IMAGINE: Legolas healing you

| IMAGINE for @uilosris | You gasp, your eyes flying open. As the sun glares into your eyes, you groan and squint. "What..what is going on?" You breathe. You feel strange. You blink slowly and then look around. There are dead bodies everywhere. You start to remember what happened. There was a battle. A large horrendous battle at Helm's Deep. There were Orcs. So many Orcs. You were stabbed. Your eyes widen and you glance down at your stomach. There's a blood-drenched cloth staunching the blood. You remember putting it there. But that's all. You passed out. You try to sit up but cry out weakly You lay back down, frustrated. You're a Galahrim warrior. You've never known weakness. Only power and strength. Feeling this weakness is...foreign. And you hate it. You sigh deeply. "Help..." You groan. "Someone help me!" You shout as loud as you can. It sounds pathetic. Your wound causes a sharp stab and you cry out. You spot someone running towards you. He's shouting for help. You can't tell who it is. Warning censors go off in your head. You reach out and strain for a sword that's near you, gasping. "Please, please, please, please." You plead. You grab it and drag it over to you with difficulty. "She is alive! Y/N is alive!" The man shouts, before crashing to his knees beside you. You squint at him and then drop the sword, realizing who it is. "Legolas! Oh, mellon [Friend]. Mellon. Mellon. Mellon. Mellon." You breathe with relief. "Y/N, you are alive. We could not find you. We feared you were dead." Legolas whispers, cupping your cheek. You grimace as pain twists your stomach. Legolas looks down and gasps when he sees your wound. "Oh, Y/N." He breathes in horror. He gently picks you up into his arms and you bite your lip to keep from crying. "I need to heal you, Y/N. I need to heal you." He says, sounding slightly panicked. You rest your head against his chest and moan softly, before sinking into unconsciousness. --- You wake up in a small room, laying on a hard, flat makeshift bed in Helm's Deep. You look around the empty room and slowly start to push yourself up in bed. You gasp in pain but continue to move. The door opens and Legolas walks in. When he spots you trying to get up, his eyes widen. "Y/N, no! You do not want to tear your stitches!" He exclaims, rushing over to you. "I am okay, I am okay." You assure him, holding your hand up. "Y/N, you must lay down." Legolas insists, putting a hand gently on your shoulder. "I am tired of laying down, Legolas. I must sit up." You frown. "Or stand." You add with a shrug. "You cannot stand. Not right now. You were badly injured. It will take time for that wound to heal. I do not even believe you should move." He says. You frown. "Well that is no fun." Legolas smiles. "No, it is not." "Can I sit up? At least with your help?" You ask, raising an eyebrow. "All right, all right. But if you tear your stitches, do not blame me." Do not worry. I will not." You smile. Legolas moves to put an arm around your waist and the other around your shoulders. Your breath catches at his nearness and your heart starts to pound. Strange. Legolas suddenly looks down at you, his face so very close to yours. He stares at you for a second, a weird look passing over his face. He swallows. "Ready?" He asks softly. You nod, staring into his blue eyes. He gently sits you up. "Better?" He asks, gazing down at you. "Better." You whisper. Legolas and you look at each other a long while. Then he clears his throat and jumps away from you. He's shuddering. "Uhhh...would you like some food?" He questions, turning away from you. "Oh, I would love some. I am famished." You sigh. "I will go get you some." He mumbles, before all but running out of the room. --- For the next few weeks, Legolas stays with you in Helm's Deep. He nurses you back to full health. You've managed to care deeply for him. He and you were friends before the battle at Helm's Deep, but now there's something more. A spark has been lit inside of you. Every time you see him and talk to him, he fans the flame, making it spread larger and larger. You're walking around Helm's Deep one night, needing the fresh air. You'll be gone from this place tomorrow morning. You're going back to Lorien—back home. "How do you feel?" Legolas asks, coming up next to you. You smile at him. "I feel well. Strong." He smiles at you. "That is good." "Thanks to you." You nod. "I was not going to leave you to your wounds." "Thank you for staying with me." You tell him. Your heart twists. "I-I take it you're going to leave? Now you can go meet up with your friends. I have a feeling the final battle is upon us." You state in a whisper. Legolas nods grimly. "Yes." He murmurs. Legolas and you both stop at the wall and look out at the land. You glance at him out of the corner of your eye. "I am going to miss you, Legolas." You admit. He smiles sadly at you. "I will miss you too, Y/N." He returns. You exchange sad smiles. You reach over and cover Legolas's hand that is resting on the wall. "La fael [Thank you]. For everything." You whisper, your voice cracking. "You are welcome, Y/N." He whispers. He moves closer to you and your breath catches. Something stops him. He sighs and closes his eyes before pulling away from you. "Legolas." You say in surprise and confusion as he runs down the steps, away from you. --- You don't see Legolas for the rest of the day. You don't see him at dinner and you don't see him when you go to your quarters. The next morning, at dawn, you go to the stables to saddle a horse. Nobody is in the saddles. You start to saddle your horse. A broom falls and clatters to the hay. You whirl around, your eyes wide in alert. Legolas slowly moves out from a stall. You sigh with relief. "Oh, it's you." You breathe. "What are you doing here?" You ask. Your eyes move to the saddle in his hands and your heart sinks. "You are leaving? Without saying goodbye?" He swallows. "Well, you are leaving without saying goodbye." He retorts. "Because I could not find you! You disappeared last night and I could not find you to say goodbye!" You exclaim, tears in your eyes. Legolas's face falls when he sees the tears in your eyes. "Forgive me, Y/N. I am sorry. I did not want to say goodbye to you. Saying goodbye to is hard enough already. But knowing I might not never see you is unbearable." He whispers, stepping close to you. "That is silly, Legolas. Why would we never see each other again?" You say, shaking your head. "We do not know what this final battle will bring upon us." Legolas replies, looking down. "What are you saying?" You ask slowly. He meets your eyes. "We do not know what will happen—who will lose, who will win. Who lives...who dies." He responds softly. A tear falls down your cheek and you quickly wipe it away. You sniff. "Legolas, if this is to be our last time seeing each other, I have to tell you something." You state. "I love you." You sob, before breaking down. "I love you too, Y/N." Legolas says hoarsely. You run into each other's arms and hold each other tightly. "Please be careful. I wish I could go with you." You whisper earnestly. "No, you do not. Do not say that." He whispers back. "I am a Galahrim warrior, Legolas." You remind him. He pulls back and cups your face. "Yes, but you are also recovering after almost dying." He tells you, caressing your face. You put your hand on his that's holding your cheek. "I do not want you to leave." You admit, before biting your lip worriedly. You know Legolas can take of himself, but you're still concerned nonetheless. He pulls you back into his arms and cradles the back of your head. "We will see each other again, Y/N. I am sure of it." He breathes. You nod against chest. "I love you." You sigh. "I love you too." He whispers in your ear. You look up at him and he stares down at you. He lowers his head and kisses you deeply. [THE END] I hope you liked it!Â