IMAGINE: Eric getting jealous

"Hey, Eric." You say brightly as you pass him in the hall. You have a huge crush on Eric. He offers you the barest of smiles. "Hey." He replies, stopping, obviously intending to talk to you. You stop too and turn to face him. "We haven't talked lately. In fact, I've barely seen you around." He states. You grimace. "Yeah, sorry about that. You know how Four is. He, uh, well, he kind of likes to order me around now that I'm in Dauntless." You laugh softly. Eric frowns. "Yeah, it's a shame." He sighs. You half smile. "What, that Four is my brother or that we barely see each other?" You smirk. Eric looks like he's about to say, "Both." but then thinks better of it. He just shrugs instead. You look away from him, biting your bottom lip. Eric and Four hate each other. That's why, when Eric and you hit it off from the moment you met, Four has tried to do everything in his power to keep you away from Eric. "We should, um, we should hang out some time." Eric states. You look up at him in surprise. "Or do training together." He quickly adds, shifting nervously. You smile, your heart thudding against your chest. "I'd like that." You reply softly. "Y/N, come on! Let's go!" Four calls from the end of the hall. You look at your older brother who doesn't look happy that you're talking to Eric. You look at Eric and smile sympathetically. "I gotta go. But I'll see you for that training, okay?" He smiles a little. "You got it, Y/N." He tells you. He watches you leave. Once you're out of sight, he sighs, his shoulders dropping. When you first transferred to Dauntless, there was something in you that caught Eric's eye. He was so taken with you, but now it's more. Now he's in love with you. --- You lean against the wall, your arms crossed, talking with Four and Zeke. "Oh, hey, there's Tris. I'll see you guys later." Four says, before running off. "Rude." You scoff. Zeke grins at you. He nudges you with his elbow. "Want to go train or something?" "Sure." You say. Zeke and you go to the training room. There's a couple of initiates down there. "How about a knife throwing contest?" Zeke says. "You're on." You grin. Zeke and you each take a set of knives. You go first. You throw the knives into the target, each one near the center. "Wow, Y/N, you're getting good!" Zeke exclaims, slapping you on your back excitedly. "Thanks." You laugh proudly. "You've been practicing." "Oh, just a bit." You say lightly. Zeke rolls his eyes and playfully punches you in the shoulder. "I'll go get your knives." He says, walking to the target. He starts wrenching your knives out of the target. Out of nowhere a knife speeds through the air and slams into the target, a hairbreadth away from Zeke's neck. Zeke freezes. You look to who threw it. Eric is staring at you, his face hurt, angry, and disappointed. "Eric, what did you just do?" You ask incredulously. Zeke looks at Eric and swallows. Without saying anything, Eric takes off running. "Eric, wait!" You exclaim, chasing after him. "Eric, stop!" You shout. People are looking at Eric and you as you run past them. You grab his arm and pull him to a stop. "I said stop." You grit out. You turn him to face you. "What just happened? Why did you almost kill Zeke?!" You exclaim. "If I wanted that knife to hit Zeke's neck, it would have." He snaps. "That's besides the point! You threw a knife at him, Eric! Why?" You plead. He stares at you. You raise your eyebrows. "Nothing? You did it for nothing? Just because you felt like throwing a knife at someone?" You ask. "No, of course not." Eric sighs. "Then what, Eric? What?" You demand. He takes a deep breath. "I was jealous, okay? I saw him talking to you and you were laughing and having fun." He explains. He kicks the ground with his foot. "I thought we were going to train together." He murmurs. "Oh, Eric." You sigh. "Zeke and I...we aren't anything. We just friends—acquaintances even. He asked me to train with him because we both weren't doing anything. He didn't mean anything by it." You tell him. "I know, I'm sorry." Eric moans. You take a step closer to him and drag your eyes up to his. "Does this mean you feel something for me, Eric?" You ask softly. He swallows. "If you friendzone me, I swear we will never talk again." He blurts out. You laugh and slowly wrap your arms around him. "I'm not going to friendzone you." You whisper. "You're not?" He questions as he slowly wraps his arms around your hips. Your faces are getting closer together and he's smiling. "No." You whisper so softly it's almost like you mouth it. "Good." He breathes, before kissing you passionately. [THE END] I hope you liked it!