IMAGINE: Nicholas and you falling in love

| IMAGINE for @skywalker_princess | You watch the couples dance to the classical music and you laugh joyously. It's your best friend Mia's 21st birthday ball. You find Mia in the arms of a handsome, young bachelor. You came to Genovia with Mia to get her settled into her new life. She is to be queen of Genovia. “Do you not have a partner or are you just being antisocial?" A man asks, stepping up beside you. You swivel your head to look at him in surprise. "Excuse me?" You ask. He looks at you and your heart nearly stops. He's handsome. You swallow. The stranger breaks a smile. "I'm kidding." “Oh." You laugh nervously. “I'm Lord Nicholas Devereaux." He states. Disappointment hits you on that one but you try not to show it. Any hope of him liking you is completely dashed. No way would a lord go for you—just a normal, everyday girl. “Y/N L/N." You answer. "Just Y/N. No lady or countess." You add wryly. Nicholas smiles and bends forward to kiss your hand, his eyes never leaving yours. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N." He tells you genuinely. You can't help but smile back. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, my lord." You say with a little curtsy. “Oh, please, please, you don't need to curtsy. It's fine." He laughs softly. You blush gently. "Would you like to dance?" He asks. “If I said no, would that be too antisocial of me?" You smirk. He grins widely. "Maybe." “Then yes, I'll dance with you." You reply, sliding your hand into his outstretched one. Nicholas and you dance to the music. You catch Mia's eyes a few times and she raises her eyebrows at you. You smile at her. “Do you know her?" Nicholas asks. "Hmm? What?" You ask, snapping your attention back to him. “Princess Mia. Do you know her?" “Oh, yes, yes. She's one of my best friends. She's the one that invited me here." “Ah, I see. I see." He murmurs, glancing at Mia. He then meets the eyes of an older gentleman across the room and you notice the subtle nod. “You know him? The older dude in the back?" You ask, nodding to the man. Nicholas laughs softly. "That older 'dude' is Viscount Mabrey—my uncle." “Oh. Oh my goodness." You breathe in horror, flushing red. "Sorry." You grimace. “It's fine, don't worry about it." He says, smiling at you. Your heart races and you shyly look away. ——— You flop onto Mia's bed, exhausted. "I feel like I could sleep for years." You murmur. She sits on the bed, grinning at you. "You and Lord Devereaux seemed very familiar with each other." She points out. You sit up and blush. He pretty much stuck by you the whole entire not. He did dance one dance with Mia but then went straight back to you. You couldn't complain. You loved every second of it. “I-I don't know what you're talking about." You lie, pulling a piece of your hair behind your ear. “Oh, come on, Y/N, he danced with you the whole entire night! He couldn't keep his eyes off of you!" Mia exclaims. "Really?" You ask hopefully. “Yes, really!" She laughs. You grin happily. "He's pretty cute." “I knew you liked him." Mia snickers. You touch your flaming cheeks. "Is it that obvious?" You sigh. "I never expected to come to Genovia and meet someone—much less a lord for that matter." “But you have." “But I have..." You echo. You lay back with a sigh. "Boy, I've got it bad." You whisper. ——— You're in the expansive library, pouring over books, when Mia bursts into the room, her face red. "Whoa, girl, chill. You look like you just ran a marathon or something." You say, sitting back and watching her as she wildly paces. “Well I certainly feel like I could!" She exclaims. “What happened?" “I-I-I have to get married in 30 days." You jump out of your chair. "You what?!" You gasp. “I have to get married in 30 days or else your Lord Devereaux becomes king of Genovia." She clarifies. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, back up!" You exclaim, holding your hands up. “Lord Devereaux is also an heir to the throne of Genovia. If I don't get married within 30 days, I can't be queen. So instead, the kingdom goes straight to Nicholas." “Oh my gosh." You whisper. “Oh, it gets even better. My grandmother invited Nicholas to come and stay here at the palace!" She explains. Your eyes widen. This can be a very good thing and a very bad thing. Good because you get to see him, bad because he's going to be competing with Mia for the crown. “What-what are you going to do?" You ask. She stops pacing and looks at you. "I'm getting married." She sighs. ——— Two weeks later, you walk down