IMAGINE: Tom kissing you

You sit on your front steps with Tom Hiddleston, one of your very close friends. "Yeah, so I don't know what to do." He sighs. "Tom, if you don't feel like you should take the job, then don't. There's no shame in not accepting the offer if you don't feel right." "Y/N, that's the thing. It feels right yet it doesn't. I don't know. I have mixed feelings about it. I don't know what to do! They need an answer by tomorrow. What do I tell them?" He says, frustrated. Thunder rumbles in the sky and you look up. It's going to rain. You frown and then move closer to him, getting back to the matter at hand. "What's in here, Tom? What's in your heart?" You whisper, putting a hand on his chest. Tom's eyes stare into yours. "I don't know." He breathes slowly. You smile. "Oh, I think you do." You murmur softly. You stare at each other for a long moment. "Come on, Tom, tell me what's in here." You say, tapping his chest. The pitter patter of rain starts to fall. You half smile. "Before we get drenched." You add. He chuckles a little. "You want to know what's in here?" He asks. You nod. "This is what's in here." He whispers, before cupping the back of your neck and kissing you, just as it starts to downpour. You gasp in surprise and then you close your eyes, kissing Tom back. A long moment later, he pulls away, smiling peacefully. "What...what just happened?" You whisper. He slicks the hair back from his face. "Let's get inside before we get wet." He says. "I don't know if you've noticed, but we're already soaked." You grin. Tom looks down at his clothes and then back at you. "Oh. So we are." He laughs. You slide your hand into Tom's. "Can we just talk about what happened? About...that kiss?" You ask softly. He grins excitedly. "You asked me what was in my heart. And you're in my heart, Y/N. You always have been." He states, cupping your face. You smile, the rain running down your face. "Really?" You question. He nods and caresses your cheekbone with his thumb. "Really really." He whispers. You grab his shirt and kiss him deeply. [THE END] I hope you liked it!