IMAGINE: Saving Clint

| IMAGINE for @lastmarchoftheents | You fire arrow after arrow at the Chitauri army, each shot hitting their mark with excellent precision. You're part of the Avengers, and New York City is under attack by Loki, Thor's psycho adopted brother, and the Chitauri army. "We need more archers like Clint and you." Captain America says, looking between Clint and you. You grin as you fire another arrow. Clint and you have been best friends since you've been children. You both mastered the art of archery together. You hear someone screaming for help. You lower your bow. You glance at Clint but he's occupied. "Steve?" You say, before whipping your bow up again and firing another arrow at a Chitauri foot soldier. "I got it, Y/N. Stay with Clint." Captain America says, before running off towards the cry for help. "Looks like it's just you and me now, Y/N." Clint says. "May the best archer win." You grin. "Oh, I plan to." He smirks. --- Clint and you move a little ways down the street to get a better shot at the Chitauri. "Man, these guys just don't stop." You say. "You gettin' tired, Y/N?" Clint grins. "Hardly. My arms were born for this. It's arms' day, Clint." You laugh. He whirls around and shoots a Chitauri foot soldier down an alleyway. "Y/N, when you're an archer, every day is arms' day." He replies from across the street. You chuckle. An unsee Chitauri soldier shoots the building above your head, sending glass and cement falling straight for you. "Y/N!" Clint screams. But it's too late. The debris hits you and pins you to the ground. You cry out in pain. "Y/N!" Clint shouts, running towards you. You groan. "Clint, help me." You whisper weakly. Your eyes widen when you see a speeder coming towards Clint. You squint and spot Loki on it, heading straight for Clint. "Clint!" You warn. Clint whirls away just as Loki speeds past him. Loki backtracks and then gets off his speeder. "I thought it'd be fun to take you all out one by one." He says calmly, leisurely walking towards Clint as if he's on a pleasure stroll. He looks at you. "Then again, the Chitauri have already done a number on you, haven't they?" He says with a slight smile. You clench your jaw. Clint nocks an arrow and quickly fires it at Loki. You watch as Loki sidesteps it. "Oh, silly, Barton, you do realize those won't work on me, yes?" Loki murmurs. You see the taught muscles in Clint's jaw. He's furious. Loki laughs. It's a handsome sound, you have to admit, but this man is crazy. He saunters towards Clint. "There's only one way we can fairly fight—hand to hand combat." Clint stares at him as if he's joking. "Really? Because you don't seem like the type of guy who could actually fight hand to hand." "It's always the unsuspected ones that win the fight. At least that's what I've come to realize." Loki replies. Clint takes a deep breath and nods. "Okay. Hand to hand combat it is." He breathes. You don't like this. You don't trust Loki. He's sneaky. But then, so is Clint. As they fight, throwing series of kicks and punches, you try to wriggle yourself out of the rubble. Your right shoulder is killing you. You gasp in pain. "Come on." You groan. You watch in desperation as Loki and Clint fight. Clint seems to have the upper hand. You shake your head. Loki wouldn't give up that easily. This has to be a ploy. "You can just give up now." Clint says. "Not even a possibility." Loki pants. Clint shrugs and lunges for him. You get your one leg free of the rubble and then the other. You sigh with relief and start working on your upper body. In less than a minute, your left arm is free. You gingerly pull the rocks and pieces of cement off your bad arm, grimacing in pain. Then you're finally free. You sigh and gently stretch just as you see Loki pull a knife on Clint. Clint doesn't see it. Your eyes widen. "Clint, watch out! He's got a knife!" You scream as you quickly limp towards Loki and Clint. You grab one of your arrows, your bow somewhere lost in the rubble. Clint is struggling to maintain the upper hand while he's madly looking around for Loki's unseen knife. You jump for them, your arrow pointed at Loki. It catches his shoulder. He screams in pain and stumbles backwards, clutching his bleeding shoulder. You collapse to your knees, your legs giving out on you. "Y/N, are you okay?" Clint asks worriedly, kneeling beside you. You nod. "Are you? He was about ready to knife you!" You exclaim. "Speaking of which..." Clint trails off, grabbing his bow. He aims at Loki who's moving towards his speeder. "Shoot to wound, not kill. Thor will probably want to take him to Asgard for questioning." You say. "To heck with questioning. He almost knifed me and his stupid Chitauri army made you get crushed by rubble." "Clint." You warn as he pulls back the drawstring. You see the fight in his eyes. You glance at Loki who's pulling himself up onto his speeder, his face a mask of pain. You hear Clint release the drawstring. The arrow hits Loki in the calf. He screams and leans forward in the speeder as he starts it. "He's not going to go far with that leg. And the shoulder." You mutter as he speeds off, heading towards Stark Tower. Clint comes around you and helps you up. Your arm is around his shoulders. "Does it hurt?" He asks at the grimace on your face. "Just a little bit." You lie. He narrows his eyes at you. "Why do I have the feeling you're lying?" You only smile in return. "I'm not out of this battle yet, Clint. I'm still going to fight. There's no way I'm letting you be claimed the better of the us two." "So competive." He smiles, lightly punching your bad shoulder. You gasp and cry out. "Oh, Y/N, I'm so sorry! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" He exclaims in horror. "It's okay, it's okay." You wince, shaking your head. "Y/N, I think the thing is, you're going to be claimed as the better of us two because number one, you got crushed by a pile of rubble and lived and, number two, you saved my life by stabbing Loki with an arrow. And even though no one may outrightly say who's the better of us two, I know you are. I will always know you are. In my heart, you will always be the better one–the better archer." You smile. "Thank you." You whisper. "No, Y/N, thank you. Thank you for saving my life. I couldn't-I couldn't see where Loki's knife was and I probably would've been dead now if it weren't for you. I owe you my life." He says. Clint and you hug each other tightly. "I'm glad we're in this together, my friend." You breathe. "There's no one else I'd rather be with." He whispers back. [THE END] I hope you liked it! Â