IMAGINE: Nikolaj confessing his feelings to you

You sit next to Lena Headey and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau in front of a camera. You're an actress in the Game of Thrones, and you're doing an interview with your fellow co-stars. "So are you guys all pretty close on set?" The interviewer asks. You glance at Nikolaj out of the corners of your eyes. You're in love with him. You're really close to him on and off of set. "Yeah, yeah, we're all pretty close on set. Y/N and I are best friends so we're really close." Lena says. "Yeah, same." Nikolaj replies, glancing at you. He half smiles. You smile back. "We're pretty much like family." You say. The interviewer asks you all a few more questions. "Now we do have some questions from our Twitter page, if you'd all be okay answering some of them." She says. "The first question is for Lena. What was the most weirdest thing you've seen your costars do?" Lena sucks in a breath. "Oooh, that's tough one. There was that one time I found Nikolaj looking up pictures of Y/N online. That was a little weird." She laughs. You look at Nikolaj, whose head is ducked. He's blushing. "Why were you looking up pictures of me online?" You ask in confusion. "Oh." Lena gasps under her breath. "Just forget about it. Um, let's the see, the most weirdest thing I've seen from my co-stars—" "Wait." You interrupt, holding your hand up. "I want to know. Nikolaj, why were you looking up pictures of me online?" You ask softly, staring at him. The room is dead silent. Nikolaj slowly looks at you. He swallows. "I hadn't seen you in a while and I...I missed seeing you." He admits. You smile, your heart warming. "Y/N, the thing is...I miss you so much when we're apart, sometimes it's so hard to bear." He says hoarsely. "Aww, how sweet." The interview gushes. Your heart pounds as Nikolaj stares deeply into your eyes. "Y/N, I love you." He tells you, before shrugging sheepishly. Your hands clasp over your mouth, your eyes wide with surprise. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, are you getting this?!" The interviewer practically shrieks to the cameraman who's grinning from ear to ear. "I love you too." You admit to Nikolaj, getting weepy. You laugh and sniff. "I love you too." You repeat. Nikolaj grins and then hugs you over the chair, pulling you into his arms as much as he can. Lena is smiling at you. "Did you know, Lena?" You ask. "Yeah. I found out when I found him looking you up on his phone. I kind of put two and two together." She laughs softly. You chuckle and hug Nikolaj tightly. He pulls his head back and looks at you. He caresses your face, in wonder. He smiles at you and cups your face. He lowers his head down and kisses you soundly. Your eyes flutter closed and you kiss him. [THE END] I hope you liked it!