IMAGINE: You, Snoke's daughter, being in love with Kylo

You pass Kylo in an empty hall, barely meeting his masked covered eyes. Before you can get too far past him, he reaches out and grabs your arm. He pulls you into the nearest empty room. "Kylo." You giggle. "Someone might spot us." You whisper. He takes off his mask and majestically tosses his hair, his thick, luscious locks settling handsomely around his face. Your stomach flips. "Y/N, this part of Starkiller Base is completely empty. No one's going to come." He whispers, as he moves closer to you, smiling flirtatiously. He puts his hands on your shoulders and kisses you. You kiss him back, your arms finding their way around his neck. Suddenly Kylo pulls away from you, alert. "Someone's coming." He says, grabbing your hand and pulling you behind a few crates. You both crouch down as the door opens. "I want those two boxes out of this room and up to the top floor immediately." General Hux commands. Four Stormtroopers walk in the room and take the boxes. They leave with General Hux behind them. Kylo and you both stand. "And you said no one comes in here." You say, crossing your arms. He smiles and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you against him. "Mm, I guess I was wrong." He murmurs, before kissing you. "Wait, Kylo! What if they come back?!" You exclaim, pulling your head back and staring at him. He sighs heavily. "Y/N, they're not going to." "But they might." He shrugs. "I mean, there's a possibility." You take a step away from him. "It's a possibility, Kylo. And you know what that means? That means there's a possibility my father will find out we' know..." Kylo half smiles. "No, I don't." He smirks. "Kylo, come on, this is no time for games." You huff. He puts his hands on your hips and stares down at you, his eyes bursting with love. "Tell me, Y/N, what are we?" You swallow. "We're...together. We're in love." You answer slowly. "Yeah, we are." He murmurs happily. "But we're not going to be if my father finds out! Kylo, if Snoke finds out we're together..." You shake your head. Kylo's smile immediately drops. "We're doing a pretty good job at hiding that we're in love to Snoke." "We need to keep up the good job. Because if he finds out, I can't even begin to think what he'd do to us—to you." You admit. "Y/N, we can't help that we fell in love with each other. Snoke never should have sent you to Starkiller Base if he didn't want you falling in love with anyone." Kylo tells you. "It's not just anyone, Kylo. It's you! I fell in love with you. You're Snoke's apprentice. I'm his daughter. It can't mix." "Is that what you think? That we can't mix? That it could never be?" "No, of course not. I don't really see a problem with it. But you know my father...he doesn't want us getting distracted. By anything. He's instilled that into me since I was a child. And yet I went and fell in love with you." You let out a humorless laugh. Kylo stares at you. "Do you regret falling in love with me?" He asks softly. Your eyebrows draw. "No, do you?" You ask hesitantly. He shakes his head. "No." You sigh with relief. "So what are we going to do?" Kylo shrugs a little. "I don't know. I guess we just keep up the façade that we don't like each other, and then continue our relationship behind everyone's back. Steal away our special moments when we can and love each other from afar. But otherwise we just keep going on with our day-to-day lives." You nod. "Speaking of day-to-day lives, I need to get back to my job." You state, taking a few steps backwards. "Wait, wait, wait, hold on, I'm not letting you go like that, Y/N. We don't know when we'll get another chance to have a special moment together." Kylo says, walking over to you. He gently cups your face and stares into your eyes. "I love you." He whispers. You smile a little. "I love you." You return. He kisses you deeply, his hands sinking into your hair. A long moment goes by and then he pulls away. "Go. I'll see you soon." He whispers against your lips. --- You're going through some papers when General Hux comes up to you. "Your father needs to speak with you, Y/N. He's with Kylo." He states. You look up at him in surprise, unmoving. You haven't seen Kylo for two weeks. It's like you were both purposely being kept apart. Excitement swells up in you. "You better go quickly. He seems particularly...peeved this morning." Hux says. "Right. Right, of course." You mumble, jumping to your feet. You all but run into the big, dark room where your father is depicted in a hologram. Kylo is standing in front of him and looks at you when you walk into the room. He offers you the barest of smiles and you nod your head in return. "Father, what do I owe the pleasure?" You ask, standing beside Kylo. Snoke looks between Kylo and you. You feel like he's seeing into your soul and you shift uncomfortably. "Kylo, I need to see how well you follow orders." Snoke suddenly states. "Supreme Leader?" Kylo asks in confusion. Snoke looks at you as you stare up at him, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Choke Y/N." He demands. "What?!" Kylo and you both exclaim. You take a step back, gasping in horror. "Do it!" Snoke commands Kylo. "But why would you want me to choke your own daughter?" Kylo asks, his voice shaking. "To test how well you follow orders. From the look of things now, it looks like you're failing the test." Snoke spits. Tears fill your eyes as Kylo looks at you. His eyes pool with tears as he shakes his head slowly. "You have to." You mouth to him. "I can't. I can't choke you." He whispers. You nod slowly. "He'll kill you if you don't." "Kylo, do it now!" Snoke screams. Kylo lets out a frustrated shout and shakily lifts his hand up. Your breath stops with a gasp as you stare at him, your eyes not leaving his tear filled ones. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He whispers over and over. You start pulling at your neck as your lungs squeeze out the last of your air. Black dots swim into your vision as you feel yourself being pulled into unconsciousness. You drop to the floor, your eyes closed. Kylo releases his choke hold with gasp. "What have I done?" He whispers to himself. "Well done, Kylo. Well done indeed. You've proved yourself loyal to me." Snoke cackles. "After making me choke your own daughter? What kind of loyalty is that?" Kylo snaps angrily. He rushes to your side, gathers you into his arms, and runs out of the room. --- "Please, you have to help her. You can't let her die." Kylo pleads with the medical droid. "I will do what I can." It replies. Kylo sits in a corner, shuddering, as tears stream down his cheeks. Your face is pale with a bluish tinge to it. Kylo feels like he's going to be sick. He buries his face in his hands and lets out a sob. "Please don't die, Y/N. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." He weeps. He lifts his head and watches as the medical droid works on you. A couple of minutes go by and then you sit up with a gasp. You breathe hard as Kylo jumps to your side. "Y/N!" He exclaims, hugging you tightly. "Kylo." You breathe. "I'm so glad you're okay. I'm so glad you're alive." He whispers. "Barely. Another minute and she would have been gone." The droid states. Kylo looks at you. "I am so sorry. I am so sorry, Y/N." You shake your head a little. "It's not your fault. It's my father's. He's...crazy." "Could you leave us alone for a moment?" Kylo asks the medical droid. It leaves. Kylo takes your hands in his. "Y/N, I think Snoke was onto us. I could feel him in my mind. I think he knows we're in love. That's why he wanted me to choke you." He explains. "Do you think we took him off the scent?" You ask. "I believe so." He says, nodding. "I just never want to go through something like that again, Y/N. Forgive me." He whispers. "You're forgiven, Kylo. It's all right." You murmur. You smile weakly. "I love you." He kisses your forehead. "I love you too." He sighs. [THE END] I hope you liked it!