the stairs, preparing to go for a walk outside in the gardens. "Y/N, you're here." You hear someone say from the top of the stairs. You turn and see Nicholas smiling at you. You remain passive. You're still angry at him for trying to steal Mia's crown. You're also angry at yourself because you find yourself falling more and more in love with him each day. It doesn't help that you just happen to run into him wherever you go. “Nicholas, you're here." You say. "I've been looking for you." “Here I am." You murmur, turning your back to him and walking down the stairs. Nicholas follows you. "Are you okay? You seem angry with me. Is it because of me being an heir to the throne of Genovia?" “Me? Angry? About you trying to steal my best friend's crown? What in the world would make you think that?" You ask sarcastically. “Look, I'm not trying to steal her crown. We're both heirs to the thrown! You could say that Mia's stealing my crown." “See, that's the thing: she's not. Mia wasn't interested in taking anyone's crown. But now you're making her compete for it, Nicholas. Really?" You say. You stop at the bottom of the stairs, cross your arms, and glare at him. He's closer than you expected. "Where's your chivalry? Or is that dead among young lords?" You scoff. "Y/N." Nicholas frowns. Your shoulders drop. You didn't mean to be so harsh on him but you just can't help it. You're very protective over Mia. Nicholas grabs your hand suddenly and pulls you outside. "What are you doing?" You ask, keeping up with him. He doesn't say anything until he gets you out of sight of the palace guards. He then takes you into a corner, blocking you both from anyone's view. He puts you against a wall and stares down at you. “What are you doing?" You whisper harshly, taking notice of how his hands gently grip your shoulders, holding you in place. Your breath is coming quick and your heart pounds at his nearness. "I don't-I don't want the thrown, Y/N." He admits tightly. “Then what, Nicholas? You're still hanging around as if you're planning to snatch it right out from underneath Mia. What could you possibly want besides the thrown? What is making you stay in the palace besides competing for the thrown?" You demand. “You." He whisper. You search his eyes and find him perfectly serious. "What." You breathe. He leans his head down and kisses you deeply. You want to resist but the next thing you know, you're wrapping your arms around him and kissing him back. A minute later you pull your head back, breathless. "What-what are we going to do?" You whisper. “I don't know yet. I'll figure something up." Nicholas whispers, resting his forehead against yours. "You're a lord and I'm a...peasant." “Be quiet, you're not a peasant. You're anything but a peasant." He whispers before kissing you again. ——— You don't sleep a wink that night, your thoughts racing a mile a minute. When Mia bursts through your door at 8 A.M., you're wide eyed. "Y/N, get up!" She exclaims. “I'm up, I'm up." You sigh. You look at her and see the excitement on her face. "What's going on?" You ask. "Nicholas just announced that he's stepping down as an heir. He doesn't want the throne." She states excitedly. You laugh in surprise, grinning. "Really? That's wonderful!" “I know!" She squeals. “If you'll excuse me, I have something I need to do." You say, throwing on your baby blue silk robe you got as a gift from the queen. You all but run to the other side of the palace, maids and guards giving you bizarre looks. You spot Nicholas standing beside a window, looking out of it. "Nicholas." You say, your voice echoing. He turns and looks at you, smiling. "Y/N." He breathes. You run to him and throw your arms around him. He spins you around. “Are you sure about this? Giving up the throne?" You whisper. “I'm sure." He replies. He sets you down and looks down at you. “What about your uncle?" “He'll probably hate me forever, but I don't really care." “And what about us?" He lifts his hand up to caress your face. "Yeah, us." He murmurs happily, before hugging you tightly. "How do you feel about becoming a lady?" “What?" You laugh in shock. “Y/N, I know we've only known each other for a few weeks. But I know I want to marry you. I know I do." He whispers. You squeeze your eyes shut and hold onto him tightly. "Are you sure?" You whisper. “I've never been more sure of anything in my whole entire life." He whispers back. You smile and sigh. "Then I'd feel wonderful becoming a lady." You tell him. He pulls his head back and kisses you passionately. [THE END] I hope you liked it!