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IMAGINE: Aramis and you falling in love

       Rain pours through the bars of the cage you're locked in. You lay down on  your side, curled up in a ball, as the water penetrates your white coat. You're a wolf Changeling. You were running through the forest for fun when you came across the village hunters. They captured you and threw you into the cage. If they knew you are also a human girl, they'd burn you at the stake for being a Changeling, for being different. You'd rather be put in a cage then be burned so you want to remain in your animal form for as long as possible. You let out a loud whimper. Your eyes catch movement from four figures coming close to you. You jump up and get down low, letting out a deep growl. "What is that? Is that a dog?" You hear one of the them ask. "Is-is that a wolf?" Another exclaims. He runs close to the cage. You stare at his handsome face as he stares back at you with kind eyes. "Aramis, get back here! She might attack you!" One of his companions warn. "Relax, Porthos. She's just scared." Aramis says. "D'Artagnan, Porthos, Athos, come closer. Look how magnificent she is. She's beautiful." Look at the marking on her head." D'Artagnan comments. Athos comes closer and kneels beside the cage, gazing at you. There's a strange familiarity about him. "That marking..." He trails off and squints. "What is it?" Porthos asks. Athos gasps. "It looks just like my family's coat of arms!" "Athos, that's ridiculous. How could a wolf have your family's coat of arms marking on her head?" Porthos snorts. "I don't know." Athos replies distractedly. "Well, I don't know about you three, but I'm not leaving her here. I'm setting her free." Aramis says, moving to the lock. "Wait, no." Athos protests. All of you look at him, but he only looks at you. "We take her with us. Something seems very familiar about this wolf. I can't put my finger on it, but I feel like I know her." He whispers. Aramis smiles. "Then we take her with us." He gingerly unlocks the cage and opens the door. He clicks his tongue. "Here girl, come here." He coos, holding his hand out. You slowly walk forward and sniff his hand. He barely breathes. Finally you nuzzle his hand. He smiles and gently pats your head. "That's a good girl." "Come on, we better go before anyone notices she's missing." D'Artganan says. The five of you move out. You walk next to Aramis, feeling a peacefulness and love coming from him. It warms you. You don't trust the rest of them yet to turn into your human form. You feel Athos's eyes on you. You can't shake the feeling that you know him–which is ridiculous because you're never met him or seen him in all your life. You don't like the way Porthos looks at you— like he thinks you're going to pounce and kill one of them any second. You like D'Artagnan. He seems nice enough. You look up at Aramis and, if you were in your human form, you would smile so widely. Aramis looks down at you and offers you a smile. He rubs your ear and you lean into him.       That night all of the men settle around a fire in the forest. You stand awkwardly off to the side, not really sure what to do. Aramis sits down and pulls some bread out of his sack. He's about to take a bite of it when he looks at you. He smiles and whistles. "Come here, girl." He says, holding the bread out. You walk towards him and take a small bite out of the bread. He rips off a chunk and gives it to you. "Eat the whole thing, it's okay." He says. You sit down and eat it. "Aramis, that's disgusting. You shouldn't be feeding a wild wolf." Porthos states disgustededly. You look at him and let out a low growl, having heard enough of his antics. He's driving you crazy. If he only knew you are a woman! Everyone but Porthos laughs. "You better watch yourself, Porthos. Soon she's going to be hungry not only for bread..." Athos grins. "Good riddance, too. Cut the poor wolf some slack. She's a good girl." Aramis says. You tilt your head back to look at him and wag your tail. He smiles proudly. "See? She likes me." He states. You lay down next to his leg. He rests his hand on your back. "I think I'll keep her. It's nice having a pet wolf. I love her." He laughs. Your heart does a weird flop. "As long as she doesn't kill any of us, fine." Porthos grumbles. You glare at him. "Keep her if you want, Aramis. I must say that that symbol on her head still has me intrigued." Athos ponders. "It's probably just by chance." D'Artagnan brushes it off. "Still..." Athos trails off unsurely, stumped.  ---      For the next couple of days, you travel with the four musketeers. You really like everyone, especially Aramis, but Porthos just rubs you the wrong way. He doesn't trust you and you don't trust him. One night, everyone is asleep. You stretch out and tiredly blink your eyes. You're laying next to Aramis, your face near his. His one arm is draped around you and he's breathing deeply. You stare at his handsome profile. You know that if he's ever going to love you, you have to turn into your human form. You're getting pretty sick of being in your wolf form. You trust this group of men to not kill you. Well, you trust most of them. You turn your head and look at Porthos. You sigh. You gently stand up and walk towards Porthos, needing to go into the woods to use the bathroom. When you walk past him, your foot accidentally brushes his leg. He jumps up with a start. His eyes land on you and fury fills his eyes. You start to back away but he grabs your legs. You let out a loud cry, waking