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IMAGINE: Reuniting with Will

| IMAGINE @niallforever | You see William pull into your driveway and you gulp, trying to calm the nervous butterflies in your stomach. You found out a few weeks ago that you're pregnant with twins. You were elated at first but then as reality set in, you were soon overtaken with fear. How would William react? You have kept the news from him for as long as you could. But now that you're showing, you have no choice but to tell him. William walks through the door. "Hey, Y/N." He greets, smiling. You weakly smile back. "Hi, William. Did you have a good day?" You ask, wringing your hands. "I did! You will never believe who I saw today!" You raise your eyebrows. "Yeah, who?" You question, not really caring. "Antonia Ortega." You stand up straight and stiffen. "What?" You ask in alarm, jealousy seeping through your blood. "Yeah, we had lunch. I forgot how nice she is." William replies, totally oblivious to your change of attitude. "You had lunch with one of your ex girlfriends?!" You practically shriek. He finally looks at you in confusion. "Is something wrong with that?" "Will, how could you?!" You exclaim angrily, tears flooding your eyes. Dang pregnancy—making you all emotional. "I thought you'd be okay with it." He admits. "Well you thought wrong. How can you expect me to okay with it when you used to have a thing with her?" He stares at you. "You are kidding me, right? Y/N, that was years ago!" He exclaims irritatedly. "You know, you can be really insensitive sometimes." You cry. "And you can be really jealous sometimes." William retorts. You cross your arms and glare at him. "Then maybe you should stop doing things to make me jealous." You grit out. "What, do you expect me to quit acting then? There are lots of women in that field." He says sarcastically. "You know what I mean." You seethe. "No, I really don't. You get all psycho on me if I even look at our waitress when we're out for dinner! "I do not!" "Yes! Yes you do! And you know what, it's really starting to tick me off! I feel like you're my mother! Constantly watching over me like a hawk. And-and-and I hate it! I can't take it anymore!" William screams. You gasp, your eyes wide. "Well I can't this either! I want out!" "That's fine by me! I'm breaking up with you!" "And I'm breaking up with you so get out of my house! Now!" You sob. Will stomps out of your house and slams the door behind him, rattling the pictures on the wall. Once he speeds out of your driveway, you collapse onto your couch, weeping. --- Three years later you're in the car with your two sons, Mason and Nathan, and your older brother, Ben Barnes. You're on your way home after a Narnia reunion party. William wasn't there—which you're thankful for. After William and you broke up, you changed your phone number and moved. You broke off all contact with him. He still doesn't even know about his sons. Occasionally your sons will ask who their father is and you'll tell them about him and show them his picture online. "Hey, can we stop at the store really quickly? I need some cereal for the boys." You say. "Yeah, no problem. I need to get some things too." Ben replies. He pulls into the store parking lot. You unbuckle your children from their car seats. Ben and you each take their hands and walk into the store. As you're shopping, Mason and Nathan are pointing at all of the toys. "Mommy, we want the Legos!" Nathan exclaims. "Pleeeaaasssseeee can we get the Legos?" Mason begs. You frown sympathetically. "I'm sorry, boys, not right now, okay?" You say. Mason's lip starts to tremble. "No, no, no, don't cry." You sigh. Nathan starts to softly cry. "Oh no, what'd you do to them?" Ben grins, walking up to you, a gallon of milk in his hand. You turn your back to your children who're consoling each other with little pats on the back. "I wouldn't let them get Legos." You answer. Ben grimaces. "Ooh, they're going to hate you for that." You biff him in the arm, smiling. "Stop." You laugh. "Hey, do you know where the snack aisle is? I can't find it anywhere." Ben tells you. "Yeah, let's go together. It's right near the cereal aisle." You answer. You start to turn around towards the boys. "Come on, boys, let's go with Uncle Ben—" You stop and look behind you. The boys are gone. "Mason?! Nathan?!" You exclaim, sounding panicked. "Where did they go? They were right here!" Ben says. "We need to find them. You go one way, I'll go the other." You say, your heart pounding fast. Ben and you take off running, calling the boys' names. In ten minutes, you meet back up with Ben. "Nothing?" You ask. He shakes his head. He's pale. "Let's check by the registers. If they're not there, I'm going to make an announcement to the store and then I'm calling the police." You state. Ben and you hurriedly go the registers. "Wait! That's them!" You gasp, seeing them from behind. They're holding the hands of a man. "Nathan! Mason!" You shout, running towards them. They turn around. They've been crying. "Mommy!" They shriek, running towards you. You crash to your knees as they launch themselves into your arms. You hold onto them tightly, crying. "We-we accidentally went down another aisle and then we lost you." Mason blubbers. "Don't ever do that again. You scared me half to death." You scold. "This man found us. He was going to make an announcement so we could find you." Nathan states. You look up at the man and your heart nearly stops. "Whoa." Ben breathes from behind you as you stare up into the bluest of blue eyes. "William." You whisper. You stand up and stare at him, not sure what to do. "Mommy, doesn't he look like Da—" Mason starts to say. You grab his hand and squeeze it, cutting him off. "Thanks for, uh, finding them." You state to William awkwardly as he just stares at you, looking dazed. Ben, ever the rescuer, protectively steps in front of you. "Hey, William, how's it going? Long time no see." He says, shaking his hand. "Good, man, thanks." William replies, trying to look around Ben to see you again. "Okay, come on, Nathan and Mason, time to leave." You say hurriedly, grabbing their hands. "But, Mommy, he looks like Daddy—" Nathan starts to say. "NO." You interrupt, shaking your head. You start to walk off. "Wait!" William exclaims, grabbing your arm. "Y/N, please, I need to know. Are these my sons?" He whispers. You stare at his handsome face, all the hurt and pain coming back. "Why would you say that?" You ask, turning your nose up. "Because Nathan just said that I look like his father. Because I feel a strange bond...a strange connection with them." He whispers, his voice cracking. You stare at him, your eyes filling with tears. "Yes, these are your sons." William's breath leaves him in a rush. "Why-why did you never tell me?" "I was going to tell you the night we broke up. And then once we broke up, I realized I didn't want my sons around you so I changed my number and moved." You admit. "I tried calling you, Y/N. I tried seeing you. I regretted what I said—I regretted breaking up with you. I've never been with anyone else since you. I loved you. I still love you." He blurts out. You stare at him. "I don't want you to think that you can just say those words and everything will be fine between us." You tell him, your voice shaking. "I don't think that, Y/N. I want to start over though. I've been wanting to get in contact with you for years, yet no one seemed to of had your number. Now I want to start over even more knowing that I have two sons I need to be a father too." He says. "I'm sorry for letting you be a single mother for all these years. I'm sorry for the pain I put you through. I'm sorry for the heartache. I'm sorry, Y/N. Can you please forgive me?" You nod slowly. "I forgive you, William." You whisper. "Can you introduce me to our sons please?" William asks wistfully. You smile and nod again. "Nathan and Mason, meet your father. William, meet your sons." You say. William gets on his knees and starts to talk with them. You look at Ben. He nods and smiles. William looks at you and smiles, reaching for your hand. You hold it out and he squeezes it. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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