IMAGINE: Fili, Thorin, and Kili being in our world

Thorin, Fili, Kili, and you walk to the icerink, ice skates in hand. "So you're saying there's ice that we can skate on?" Fili asks curiously. You smile at him and nod. "Yeah, it's really fun." "And these pointy things will help us do it?" Kili asks. "Yes, those skates will help you do it." You laugh. One afternoon, Thorin, Fili, and Kili stumbled out of the forest in your backyard. They claimed they were from another place called Middle Earth. At first you thought they were completely nuts–and that they possibly escaped from a mental hospital. But their clothes and weapons at their sides made you believe them. They somehow found a portal in their world that led to ours. They've been staying in your house and you're trying to get them adjusted to life in the present day. Today you're taking them to an outside icerink. You glance at Thorin who looks emotionless. While Fili and Kiki have been looking at your world with childlike wonder, Thorin has been like a stone. You don't know what it's going to take for him to loosen up a little bit. ——— You help Fili and Kili tie on the skates. "You want help?" You ask Thorin. "I've got it." He grumbles, hurrying to lace up his skates. You frown. "You guys ready?" You turn to Fili and Kili. They nod excitedly. You step out onto the ice, grinning at them. "Whoa." Kili gasps as you glide. He shakily steps out and almost falls. Fili grabs him and holds him upright. "Careful, brother." He warns. You skate over to them and grab both of their hands. "We can do it slowly." You say, slowly pulling them both out onto the ice. You feel Thorin watching you. Fili and Kili are very shaky at first, but then in a few minutes, they are slowly skating. "Wow, you two are naturals." You say in amazement. "Eh, it's not that hard. Kili and I used to slide across the ice back home in our boots." Fili explains. "Some of us didn't have time for childish games." Thorin grumbles underneath his breath. He's still sitting at the bench. You sigh and skate over to him. You step off the rink and walk over to him. You sit down on the bench next to him. You both watch Fili and Kili skating and goofing off. " you at least want to try and skate?" You ask Thorin slowly. "I don't even know how." He says. You smile a little. "So? You're never going to learn if you don't try." He looks at you, his blue eyes piercing yours. "Why are you doing this?" He asks, his voice husky. "Doing what?" You ask in confusion. "Helping us. Being so kind to us. You don't even know us." You take a deep breath and look away. "I'm doing it because I know that if I were in your position, I'd want someone to treat me the same way. I wouldn't want to be lost. I wouldn't want anyone to treat me wrongly." You explain. You look back at him and, for the first time,Thorin smiles at you unabashedly. In the past, you've caught him looking at Fili and Kili with a smile, but as soon as he'd catch you staring at him, the smile would drop. Now he's actually smiling at you. You can't help but smile back. "So would you like to give it a try?" You ask hopefully, standing up and holding out your hand to Thorin. He gives you a nod and slides his hand into yours. Skating doesn't come as natural to Thorin as it does to Fili and Kili. Thorin has a death grip on both of your hands. You're facing him, skating backwards, gently pulling him towards you. "You've got this. That's it, that's it." You coax. His moves are stilted and short. "You have to glide, Thorin. You can't be so tense. Relax." You say. He takes a deep breath and his body relaxes. "Good." You smile as he skates towards you on his own. Suddenly Fili and Kili come barreling into him. Thorin cries out in surprise and falls forward. "Thorin!" You exclaim, moving in front of him so he doesn't hit the ice face first. He falls on top of you and you both crash to the ice, your body protecting his. Pain radiates throughout your back and you grimace. Fili and Kili are entangled on the ice about three feet away. "Oh! Uncle, Y/N, we're so sorry!" Fili gasps in horror, shakily standing up. He helps Kili up. "We're so sorry!" Kili exclaims. Thorin looks down at you, his face right above yours about an inch and a half away. You smile nervously, your heart tripping over its own beat. Thorin flushes. "Sorry." He whispers, slowly getting up off of you. Fili and Kili help him up and brush him down. You push yourself up and lightly groan, your neck aching you. "Y/N, are you all right?" Kili asks worriedly. Thorin looks at you with concern. Fili and Thorin help you up and you sigh. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." You answer, slowly rolling your shoulders. "I-I think I'm just going to sit down for a little bit." "l'll help you." Thorin rushes to say, putting an arm around your waist. "You guys go have fun." You smile at Fili and Kili. Thorin gently helps you off the ice and then helps you sit down. "Ah, thank you." You whisper. "I'm sorry, Y/N." Thorin frowns. "Why are you sorry? It's not your fault." You say, staring at him. "I would've face planted into the ice if you hadn't shifted your body in front of mine. You took the fall instead of me. And I just landed on top of you, making it worse." He explains, blushing. "Thorin, it's fine. Don't worry about it. I'll be fine. I'm just a little sore, that's all." You say, smiling at him. "I'll be sure to punish Kili and Fili." "What? Thorin, no! It's not their fault either. It was an accident. They were just having fun." "Are you sure?" Thorin asks. "Yes, yes, I'm sure." You nod. He smiles. "Thank you." He whispers. He entwines your fingers with yours, his eyes staring into yours. "Thank you. For everything." He says softly. "You're welcome." You smile. [THE END] I hope you liked it!