the others. "Porthos, what are you doing? Let her go!" Athos exclaims. "This little beast tried to kill me! She was leering at me!" Porthos shouts. You let out a loud, panicked whimper, looking at Aramis. "Please, Porthos, don't hurt her. Maybe-maybe she had a good reason for going near you." Aramis begs desperately. "She tried to bite me, I tell you." Porthos insists. "D'Artagnan, get me my sword." "No!" Athos, Aramis, and D'Artagnan shout at the same time. You close your eyes and hang your head. It's time. You let out a loud, long howl, making everyone fall silent. You look at everyone and then your eyes land on Aramis, who gazes at you. You focus on your human form and then a bright light illuminates from within you. The men turn away and shield their eyes. You can feel your legs stretch out and you sigh with relief. In fifteen seconds, the process is complete. You're laying on the ground, staring up at the night sky, as a human. "What..." Aramis gasps. Porthos jumps back and stares at you, his jaw dropped. D'Artagnan's hands are covering his mouth, and Athos looks like he's seen a ghost. You push yourself up and waver slightly. "Who-who are you? What just happened?" D'Artagnan asks. You clear your throat. "My name is Y/N. And I'm a Changeling." You answer. You look at Porthos. "For the record, I wasn't trying to kill you. My foot hit your leg as I was going into the forest to relieve myself." You say, crossing your arms. Porthos looks down, ashamed. Aramis swallows and slowly takes a step towards you. He looks at you in wonder and you smile. He reaches his hand out and lightly touches your face. You close your eyes and lean into his touch. "You're a woman." He whispers. You laugh softly. "Through and through. But I'm also a wolf, through and through." You say. You open your eyes to stare at him. He moves closer to you, smiling. "Did-did you say your name is Y/N?" Athos chokes out. You look past Aramis to see Athos staring at you with tears in his eyes. "Yes." You answer in confusion. "Y-you're my sister."      "Wait, what?" You gasp, moving past Aramis to face Athos. "Years ago, when I was just a small boy, my parents had a daughter. We were too poor to care for another child. For a few months we tried to make it work, but it just wasn't happening. We gave you up for adoption. We made sure that whoever got you kept your name–Y/N. It all makes sense now. I was feeling such a weird feeling when I'd look at you. It was like I knew you. And then the mark on your head. That is my–our family's coat of arms." He explains, getting choked up. "Oh, Athos." You sob, running into his arms. He holds you tightly as you both cry. "I've missed you so much, Y/N. I've missed you so much." He cries. "I knew there was something between us, Athos. I felt this bond like I've had with no one else. It's like I knew you were my brother." You whisper. "I'm so happy I've found you. I'm so happy I've finally found you. After all these years." You pull back and look at him. "Mother and father? Where are they? Can I see them?" You ask wistfully. Athos just stares at you. Your heart sinks. You take a step away from him. "They're dead, aren't they?" You whisper, your voice cracking. He nods slowly. "I'm so sorry." He whispers. You stumble onto a log, breathing hard. Aramis sits beside you and wraps his arm around your shoulders comfortingly. You let out a sob, your shoulders shaking. He pulls you into him and rests his hand on your head. You latch onto him and weep. ---      For the next few months, you stick with the four musketeers. Athos and you catch each other up on everything that's been happening in your lives since you've been adopted. You've also fallen deeply and hopelessly in love with Aramis. One morning you're walking through the village with Aramis and Athos. "I'm going to go look at some new fabrics, okay? I'll be right back." You say to them, before walking off. As you go through the fabric cart, you feel someone gazing at you. You look up and spot a man your age looking at you. You offer him a friendly smile. "Can I help you, miss?" He asks. "I didn't really think men had any interest in women's clothing." You laugh softly. He leans against the cart and his eyes trail your body. You shift uncomfortably. "It depends on the woman." He smirks. You stare him seriously. "Y/N!" Aramis blessedly shouts. You turn from the man and run to Aramis. "Oh, thank you." You breathe with relief. Aramis wraps his arm protectively around your waist. "Was he bothering you?" He asks angrily, looking like he's about to kill the man. You put your hand on his chest, stopping him. "No, no, no, it's okay. It's okay." You soothe. "Let's just go find Athos." "If that man did something to upset you, I will kill him." Aramis grits out. "I think he upset you more than he upset me." You frown. "I'm sorry." He sighs. Your eyebrows furrow. "What's going on?" You question.       Aramis sighs again. "Y/N, it's no secret that I care for you." You smile shyly. "You do?" You ask softly. He nods. "In fact...I'm in love with you." He whispers. You let out a surprised laugh. "Aramis, I've been wanting to hear you say that for so long. I'm in love with you too." You reply, grinning. He looks at you, his eyes wide. "You are?" He gasps. You nod and cup his face. "I am." You whisper. Aramis leans his head down and kisses you softly. You wrap your arms around him and he pulls you against him, deepening the kiss. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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