IMAGINE: Telling Caspian you love him

You pace the library, your heart pounding wildly. "I can't-I can't do this." You whisper. "Y/N, yes, you can." Jerome, your friend, insists, watching you. "What if Caspian just likes me as a friend? If I tell him of my feelings for him, I could destroy our relationship!" You exclaim in desperation. Jerome jumps to his feet and stalks over to you. He grabs your shoulders and makes you stop. He stares into your eyes seriously. "Let me ask you something." He says. You nod. "Would you risk it this once of telling Caspian how you feel about him or would you rather die not knowing whether he loves you back?" Your eyebrows draw and your shoulders. "I would rather risk it. Not knowing whether he likes me is already killing me." "Could you imagine if Caspian does like you, Y/N? And what if you never tell him that you love him? You will go through your whole life missing out on something incredible with him all because you couldn't take the plunge and show your feelings. Don't make that mistake, Y/N." Jerome says. "You're right, you're right." You sigh. He smiles at you. "Caspian and you have been friends for as long as I can remember." "Which is what makes this so hard!" You exclaim. "It's going to be okay, Y/N. Really." Jerome whispers. "Can you promise me that?" You ask wistfully. "No." He frowns. You grimace. "Please, Y/N, just do it. You won't regret it. Even if Caspian just likes you as a friend. It's better to know whether he likes you or not than going to your grave not knowing." He tells you. You take a deep breath. "Okay, I'm going to do it." You whisper. --- Caspian is in his chart room, pouring over books and maps. "Is this a bad time?" You ask hopefully. Caspian looks up at you and smiles. Your heart trips over its beat. "Y/N. No, no, no, it's not a bad time." He grins. A sinking feeling hits your stomach. "Oh." You falter. You clear your throat and walk in. Caspian watches you as you sit down. Your legs literally shake you're so nervous. You jump to your feet and start pacing. "Uh-oh, I know that look. You need to tell me something." Caspian states. You let out a shaky breath and nod. "From the way you're not speaking, it's not good news." You glance at him. "It depends on how you feel about it." You mutter. "About what?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing. You take a seat again and stare straight at him. Your heart is about to rip through your chest it's beating so hard. Your breath comes fast. "Y/N, take a deep breath. You look like you're about to pass out." Caspian soothes. You do as he says and gulp hard. "Caspian." You start. He smiles at you and you nearly lose your courage. You close your eyes, take another deep breath, and then open them. You almost glare at him as you start again. "Caspian, I love you. Not as a sister-brother type of thing, or even a friend-friend type of thing. Well, I mean, I do love you like a friend too, because you are my best friend. But, Caspian, I love you like a boyfriend-girlfriend type of thing." You blurt out. You sink against the back of your chair with relief. Caspian just stares at you. You get a sudden feeling that this was a bad idea. A very, very, very bad idea. You stand up. "Y-you-you know what? Just forget I even said anything. It's not important. It doesn't really matter. I'll see you at dinner. Bye." You say quickly, before turning and rushing to the door. "Y/N, wait!" Caspian exclaims. You stop just as you're about to twist the door handle. "Please wait." He whispers, moving around his desk. You slowly turn around and look at him. He stands in front of you. "Please, Caspian, I'm sorry. Just forget I even said anything." You plead in a whisper. "I won't forget you ever said anything. Not for the rest of my life." "Great." You mutter, looking at the floor. "Because I'm in love with you too." He finishes. Your head snaps up and you gaze at him with wide eyes. He's smiling at you. "I've been so scared to tell you. I didn't even know how to tell you. I was scared you weren't going to feel the same way and then I'd make a fool of myself." He explains. "That's what I thought too! And then Jerome convinced me to talk to you." Caspian reaches out and gently caresses your cheek. "Then I guess you had more courage than me." He whispers, a ghost of a smile on his face. Your heart pounds. "A-are you k-kidding me? I was quaking in my boots." You whisper back. "Are you even wearing boots?" Caspian grins. "No." You laugh. He pulls you into his arms. "Oh, Y/N, I love you so much." He whispers into your hair. Your arms slowly go around him and you rest your head against his chest, listening to his own heart race. You smile. "I love you too, Caspian." You murmur. You look up at him. "If we don't stop our hearts from racing so hard, we're both going to end up dead before the day is up." You state. Caspian laughs softly. "My heart has been beating like this when I'm around you for as long as I can remember. I don't believe it's going to stop anytime soon." "It better not." You say, before Caspian kisses you deeply. [THE END] I hope you liked it!