IMAGINE: Meeting Ben and asking to draw him

You sit on a park bench, busily sketching away in your big note book. You trace the outlines of the trees and scenery. You can hear someone coming up behind you and you lift your head. You tilt it to the side and see a man close to you. You double take when you look at him. You stifle a gasp, your eyes bulging. The man smiles at you. "That's a beautiful drawing you have there. You're very talented." "Y-you're Ben Barnes." You whisper, ignoring his kind words. He laughs softly and then moves around the bench to sit down next to you. "Yes, I am." Your jaw drops. "What-what-what are you doing here? Out in public?" You stammer. You wince. "Sorry, that sounded bad." Ben laughs and shakes his head. "It's fine. I love this park. I come here when I can to clear my head." He explains. You lean back. "And here I managed to be here when you're here." You breathe in disbelief. "As luck would have it." Ben winks. You smile. "I'm Y/N." He shakes your hand. "Well it's pleasure to meet you, Y/N." He nods to your notebook. "Your drawing truly is magnificent. I've never seen anything like it." You flush. "Oh, thank you." You reply shyly. An idea pops into your head. "Can-can I draw you?" You ask, staring at Ben. His eyebrows raise. "Yeah, I mean, sure, why not?" You grin widely. "Great!" You exclaim, turning over to a new page. Over the course of the next hour, you draw Ben. He patiently sits for you, looking as handsome as ever. Finally you're finished. "Done." You state. "Let me see." Ben says, trying to peer over your shoulder. You shy away from him, laughing. "Hold on, hold on." You tell him. "I call it...the picture of Ben Barnes." You say, slowly turning it to show him. Ben gasps in disbelief. "Oh my gosh, Y/N, that is so crazy." He whispers. "How are you so good at this?" "Years of practice." You shrug sheepishly. "It's amazing! If ever I'm in a film and they need my portrait or something like that, I'm giving you a call." You smile. "Thank you." You murmur. "No, Y/N, thank you." Ben grins. [THE END] I hope you liked it!