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IMAGINE: Tej realizing his feelings for you

     The rest of the team and you sit in Mr. Nobody's secret headquarters in El Segundo, California. Dominic Toretto, your older brother, is explaining his plans to have the team save a hacker, Ramsey, from a terrorist. In return, Mr. Nobody will allow Dominic to use a hacking program to find Deckard Shaw. You're sitting next to Tej Parker, your very good friend. You nudge him gently and lean in. "What are you thinking?" You whisper in his ear. He looks at you, his dark eyes staring into yours. "I don't know. I don't trust this Mr. Nobody, but I like his idea." He whispers back. You give him a nod. "Same." Dominic looks at you. "You good?" He nods. “Yeah, of course." You answer. You've been apart of the team for a very long time, yet Dominic seems to think that you're going to pull out any minute. You have to keep reminding him that you're on the team for the long run. You watch Tej get up to talk quietly with your brother. You tilt your head as Tej is moving his hands, expressive. For the first time, a weird feeling stirs in your heart. You frown in confusion. Your heart starts to pound wildly and you look away, your eyes wide. What is this that you're feeling? It's stolen your breath. Tej sits back down next to you with a sigh. "I guess we're going for it." He breathes. You look at him. "It'll be okay." You offer him a smile. He smiles back and your stomach flops. You look away quickly. “Are you okay?" Tej asks worriedly, touching your hand. Electric shocks move up your arm and you gasp softly. "Yeah, I'm fine." You murmur. ———      The team lands safely on the ground after jumping out of the plane with their cars. You're on the mountainous road where Ramsey's kidnappers are on their war to their secret cave. You drive next to Tej. You're in Subaru WRX. He looks at you and grins. You grin back. You know exactly what Tej is feeling—this invigorating feeling. You also know you're feeling something he’s not—your feelings for him. They're growing larger and intensifying every second. Tej moves in front of your car since he has the safest car. You silent curse your non-bullet proof car. When you return, you need an upgrade. You're right behind Tej as he follows Ramsey's kidnappers. Bullets ring out. Tej swerves and you follow blindly. A bullet shatters your windshield and you scream out in surprise. Cold air swishes at you, blowing your hair back. You hear more bullets and your heart pounds nervously. You jump back against your seat as a bullet pierces your shoulder. You cry out in pain, clutching your profusely bleeding shoulder, your car swerving madly. More bullets fly past your head. Some hit the seats, a couple hit you. One grazes your head, the other hits your collarbone. You scream in pain, moving your other hand off the steering wheel to grasp at your head. Your car slams into a railing. Your head slams back against the headrest and you're motionless. ———      Tej watches your car spin out and crash. "Y/N!" He screams in horror. His foot moves over the brake but he doesn't press down. If he turns around to go to you, he'll endanger the whole mission. His mind races. He likes you. A lot. But this mission is important. "But so is she..." He whispers. He growls in frustration and then steps on the gas. He can't endanger the mission, he keeps telling himself. He looks at the rear view mirror and his heart sinks. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry." Tej chokes out. He realizes how much he's come to care for you—not only as a friend or teammate, but as something more. Much more... ———     You wake up some time later. You feel terrible. You lift your head with difficulty. Your car is coated in blood. Your blood. You gasp softly. "Rendezvous point...have to get to the Rendezvous point." You whisper, shakily starting your car. It sputters and then comes to life. You drive to the meeting point. You almost black out a few times. The pain is nearly unbearable. You stop about a quarter mile away from the meeting point. You can't drive anymore. You lean forward on the steering wheel and see a woman who must be Ramsey. You spot Tej talking privately with Roman Pearce. “Tej." You whisper, fumbling with the door handle. You push open the door and all but fall out your car. You walk stiltedly before falling to your knees, unable to go anymore. Tears well in your eyes and you silently cry as the pain becomes unbearable. “Y/N!" Tej screams as you turn and fall onto your back. You've never seen someone run a quarter mile faster than he has. He falls to his knees beside you and gasps in horror, paling. "Oh no. Oh no. Oh no." He whispers, pulling you into his arms. His eyes scan over your body, looking at all of the bullet holes. "Oh, my sweet Y/N." He whispers, holding you close. You blink in shock, unsure if you heard him correctly. You figure at this point, because of the blood loss, you're hallucinating. “Y/N needs to get to the hospital! Call in a chopper!" He screams. He sounds completely panicked. You stare up at him. "Tej." You whisper. He looks down at you and you see the tears in his eyes. "In case I don't get a chance to say it later..." You start. "No, Y/N, no, don't say that. You're going to be okay. You're going to be fine. Help is on the way." He interrupts. You ignore him. "I just want to tell you that I love you." You whisper, before closing your eyes. ———      You wake up in a hospital room, the beep of the heart monitor stirring you from your dreams of driving. Tej is sitting next to your side, his head resting on your arm. He's softly snoring. You smile weakly and lift your other hand over to caress his hair. He wakes up with a start and looks at you. "Y/N!" He gasps, grabbing your hands. “Hey." You smile. “I'm-I'm so glad you're okay. I thought-I thought we were going to lose you." “You almost did." “Y/N, what you said...the last thing you said to me before you passed out..." Tej says. Your eyes widen and you blush. You forgot you told him about your feelings. "It made me realize something. I didn't want to go another second without telling you that I love you too. I vowed that I would tell you of my feelings as soon as you woke up. I was so scared you weren't going to. And-and I wouldn't have been able to live with myself without telling you how I feel about you." He says. You smile and cup his face. "Kiss me, Tej. I'd do it, but my head hurts to lean forward." You tell him. He grins and leans forward, kissing you softly. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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