You choke out. “Hopefully that's not for another 60 years." He murmurs, before pulling you to him and kissing you passionately. His hands sink through your hair, pulling you close to him. You kiss him back, never wanting to let go. [THE END] I hope you liked it!