IMAGINE: The crew trying to fix up Will and you

| IMAGINE for @igotmadskills | One night, while you are keeping watch over the Flying Dutchman, down below deck the crewmen are all sitting around a box, the candles around them burning low. "How much do you bet, David?" George asks. David shrugs, unsure. "I-I don't feel like we should be making wages on who can set up Will and Y/N first. I feel like we should just leave it to the two. If they're meant to be together, they'll come together naturally. By no prodding from us." Groans rise up from the crew. "Come on, David! We all know they're meant to be together. It's plain to see, even if Y/N and Will can't see it. They need a little nudging, that's all. And we're going to help them. Now place your bet and let's move on." George says sharply. David sighs and slips out two gold coins. "I bet two coins that John will get Y/N and Will together." John grins at him from across the box. "Why thank you, David." "You're not even betting on yourself?!" George exclaims. "I'm not a matchmaker! I don't believe we should be meddling in other people's love lives!" David protests. "Gah, whatever. All right, Ruddy, you're next." George spits. Soon the whole crew has placed their bets on who will set up Will and you. "All right, men. Bets have been placed. May the best pirate win." George grins. John jumps to his feet. "I plan to." He states, before walking towards the stairs up deck. "Oye! Where are you off to?" George asks. John turns around, smiling. "Don't you know, boys? Love is in the air." He sighs, outstretching his arms. He dashes up the stairs and the crew quickly race up to follow him. John walks over to you as the crew watch from the stairs. "Lovely night, isn't it, Y/N?" John asks. You turn your head and smile at him. "Yeah. It is." You reply. "What are you doing up? I'm taking first watch." "Oh, yeah, I know, but, ummmm....the Captain wants to see you." Your eyebrows raise. "Really? He didn't tell me." "Yeah, that's because he told me. He said he needs to see you really bad. More than anything." John says. You stare at him oddly. "Okay...well, you can take watch while I go talk with him." You say, before jumping off the barrel you're sitting on. You walk off while glancing back at John. Your eyes catch the crew watching you. "What are you guys doing?" You ask, crossing your arms. "Uh, nothing, Y/N." George says hurriedly, before disappearing below deck, the rest of the crew following him. "What..." You whisper to yourself. You shake your head and go to Will's quarters. He looks up and smiles when he sees you. "Y/N, what are you doing here? I thought you're supposed to be on watch." He says in surprise. "I am. But John told me you needed me?" Will's eyebrows draw. "I never said that. I haven't even seen John tonight." He murmurs. You cross your arms and sigh. "Something really weird is going on." Will's eyes move past your head and then settle back on your eyes. His eyebrows raise. "You mean other than the fact that the whole crew is outside my cabin windows, watching us?" "What?" You gasp. Will jumps to his feet. "Don't turn around." He walks over to you. "What do you think they're planning?" He whispers, his face close to yours. You swallow nervously. "I-I don't know. They're acting really weird though." You whisper back. "You don't think there's going to be a mutiny, do you?" You breathe. "I don't believe so. I trust this crew with my life." He replies. You bite your lip. "I say we just keep our eyes and ears open. Be vigilant yet discreet. They mustn't know we're on to them." He says. "Understood." You whisper. Will smiles at you and rubs your arm. "Good." He breathes. You smile. "Well, I need to get back to watching. I'll see you tomorrow." You say, backing away. "Goodnight." --- "She's coming out! Everybody, move!" George exclaims in a whisper. Everyone scrambles down below deck except John who casually acts like he's keeping watch. You come out of Will's quarters. "So did Will say what he needed you for?" John asks innocently. You take a deep breath and smile. "Yeah, yeah, he just wanted to...tell me to have a good night." "Oh...great. Well, I better get some rest. Goodnight." He says, before hurriedly moving below deck. "Well, what happened?!" George exclaims as the crew stares at him expectantly. John slowly grins. "John 1, the rest of the crew 0." He answers. He crawls up into his hammock. "I guess I was just born a matchmaker." He sighs, putting his hands behind his head. The crew grumbles. "Yeah, well, just watch me tomorrow." Ruddy replies. "They won't be able to keep their hands off each other." He adds. John snorts. --- For the next couple of days each crew member tries their own method to somehow pull Will and you together. So far no one has won the bet. But Will and you have finally caught on to what's going on. You can't even have a normal conversation with him without all the crew glancing at each other and waggling their eyebrows. It's embarrassing. "We need to do something about the crew, Will." You whisper to him as you both look over a map one afternoon. "It's getting crazy, I know." He whispers. "I mean, look at them." Will glances up to see all the crew stopping what they're doing and just staring at you and Will. He sighs. "We need to end this." He whispers. "How?" Will bites his lip, thinking. In a minute, he snaps his fingers. He straightens and grabs your arm. "Follow my lead." He whispers in your ear. You nod. Will walks down the steps. "Y/N, I was thinking tonight, if you're not doing anything, you'd like to meet me up here?" He asks loudly enough for all the crew to hear. "Oh, Will, I'd love to." You say, just as loud. He smiles at you. "Great, I'll see you then." He says, before going into his quarters. You grin and then go below deck. The crew all shuffle together, chuckling and snickering. "Well guess who we'll be watching tonight?" George laughs softly. They all grin at him. --- That night you meet Will on deck. "Do you think they're coming?" He asks you lowly. "Oh, yeah. They all pretended to be going to bed but they were all eyeing each other. They're probably watching us as we speak." "Perfect." He smiles. Will wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you to his side. You lean against him and sigh. You wrap your arms around him. "They're going to feel like fools, you know." You murmur. Will chuckles. "Let them. They're being fools for trying to fix us up." He replies. You smile up at him. He puts a piece of hair behind your hair and then cups your cheek. He leans his head down and kisses you softly. Your eyes flutter closed and you kiss him back. He deepens the kiss, pulling you tight against him. "Ha! We knew it! It worked it! It worked!" George screams as the crew starts to hoot and cheer. They come bumbling out from below deck. Will and you smile and pull away. "What worked?" Will asks. "Oh, we were just playing some wages on who could set Y/N and you up, Captain." John answers. "Just a harmless little game." David rushes to say nervously. "But it worked. It worked." George nods. Ruddy crosses his arms. "So...who then? Who won?" He asks curiously. The crew look at Will and you expectantly. "Well, actually..." Will trails off. They stare at him, nodding. "None of you won." He finishes. They pull up straight, their eyes wide. They start muttering to each other. "Wait, wait, wait, what?!" John exclaims. "Who set up you two then?" George asks. You smile. "Will and I were set up by our attraction to each other. This is nothing new. We've been dating for months now." You laugh softly, wrapping your arms around Will. They all starting shouting at each other. Will smiles down at you. "Well, I believe we just gave them the shock of their lives." He states. You laugh as he leans down to kiss you again. [THE END] I hope you liked it!Â