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IMAGINE: Thinking Aidan loves someone else

    "Okay, guys, I gotta go. I have to get up early for work tomorrow morning." Andrea says, getting up from the table at Aidan's apartment. Andrea gathers her schoolbooks, notebook, and pencils and shovel them into her backpack. Andrea, Aidan, and you are best friends. You're all going to the same college and taking some of the same classes. A couple of nights a week you all study together at each other's apartments. Andrea looks at Aidan and smiles adoringly at him. "Thanks for dinner, Aidan." She says sweetly. A stab of jealously hits your chest and you quickly look back at your book. You have a huge crush on Aidan and so does Andrea. You know, you just know, Aidan likes her back. They're always goofing off and having fun, and you're usually just there...third wheeling. "Goodnight, Andrea. Have a good day at work." Aidan says. You glance up to find them smiling at each other. You inwardly sigh. "See ya, Andrea." You say, wanting to let them know you're still here. Andrea looks at you and smiles. "See ya." She replies before swinging her backpack up onto her shoulder. She hurries out, shutting the door behind her. It's silent in the apartment, the absence of Andrea noticeable. She's always talking and filling in the silence, while you're the quiet one. You look at Aidan and find him already staring at you. He smiles and then looks down at his book. Thirty minutes go by of silence, except for the turning of pages and then sounds of pencils writing on paper. Finally you close your book. "Well, I'm going to call it a night." You state. "You are?" Aidan asks, the smile on his face fading. You nod and suppress a yawn. "Yeah, it's been a long day." "Y/N, I need to tell you something. About Andrea and I–" He starts to say. You hold up a hand, stopping him. "You don't need to explain, Aidan. I know what's going on between you two and that's okay." You interrupt as you start putting your book back in your bag. "I'm okay." You sigh. "Y/N–" "Aidan, it's fine, really. I hope you will be very happy with her. You guys make a great couple." You choke out as tears burn in your eyes. Aidan watches you, his eyes wide, and his jaw dropped slightly. He looks so sad. You grab your stuff off the table and all but run out of his apartment. --- Over the course of the weekend, you avoid Andrea and Aidan at all costs. You're trying not to be jealous, you really are, but it's just so hard to see them together. Aidan keeps texting you, but you ignore his messages. He keeps telling you he wants to talk but you don't. Come Monday morning, you're on campus. You're bound to see Andrea and Aidan today. You're all on campus, though with different classes. You get through the morning without seeing them. You walk through the cafeteria, your eyes wide and alert. Your heart pounds nervously. Suddenly you spot them–Aidan and Andrea. They're sitting at a table together, eating lunch. You duck your head but it's too late. Aidan catches your gaze. His eyes widen and he stands up. He's about to open his mouth but you quickly walk away, pretending like you never saw them. Aidan watches you walk away, his eyebrows drawn in confusion and his eyes filled with sadness. "Aidan? What is it?" Andrea asks, looking up at him. "Nothing." He sighs, slumping back in his chair. --- That night you get a call from Aidan. You pick it up. "Oh, Y/N, you answered. I'm so relieved." He sighs. "Hey." "Y/N, we need to talk." "Uh, you know, now actually isn't a good time. I have a ton of schoolwork to do and I have a test I need to study for." "Oh. Then maybe we can talk tomorrow?" He asks. "Um, yeah, maybe. Look, I gotta go. Bye." You reply, your voice cracking. You quickly hang up and then toss your cellphone on your bed as your eyes fill with tears. Thirty minutes later, your doorbell rings. Your eyebrows furrow and you slide off your bed. You walk down the hall to the door. You look through the peephole. Aidan. He looks really upset. Your heart breaks. You open up the door. "What are you doing here?" You ask. He walks through your door and shuts it behind him. He starts to pace. "I-I-I don't know what's going on with you, Y/N, but I don't like it. You don't text back. You don't call back. When we see each other, you act like you don't even know me! What is going on?!" He exclaims. The waterworks let loose. "I can't stand by and act like I can take the hit when I know Andrea and you love each other. It's breaking my heart, Aidan, to see you two together when I'm in love with you!" You sob. Aidan stops and looks at you, his eyes wide. "I-I don't love Andrea, Y/N, I love you!" You gasp and take a step back. "You what?!" You whisper. "There is nothing between Andrea and I. Even though she thinks and you think that there is. She's not the one I want. She's not the one I love. You are, Y/N." He says softly. "I-I thought you...I always thought Andrea and you liked each other because you're always goofing off with each other. I'm the quiet one. I don't talk much. You two are the ones that are always together." "Y/N, Andrea and I get along, but sometimes she's too much to handle. I like the peace and quiet you have. You talk when you have something to say and I love that. I love you." You smile, your chin quivering. "Oh, Aidan. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." You whisper, stepping towards him and into his embrace. He holds you tightly against him, cradling your head, his hands sinking into your hair. He kisses your head multiple times. You look up at him and he kisses you passionately. You kiss him back, your arms going around his neck. [THE END] I hope you liked it!  



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