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IMAGINE: Being Dallas's girlfriend

     You sit next to your boyfriend, Dallas, as you, Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dallas sit in a little diner, eating food. You're all quiet. Dallas keeps glancing at you and squeezing your hand. You're all in a gang called the Greasers. Johnny murdered a member from another gang, called the Socs, after they tried to drown Ponyboy. Murderers in Oklahoma, the state you all live in, are executed by the electric chair. Johnny and Ponyboy immediately went off the grid. They moved to an abandoned, nearly inhabitable, church in different town to get away from the police. Dallas and you came to visit them. "We shouldn't be here together. It's just too obvious." Johnny whispers. "You're being paranoid. Nothing is going to happen." You whisper back. Johnny looks around the empty diner, self-conscious. "Still, if you're getting a sick feeling, Johnny, maybe we should go." Ponyboy murmurs. Johnny jumps to his feet. "That's a good idea. Let's go." He says hurriedly. "You guys get in the car. Y/N and I will pay." Dallas says. Ponyboy and Johnny quickly walk out of the dinner. "They're making me jumpy." You admit, rubbing your arm. Dallas smiles sympathetically and kisses your temple. "Me too." He agrees ruefully. You walk up to the counter and pay for your food. Dallas and you walk out, hand-in-hand, back to the car. --- Ponyboy, Johnny, Dallas, and you start the trek back to the church. Halfway there you notice black smoke billowing into the sky. You squint. "Wow, that's a lot of smoke." Dallas breathes. Your heart nearly stops. "Guys, I think it's coming from the church!" You exclaim in horror. Ponyboy steps on the gas. In a couple of minutes, you're parked in front of the church that's in flames. The four of you pour out of the car. Your hands are clasped over your mouth, your eyes wide in horror. You suddenly start hearing small screams for help inside the church. The four of you look at each other in surprise and then horror. "There are children in there!" You shout, before bolting into the church. "Y/N, wait!" Dallas shouts, coming after you. Johnny and Ponyboy follow. You all split up. You run down a small flight of stairs. You jump around the flames that are licking at the walls. The smoke is suffocating. You cough against your dry throat. You kick open a door. You see two children huddled together, crying. "Come on, follow me! Follow me!" You exclaim, reaching your hand out. They run to you. You kick open a few more doors and gather even more children. There are two doors left at the end of the hallway. You have to check those for more children. You frown and look at the six children crowding around you. They're coughing hard. The hallway is crowded enough and the kids won't move without you. They're having difficulty breathing and wouldn't last very long down here. "Quickly, we have to make it outside." You tell them. You start moving to the stairs that lead outside. You quickly usher the children outside, all of them coughing. You glance at the stairs, thinking of the two unchecked doors, your heart pounding. You get the children outside where Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dallas are. They have no children with them. Your kids are coughing and dry heaving. A crowd has gathered around the church. "Everyone, stay back! It's coming down!" You exclaim. "Y/N, come on, let's go." Dallas says, reaching for your hand. You back up and slowly shake your head. "Y/N, come on. Let's go." He says urgently. Your eyes fill with tears. "I can't." You reply hoarsely, backing away to the church. "Why not?!" He asks in frustration. You take off running towards the church. "What are you doing?!" He screams. "Don't come after me, Dallas! I love you!" You scream back at him, as you race into the church, heading for the two unchecked doors. Tears flood your eyes and you're becoming suffocated by the thick smoke. "Is anyone else down—?!" You start to scream but get cut off by a spout of coughing. You cover your eyes and run to the end of the hall. You shoulder the door down, the handle too hot to touch. One little girl is cowering beneath a chair. "Come! Come here!" You exclaim, reaching your hand out. She runs into your arms. You hold her tightly as she buries her head in your shoulder. You kick open the other door. It's too smoky to see. "Is anyone here?!" You scream hoarsely. No reply. You wait a second or two when you start to feel wood pieces falling into your hair. The building is coming down and you can barely breathe. You take off running, holding the little girl close to your body. You bolt up the stairs just as the building starts to fall. You set the little girl down. "Go! Run!" You scream at her. She bolts off outside just as the building collapses. You jump through the doorway as it come down, just narrowly missing you. A piece of wood hits the back of your head, sending you to the ground. You hit the ground with a solid thud, struggling to breathe. Everything seems like it's going in slow motion. You can barely hear anything. Everything is muted. People are running around and gathering children into their arms. Dallas, who's being held back by Johnny and PonyBoy, angrily breaks their hold on him and runs towards you, screaming your name. But you can't hear him. Your eyes close and you're engulfed in total blackness. --- You wake up to the sound of loud beeping. "Shut it off. Shut it off." You murmur, covering your ears. Your eyes are closed but you can see brightness. "Y/N, Y/N, I'm here. I'm here, okay? Everything is going to be okay." Dallas whispers, cupping your face. You slowly open your eyes. You're in a hospital, not your room. The beeping noise is coming from the heart monitor, not your alarm clock. "Dallas?" You ask, your voice coarse. You wince. "I sound like a frog." Dallas laughs softly with relief. "I see you haven't lost your sense of humor." "Me? Never." You smile weakly. You sigh. "I feel crispy." You admit, looking down at your bandaged arms. "Y/N, you suffered some severe burns." He explains. "I figured that was going to happen." Dallas stares at you. "What you did was reckless and incredibly stupid—going in there to get that little girl. You almost got yourself killed!" He says hardly. You flinch. "I was going to come after you, but Ponyboy and Johnny had to hold me back." "I'm sorry, Dallas, but I don't regret my actions. I couldn't have left that little girl in there to suffer a more worse fate than mine." You say quietly. Dallas gently cups your face. "I know, Y/N, and your selfless love only makes me love you even more." He smiles. You smile with relief. "You risked your life to help someone and I couldn't be more proud of you." He tells you. "Thank you, Dallas." You reply happily. He plants a soft kiss on your lips. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too." You murmur, before kissing him again. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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