IMAGINE: Peter missing homecoming

"Is he coming?" Your mother asks, watching you as you wait for Peter, your boyfriend, to come pick you up for homecoming. "Yeah, of course." You answer, despite the growing doubt. "Honey, you've been saying that for the past hour." Your mother says. Your shoulders drop. "I have to hope he's still coming. I've been texting him and I've received nothing." "Maybe you should just go without him." "No!" You exclaim. You cross your arms, your jaw set with determination. "I'm going with Peter or I'm not going at all." You tell her, crossing your arms. Your mom sighs and shrugs before walking off. You pull back the blinds and look out the window. Nothing. You frown. You know Peter is going through a tough time right now. He had a falling out with Tony Stark who demanded that he give his Spider-Man suit back. Peter reluctantly did and has been devastated ever since. You bite your lip, already knowing Peter isn't going to show up. "Mom, I'm gonna go talk to Peter." You announce. You change out of your heels and put on a pair of Converse instead. Peter lives a mile from you so you decide to walk. --- You knock on Peter's door and Aunt May opens it. She smiles at you. "Y/N, what are you doing here? Why aren't you at homecoming with Peter?" She asks in surprise. It takes her a second and then she frowns. "He didn't pick you up...did he?" You shake your head. "Ugh, Peter." She sighs. "He's been having such a hard time after he lost his...Stark internship." You choke out the last word. That's what Peter told you to call his superhero actions—the "Stark Internship". Aunt May nods. "I'm so sorry, Y/N." She apologizes. "Don't worry about it. I just want to know where he is so I can talk to him." Aunt May shrugs. "I don't know even know where he is. He told me he was picking you up so that's what I figured." You think for a minute, thinking of all of the places Peter likes to go to sort out his thoughts. Suddenly it hits you. "I think I might know where he is." You say, your eyes wide. --- You climb the metal winding stairs that leads to the roof of an old building where Peter and you like to hang out. When you reach the top, you see Peter, in his suit, sitting on the ledge. You sigh and walk towards him, your hands behind your back. "You know, most guys want to take their girlfriends to homecoming." You state. Peter looks at you in surprise. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" "Trying to find you." You answer, before climbing up onto the ledge next to him. You sit down. He swallows and looks you up and down. "You look beautiful." He whispers. You smile at him. "You look handsome." "Y/N, I'm so sorry." He groans. "I just...ugh." He grumbles, looking away. "Hey, hey, hey." You say softly, cupping his face. You turn his head gently to look at you. "It's going to be okay, Peter. I promise you it will. It's going to take time but it's going to happen." You whisper. You caresses his cheek. Peter smiles a little. "Thanks, Y/N." He whispers. You drop your hand and look out at the horizon. "Next time you're a no-show, let me know." You remind him. "I will." He murmurs, watching you. The cold breeze blows against your skin causing goosebumps to appear. "Oh, Y/N, you must be freezing." Peter says hurriedly, before removing his jacket. He places it around your shoulders immediately quenching the cold. You look at him and smile. "Thanks." "Since we're going to be totally late to homecoming and I totally owe it to you, what if we have our own little homecoming right here?" Peter asks suddenly. "Sure." You reply. You both get off the ledge. Peter turns on some music and then grabs your hand. He pulls you against him and then you both start to dance. You look up at him as he stares down at you. "Did Aunt May teach you how to dance?" You laugh. He grins and kisses your forehead. He wraps his arms tightly around you as you both sway to the music. "Yeah, she did." You rest your head on his chest and close your eyes. "Well, she did a good job, Peter." You murmur. Peter kisses your head and then rests his head on yours. [THE END] I hope you liked it!