IMAGINE: Meeting Edward

| IMAGINE for @passyroo | "Truth or dare?" You ask. "Truth." Jacob, your friend, replies. You bite your lip, thinking. Your group of four friends and you are sitting on your front lawn, playing an intense game of Truth or Dare one summer afternoon. "Uhhh, who's your crush right now?" You question. "Uh-oh." Amanda mutters under her breath. You grin and look at Jacob who's blushing. "Is it someone here?" You laugh. "Hmm, I couldn't guess who." Cole draws out sarcastically, looking at Lauren, who's blushing as well. You laugh again and nudge Jacob. "Come on, who is it?" Mortified, Jacob covers his face. "There's no escaping this, Jacob. We take our games of Truth or Dare very seriously. Now answer Y/N's question." Cole states, boding no room for an argument. "Okay, okay. I like...I like Lauren." Jacob replies quietly. "Ha! I knew it. I totally called it!" Cole exclaims. "All right, can we just drop it now? Cole, it's your turn to ask Y/N." Jacob mumbles. Cole grins and you grimace. He's ruthless when it comes to Truth or Dare. He stretches his hands out and interlaces his fingers. He cracks them. You take a deep breath and let it out. "Okay, Y/N. Truth or dare?" Cole asks. You swallow and straighten. "I'm feeling spontaneous. Let's do...dare." He slowly grins and then looks around the neighborhood. He stills. "Oh, man, this is going to be good." He snickers. You roll your eyes. "All right, Mr. Mysterious, let's get on with it." He looks at you, smirking. "Y/N, I dare you to walk up to that gothic mansion on the hill and knock on the door. You have to ask the person who answers the door for a tour of the mansion." Your jaw drops and you start to shake your head. "No, no, no, no, no. No one goes there. I can't go there!" You protest. "No, you have to, girl!" Amanda exclaims. "Yeah, he dared you!" Lauren throws in. Your heart pounds as they all look at you expectantly. You look at the creepy mansion and swallow. You glance at Cole who's watching you. "I hate you." You whisper. He grins at you. --- You knock on the large door of the dark mansion, your hand literally shaking. Your heart is tripping over beats. A few seconds go by and then the door opens up slowly with a creak. You blink at the seriously pale man who opens the door. He has black hair all spiked up. He looks like he's never seen the light of day. And his face is covered in scars. He's...endearing. You swallow. "Uh, hi." You breathe. "Hello." He replies, staring at you. "I-I was wondering if I could get a tour of your mansion. It's just so...beautiful..." You tell him awkwardly. "Oh." He says in surprise. "Well, I mean, sure. If you want. Would you like a tour of the grounds first?" "Your eyebrows raise. "Uh, yeah. Sure." You reply. The man steps out of his house and you gasp, stumbling backwards. You can't help but stare at his hands...if you can even call them that. They're scissors. Your eyes widen and you slowly look up at him. He's smiling sympathetically. "I'm a little different." He says softly. You relax and shake your head. "There's nothing wrong with that. Di-different is good." You answer. You smile at him. "I'm Y/N." "Edward. It's nice to meet you, Y/N." "It's nice to meet you too." You respond. --- Edward and you are taking a tour through his ultra creepy mansion after walking the grounds of his property. "You don't get a lot of visitors, do you?" You ask curiously. He shakes his head. "You are the first I've had in a very long time." "I'm sorry." You frown. He sighs and shakes his head. "It's all right." He says quietly. "No, it's not. You're all alone up here. It must be terribly lonely for you." "I'm used to it." He whispers. You smile at him. "If you'd like, I can visit you at times." He smiles back. "I'd like that, Y/N." He says. He squints. "What made you come here anyways?" He asks. Your eyes widen and you laugh softly. "A game of Truth or Dare actually." "Let me guess, you picked dare?" Edward says. "Yup." You nod. "At first I was really angry, but I'm not." You smile. He smiles back. --- An hour later Edward walks you to his front door. "Well thank you for showing me a tour of your place, Edward. It really is...something else." You tell him. "You're welcome, Y/N." "I'm sorry that it was just so random and awkward at first." You wince. "It's okay. You didn't want to lose the Truth or Dare game, I understand." He grins. You laugh. "Thank you for being so understanding." "You don't have to wait for another Truth or Dare game to come and visit me, Y/N. You can do it whenever you like." He offers softly. "I know, Edward. Next time I won't wait." You smile. "Thank you...for being my new friend." He whispers. "And thank you for being my new friend, Edward." You whisper back. You stare at each other for a long minute. You laugh softly and break the stare. "Well, I better go. They'll be wondering where I am." You say. Edward smiles sadly. "Come back soon, okay?" "I will. I'll be back...maybe tomorrow." You grin. He chuckles. "I'll be waiting for you." He murmurs. [THE END] I hope you liked it!Â