IMAGINE: Falling in love with Peter after he saves you

You run down the busy city sidewalk, maneuvering around people who glare at you angrily. Someone is chasing you. You stop at a crosswalk, waiting for the cars to pass. You look around for another way to run, breathing hard. You glance behind you and see the man who's chasing you. He's looking around, trying to find you. He suddenly looks straight at you and then bursts through a group of people. They shout at him angrily but he doesn't stop. You take off running down across the crosswalk. Cars honk and slam on their breaks, just missing you. "Get off the street!" A woman screams at you. "I'm sorry!" You shout as you dart off. You push past people. You spot an alley way. You make a beeline for it, keeping your head down. You rush into it and then skid to a stop. "Dead end." You whisper. You back away and then turn around to get out of the alley. You gasp as you see the man leering at you. "What do you want from me?" You ask. He's silent as he moves closer to you. You back away from him. He holds his hand out. Your eyebrows draw. "Wha-what are you doing?" You ask in confusion. You stiffen as you feel a pounding in your head. You blink repeatedly as it worsens. You gasp and put your hands on your head. What are you doing?" You grit out. Your head feels weird. You cry out and fall to your knees. "Stop!" You scream at him, tears burning in your eyes. Your head tingles and burns. "Please stop." You sob, curling your head into your chest, squeezing your eyes shut. A few seconds go by and then the pain suddenly stops. You gasp with relief and massage your scalp which feels numb. You lift your head up to see what caused the man to stop. You gasp as you see another man with him. The new man has his hand on the other man's throat, not choking him, but holding him in place. "You leave this girl alone. I will come after you if you hurt her again. Do you understand me?" The new man threatens. Your attacker nods, his eyes wide with fear. "Now get out of here." The new man says, shoving your attacker away. He runs out of the alley, never looking back. You stare after your attacker, taking in a staggering breath. "Hey." Your hero says softly, kneeling in front of you. You slowly look up at him. He's so handsome. "You saved me." You whisper in wonder. He smiles and ever-so-gently brushes your hair off of your tear stained cheeks. "I couldn't have just stood by and watched him hurt you." He replies. He gently cups your face. "Are you all right?" He asks worriedly. "I think so...? I don't know. What was that?" "We...well...uh..." He trails off, shifting nervously. "I've heard about you. Well, not about you, but about your kind. You have these weird superpowers." He lets out a breath. "And his weird superpower is mental manipulation. I think he was trying to erase all of your memories." "But why? Wouldn't that just put me in a vegetable state?" You ask, shuddering. "I don't know who that guy was but apparently he just likes to hurt people." He replies. He peers at you. "Do you think he touched your memories? Any of them?" You shrug. "How would I know? If he made me forget my memories, I wouldn't remember them." He smiles and chuckles softly. "Good point." He says. "I'm Peter, by the way." You smile. "Y/N." You return. You slowly stand to your feet and almost fall over. Peter grabs you and pulls you to his chest. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, are you okay?" He asks. You blink a few times to try and clear the fog. "Yeah, just...dizzy." You breathe, shaking your head a little bit. "Here, there's a crate over there you can sit on." He says, before gently leading you over to the crate. You sit down. "Okay, now close your eyes." He instructs softly. You obey. "Take a few deep breaths." He tells you. You take five deep breaths and then open your eyes. "Better?" He asks. You look at him and smile. "Better." You answer. Peter grabs your hand and helps you to your feet. He slowly starts to walk out of the alley with you, his hand still in yours. You don't mind one bit. "Maybe we should get you something to eat, Y/N, to help give you energy. I don't know what the side effects of the mental manipulation are going to be. They might be nothing or..." He trails off. "Good idea." You nod. "Hey, this is kind of random, but I was just thinking, what's your superpower?" "I can mimic other people's superpowers by touching them." "Man, I'm jealous." You breathe. Peter smiles at you and it sets your heart racing. "It's cool. Sometimes. Sometimes it isn't though." You gently nudge his arm. "You saved my life today. Literally. That guy would've wiped my mind and just left me there. But saved me. Today your superpower is beyond cool. You're beyond cool." You tell him. Peter and you just stare at each other for a long moment. "Thanks, Y/N." He whispers. --- You spend the rest of the day with Peter. He takes you home. You wave to him as he drives away. You close your front door and then shut it. You rest against it and sigh deeply, smiling. Your dog comes running down the hall towards you. You get down on your knees and pet her. "Hey." You laugh. You hold her face in your hands. "Something happened today, Indy." You admit to her. She sits down and stares at you in questioning. "Mommy fell in love." You sigh happily. You sit against the door and smile. "Mommy fell in love with her hero." [THE END] I hope you liked!