IMAGINE: Loki and Thor getting protective of you

You watch as your mother, Frigga, talks with some Asgardians at her birthday celebration. You smile as she laughs, and then you take a drink of your punch. You walk out onto the balcony that overlooks Asgard. This is what you love. Being surrounded by the people you love in the place you love. "Beautiful night, isn't it?" Calder asks, coming up beside you. You glance at him out of the corner of your eye. You've known Calder since you were both children. You've been acquaintances, but not exactly friends. "Yes, it's quite lovely." You reply. He turns on his side, his elbow on the ledge of the balcony, and stares at you. "You want to know what else is beautiful?" You swallow, not meeting his gaze. You pick at a little stone on the ledge. "Uh, sunsets. Those are beautiful." You state. Calder laughs softly and moves closer to you. You inch away from him. "I'm not talking out the sunsets." He murmurs, reaching his hand out of cover yours. You stiffen. --- Thor is talking with Sif when Loki runs up to him, his face serious. He grabs Thor and pulls him away from Sif. "We have got a problem, brother." Loki hisses. Thor stares at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?" He questions. Loki looks at you and Calder outside, a muscle in his cheek twitching. Thor follows his gaze and then his eyes narrow into slits. He nudges Loki. "Let's go." He growls. The two brothers stalk over to Calder and you. "What's going on here?" Thor asks threateningly. Loki crosses his arms and glares at Calder. "Loki. Thor." You sigh with relief, before moving to your older brothers. Loki and Thor wrap their arms around you protectively. "I-I-I wasn't doing anything." Calder stammers, his eyes wide. Loki steps forward and pokes Calder in the chest. "You better watch yourself, Calder." He hisses. Thor moves closer to him. "If we catch you around Y/N again, you'll have us to answer to." He threatens. Calder's eyes bulge out of his head and he nods quickly. "Yes, yes, yes, of course." He mumbles nervously. "Get moving." Loki snaps, quirking his head back inside. Calder scatters off without looking back. You grin up at Loki and Thor. "You two are life savers." You say. Thor cocks a grin. "We know." Loki wraps his arms around you. "We could see that you were all tense around him. We could tell you didn't want him around. So we decided to take action." "Right, so you wouldn't have done this if it was a guy I actually liked?" You ask wistfully. Thor and Loki look at each other and then back to you. "I wouldn't count on it." Thor answers. "Ugh, you two." You groan, smiling. "You're impossible." You laugh. Thor puts his hand on your shoulder. "We just want you to be safe, Y/N. We don't want anyone to break your heart. If someone did..." He trails off and bites his lip. Loki rolls his eyes. "What Thor is trying to say is that if someone breaks your heart, we'll have no choice but to break them." He states. Your eyes widen. "Putting it lightly, of course." He adds. "Knowing you two, I'll end up an old maid." You drawl out. Thor kisses the side of your head, smiling. "That's okay, we can take care of you." He laughs softly. "Come on, you three, come inside. What are you doing out here being antisocial for anyways?" Frigga asks from the doorway. Your brothers and you all share a look. "Coming, mother." Loki says. She nods and disappears. "Come on, we better get back." You say. Both of your brothers wrap their arms around your waist and then the three of your head inside, smiling at each other. [THE END] I hope you liked it!