IMAGINE: Going to a premiere with Johnny

You look out the window and swallow nervously. You've never seen so many people in all your life. "Nervous?" Johnny Depp, your boyfriend, asks, offering you a smile. You nod and stare at him. "I don't know if this is such a good idea, Johnny. Maybe I should just go home and leave you to your movie premiere." "No way, Y/N. No." He protests, shaking his head. "It took me way too long to finally convince you to come to one of my premieres. And now that you're here, you want to back out? Nu-uh, I don't think so." He says. You sigh deeply, your shoulders dropping. "But-but what will they say about us? About me?" You gesture to your legs and then nod to your wheel chair. Your legs have been paralyzed since birth. You've been in a wheel chair ever since. You're insecure about yourself—especially now that you're dating Johnny Depp, a world famous celebrity. "Y/N, they will love you." Johnny insists. He grabs your hand and smiles at you. "Now come on, it's too late to back out anyways." He says, before opening the door. People watch in surprise as Johnny wheels you off the ramp from your car. Your heart feels like it's about to rip out of your chest. You smile unsurely as cameras start flashing at you. This is the first time you're making a public appearance with Johnny "You look lovely, Y/N." Johnny reminds you, squeezing your hand and smiling lovingly down at you. You smile up at him. "-Oh my goodness, who do we have here?" A reporter asks, coming up to Johnny and you. "This is Y/N, my girlfriend." Johnny introduces. She gasps and shakes your hand. "It's so nice to meet you." She says excitedly. "It's so nice to meet you too." You laugh softly. She starts asking you questions in rapid fire, but blessedly avoids asking any about why you're in a wheel chair. --- "See, Y/N? It's not so bad." Johnny whispers to you as you make your way down the red carpet. "Oh, I'm sure there are some here who are a little judgmental." You state. "If they're judgmental, who cares? They condemning you before they know you. They don't know you like I know you. They don't love you like I love you. If they did..." He trails off. "I'd have a lot of suitors." You laugh. Johnny grins at you. "Maybe they shouldn't love you like I love you." You grab his hand. "Only you can love me like you love me." You say softly, smiling up at him. Johnny leans down and kisses you deeply. You hear the endless amounts of shutter clicks and people going, "Aww." You giggle and pull your head away, blushing deeply. Johnny smiles proudly. [THE END] I hope you liked it!