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IMAGINE: Getting angry at Charlie

       You're helping Charlie, your best friend since you were 4, get his house set up for his girlfriend’s surprise birthday party that's happening tonight. "She's going to absolutely love, Charlie." You say. He grins at you and your stomach flops. While Charlie and you are very close, it's obvious he doesn't feel the same way you feel about him. You're in love with him and he's in love with his girlfriend, Morgana. You're trying to be supportive of him, but it hurts so much when he talks about her. It’s how you wish he'd talk about you. “Thanks so much for helping me with this, Y/N. I honestly couldn't have done it without you." Charlie says, stringing up streamers. You swallow past the lump in your throat. "Yeah-yeah, of course." You breathe, standing at the counter, making cookies. “You okay?" Charlie asks, looking at you. You give him a fake, reassuring smile. "Yep, doing good!" You exclaim. He smiles and then goes back to work. You sigh, your shoulders slumping.  ———       Charlie and you are setting the tables. "Oh, Y/N, if you could just see Morgana...she's amazing. Incredible! Oh my gosh, she's the best." Charlie gushes. He acts like you've never met the girl before when you have. Plenty of times. You clutch onto the forks and knives you're holding in your hand. Charlie has been going on and on about her for the past few minutes. It's really getting under your skin. Just hearing the name Morgana makes you want to take the knives in your hand and smash them into the table. You take in a deep, stuttering breath, trying to calm yourself. “I think-I think I'm going to marry her." Charlie states. That brings your head up, your heart nearly stopping. He's not even looking at you. He's smiling at the picture of Morgana on the counter top, looking so crazily in love. "She's just so beautiful. Because of her, I feel this need to be better. I feel like I need to be better because of her. She's the love of my life. She always will be. No one compares to her." He whispers. That does it. You snap. You slam the silverware down on the table and Charlie looks at you in surprise. Angry tears fill your eyes and you are shaking. "That-that is it! I can't take it anymore!" You exclaim. Charlie's eyebrows draw. "What..." He whispers. “All you ever do is talk about Morgana! And I'm sick of it! Your life practically revolves around her! We can't have a normal conversation without you bringing her up! Morgana this, Morgana that. You act like she's the only person that cares about you when in truth I care very deeply about you! In fact, I even love you!" You shout out in a fury. Your eyes widen at the realization of what you said and then you blush crimson. Charlie's mouth is hanging open and he's in shock." “Excuse me, I need to go." You mumble, before brushing past him and running out of his house. You take off running, leaving your car in Charlie's driveway. You can't drive right now–you're too worked up. You're adrenaline is spiked and you need to run to get rid of all this energy. You run down the street, your legs pumping beneath you, the cold air stinging your lungs. It feels wonderful. Your mind replays everything that just happened. "I can't believe I told him I love him." You mutter to yourself. You're never going to show your face around him ever again. You don't know how far or how long you run for, but when you can go no further, you collapse onto a bench in a park, panting hard. You bury your face in your hands and then brush the hair back from your face. You close to your eyes, surrounded in the silence. Suddenly you hear a car coming and your eyes fly open. When you realize it's Charlie's car, you start to take off running. Charlie speeds up to catch up with your speed and then lowers the passenger side window. “Y/N, please stop running, we need to talk." He says softly. “No, we don't." You pant out, keeping your pace. “Yes, we do! You told me how you feel about me girlfriend. We need to talk and discuss it!" He exclaims. You wince at the use of the word 'girlfriend'. You ignore him. "Y/N, please just get in the car. Please." He begs. You look at him and that's your mistake. The look on his face breaks your heart. You stop running and Charlie stops the car. You stare at each other for a long while. “Okay." You relent, walking to his car. You open up the door and sit in his car, silent. “How long have you been in love with me for?" He asks after a long minute of silence. “For as long as I can remember." You answer, not meeting his gaze. "How come you never told me?" You look up at him miserably. "Because you didn't seem interested." “Y/N, I always thought of you as a friend—“ He starts to say. You hold up your hand, stopping him. "Yeah, yeah, and this is the part where you put me in the friend-zone permanently." You interrupt. Charlie grabs your hand and brings it down. "Listen to me, listen to me." He says softly, his hand still holding yours. "I won't lie: I've entertained the idea of us being together. I thought you weren't interested. And then when I met Morgana...well, things shifted between you and me. I started a serious relationship and you took a step back." “I took a step back because it hurt so much to see you with somebody else." You tell him. He stares at you and slowly nods. "I am sorry, Y/N. Truly sorry. If-if I had known...things might have been different." “It's fine, don't worry about it." You mumble, turning away from him. He catches your arm. "No, Y/N, it's not fine. We've been friends since, like, forever. It's your feelings we're talking about—your heart. It's not fine." “You turn to face him. "Charlie, look. Your feelings for me will never change. You love Morgana and I have to learn to accept that, okay?" You grit out. "So can we please just drive back to your house and get ready for her party? There's still a ton to do." Charlie stares at you, clearly wanting to say more. You look away from him and cross your arms, signaling that this conversation is over. Permanently. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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