IMAGINE: James singing to you after a fight

You sit on the park bench, staring at the lake, as hot, angry tears splatter down your cheeks. You pick up a rock and chuck it into the water. It splashes, sending water flying everywhere. You just got into a huge argument with your boyfriend, James. You're seriously debating about breaking up with him. You clench your jaw so hard it hurts. You want nothing to do with him. Not anymore. "Until now, I've been blind. Until now, I've been wasting time. I've been lost on the streets of plenty, I've been tossed on icy seas." Someone sings from behind you. You stiffen. James. He's singing the song he wrote. "James, please leave. I don't want to hear this right now." You tell him. "Y/N, I'm sorry for fighting with you." He says. You don't look at him as he sits down on the bench beside you. "I told you I don't want to hear it." You say tightly. "I won't stop singing until your heart melts, Y/N, and you'll have no choice but to forgive me." He smiles gently. You say nothing. James continues to sing. "There's a light that shines forever. There's a light that shines for me. There's a light, my footsteps guiding. For I've been hiding until now." You do nothing. James sings the song again. And again. And again. Each time, your heart is relenting more and more. You finally look at him as he finishes the last part of the song. His eyes are on yours. He moves closer to you. "There's a light that shines forever. There's a light that shines for me. There's a light, my footsteps guiding. For I've been hiding until now." He whispers, his face a mere inch from yours. "Oh, James, I forgive you." You whisper, before throwing your arms around him. James pulls you against him and kisses you until you're breathless. "I told you I'd make your heart melt." He breathes against your mouth, caressing your hair and smiling down at you with so much love. "Yeah, I don't know why I didn't believe you." You smile back. "Stubborn woman." He murmurs. "True." You laugh softly. "I love you, Y/N, and I'm sorry for fighting with you." "Me too, James. Me too." You sigh. "Are we okay?" He asks tentatively. You smile and nod. "We're okay." You whisper. [THE END] I hope you liked it!