IMAGINE: Henry saving you after you’ve been kidnapped

You sag against the ship wall, the chains holding you in place, and silently weep. The ship creaks and rocks against the waves. Your wrists and ankles are cuffed and chained to the wall. Your appendages are chafed and bloody from you pulling at the chains, trying to escape. You are on the Silent Mary, Captain Salazar’s ship. You were kidnapped by Salazar and his crew. You don't know what for. All they've done is beaten and abused you. You lick your dry lips and wince when you taste the blood. A split lip. You're sure you look like a mess; you feel like a mess. Every minute of the day you dream of Henry Turner, your boyfriend, coming to save you. You hear footsteps coming down the stairs. You scramble to your feet and back up against the wall, breathing hard. It's one of Salazar's crewmen. He grins at you. "Not so brave and bold are we now, missie?" He asks coyly. “What do you want?" You demand angrily. “The captain told me to give you this." He answers, before tossing a piece of bread–your first bit of food in over a day–right at your feet, just out of your reach. You jump for it, but the chains hold you back from grabbing it. You groan in frustration as the crewman cackles before disappearing up the stairs. You strain against the cuffs, trying to reach the piece of bread, pain searing into your raw skin. You cry out and slump against the wall, panting. ——— You wake up to the hunger pains in your stomach. You groan and squeeze your eyes shut. Sleep is your only escape from this nightmare. And now you can barely do that. The heavy sounds of footsteps makes you shakily straighten. Men. A lot of them. Salazar's men come down the stairs with torches. They stare at you. "The captain wants you." One states, stepping forward and blessedly unlocks the chains from your wrists and ankles. He grabs your arms and drags you up the stairs, the rest of the crew following. Once you're up on deck, you sigh with relief. You haven't been outside since you were first kidnapped. A wave splashes against the side of the ship, spewing water everywhere. You feel the droplets hit your skin and smile, your lips cracking. It's nighttime and the stars shine brightly. The man holding you suddenly shoves you to the ground and you fall painfully on your knees. Two boots come into your line of vision. You slowly look up and your stomach drops when you see it's Captain Salazar. You gulp. “You're surprisingly resilient...for a woman." He says, his accent thick. "You'd be surprised how resilient women can be." You retort. He just stares down at you. You shift uncomfortably under his gaze. “Stand up.” Salazar commands. You don’t do it. You can’t do it. You’re too weak. He bends down lower, close to your face. “I said...stand...up.” He growls. “I cannot.” You whisper, not meeting his gaze. He nods to his men and they roughly haul you to your feet. You cry out, gasping. They hold you in place. “Wha-what are you going to do to me?” You ask, your voice quaking. He looks at you and then ever-so-slowly smiles. “We’re going to break you.” He laughs softly. ——— An hour later, they throw you in a pile below deck and then leave you. You stare up at the ceiling, your lips parted, dazed. Blood runs from your temple down the side of your face. They abused you. They beat you more harsh than they’ve ever beaten you. You can’t even blink, your body in so much pain. Why they just won’t kill you, you don’t know. But at this point, you wish they had. You hear the crew of the Silent Mary laughing above deck. Your head lolls against the dirty floor and your eyes slowly shut, wanting to welcome the eternal forever sleep that just won’t come. ——— “Y/N! Y/N!” You hear someone harshly whispering, gently shaking you. You groan and slowly drag your eyes open. Henry. You smile weakly and shakily lift your hand up to caress his face, every movement aching. “Am I in heaven?” You croak out. Henry smiles and covers your hand on his face. “No, darling.” He whispers. “Are you real?” You ask in disbelief. He kisses your hand. “Yes, my love, I’m real.” He whispers. “We need to hurry though. Most of the crew is asleep and we need to escape.” The thought of moving is impossible. “I can’t move, Henry. Everything hurts.” You choke out. He looks down at you in confusion. “What have they done to you?” He breathes in horror. You give your head the tiniest shake. He frowns and gathers you into his arms, electing a loud groan from you. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Henry whispers. You rest your head against his shoulder, feeling like passing out. He puts you onto his back and instructs you to hold on tightly. He pulls on a cape to cover both of you and pulls the hood on top of his head. “This’ll all be over soon.” He whispers to you. “Okay.” You murmur, gripping onto him. You don’t know what his plan is but you hope it’s good. He walks unabashedly onto the deck and goes to the side. There’s a rope hanging over the side that leads to a rowboat. “Oye! What are you doing?” A voice asks from behind Henry and you. Henry stills and slowly turns around, keeping his head lowered. “I-I-I thought I heard something. I went to go check it out.” He says, his voice garbled. “And?” The man asks. “And nothing. Nothing was there.” Henry replies. The man stares at him unsurely. You squeeze your eyes shut. You’re totally going to get caught. “Fine. Go about your business.” The crewman states, before walking off. Henry and you both breathe a sigh of relief. “Let’s go.” He says, before moving over the side of the boat. He slowly, carefully makes his way down the rope. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You whisper over and over again. He drops down to the boat, panting. “It’s okay.” He says. You lay at the bottom of the boat as he unties the rope from the boat. He rows away as quick as he can from the Silent Mary. ——— You wake up to the sun shining down on your face. You squint and sit up. “Henry?” You ask. He looks at you and smiles brightly. “You’re up.” “Are we safe?” You ask worriedly. He nods and looks to the horizon. “No sign of Salazar as of yet.” He answers. He helps you sit up and you groan. He sits next to you and gently cups your face, looking over your bruises and scrapes. “What did they do to you?” “Horrible things, Henry. They beat me.” “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry.” He whispers, gently hugging you. You sigh and snuggle against him. “I thought I was going to die. I wanted to die.” You admit. “I’m here now. Everything is going to be okay.” He whispers, running his hand through your hair. He kisses your hair. “Please never leave me.” You beg. “I won’t.” He sighs. He pulls back and kisses your lips ever so softly. [THE END] I hope you liked it!