IMAGINE: Loki and you having a baby

"So is it pretty flexible?" You ask. "Yeah, yeah, it is. It kind of has to be since I'm doing a lot of quick moves and such." Tony Stark replies. You two are at Stark Tower, conversing about Tony's Iron Man suit. "Very true." You yawn and rest a hand on your bulging, pregnant stomach. "So where is everyone? The party is starting soon." Tony and Pepper are hosting a party at Stark Tower. You had gotten there earlier to help with the preparations. The Avengers, plus Loki, your husband, are supposed to be here. "I have no idea. Even Pepper has disappeared somewhere. I can try giving Natasha a call to see if she knows where everyone's at." Tony replies just as intense pain flares across your stomach. You yelp and grab onto the edge of the table, leaning forward. "Y/N! Are you okay?!" Tony exclaims, grabbing your arm. You groan and shake your head. "No, no, the baby. It's coming." You gasp. You let out a cry. "Pepper! Pepper!" Tony screams, paling considerably, panicked. "Tony, help me!" Without a second thought, he picks you up into his arms and runs out of the room. --- The nurses set a wheelchair at Tony's feet as he runs into the hospital. He ever gently sets you down. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." You whisper to him. The nurses start to wheel you away to the delivery room. "Wait! Tony!" You shout, turning your head back to look at him. "Call Loki! Tell him where I am! I need him!" "I'll do whatever I can to find him, Y/N! I promise!" Tony vows, immediately pulling out his cellphone. He dials Natasha, pacing like a madman, his heart racing. The call goes into voicemail. "No!" Tony exclaims, quickly punching in Clint's number. "Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!" He growls impatiently, desperately. "What's up, Tony?" Clint picks up. "Clint! Where's Loki?!" Tony shouts. "Uh, he's with Thor and me. We're on our way to the party. Why?" "Y/N is having her baby! You all need to get down to the hospital right now!" Tony yells. People at the hospital start to stare at him but he ignores them. "Wait, wait, wait, what?" Clint asks. "Y/N is having her baby! Right! Now! Get down to the hospital!' Tony repeats. He can hear Loki shouting in the background of the car and Thor trying to calm him down. "Oh my gosh! Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, we'll be there in like fifteen minutes!" Clint exclaims, sounding totally panicked. --- Loki bursts through the hospital doors, paler than normal. He runs up to Tony and grabs him by the shirt. "Where is she? Where is Y/N?" He asks desperately. "She's in the delivery room, come on!" Tony exclaims. The two take off with Thor and Clint hot on their heels. When they get to the delivery level, the nurses direct Loki into the room where you are. He bolts into the room. "Loki!" You exclaim. "Y/N!" He says, rushing over to your side. He hugs you tightly. "Are you okay?" "Yes, now that you're here. I was so scared I was going to do this alone." You whisper. Loki looks at you and caresses your cheek, his eyes bursting with love. "You're not going to do this alone, Y/N, I promise. I'll be by your side through it all." You smile. "I know." He rests a hand on your stomach. "How is it? How's the baby?" "The midwife says it's coming fast—faster than most first deliveries. She said it should be here within the hour." You explain, just as the pain starts back up again. "Nurse! Nurse!" Loki screams frantically. One comes running in. "What is it?" She asks worriedly. "She's in pain!" Loki exclaims, his eyes filling with tears. The nurse tries to hide her smile. "That is to be expected. Your wife is in labor—labor is some of the worse pain a person can endure." "I'm so sorry." Loki whispers to you, his voice cracking, grabbing onto your hand. You hold it tightly and take a deep breath, trying not to scream. "It's okay. I'll be okay" You grit out. "I'll get the midwife in here again." The nurse says, before leaving the room. "I'm sorry you have to go through some much pain, Y/N. I wish I could take it from you." Loki murmurs, sounding weepy. "Loki." You try to laugh, but it gets cut off by a yelp. You groan, leaning forward. A tear splatters onto Loki's cheek and he rubs your back, sniffling. "I'm so sorry." He whispers again. --- You scream loudly, sobbing. "I can't do this. I can't do this." You blubber. "Yes, you can, Y/N. You're almost there. Just a few more pushes and your baby will be here." The midwife tells you. "You can do this, Y/N. I believe in you. You're strong. You're amazing. And I love you so much." Loki whispers, kissing your head. "It just hurts so much." You cry defeatedly. "I know, Y/N, I know." "Okay, Y/N, push again. Push!" The midwife exclaims. You take a deep breath and bore down, choking on a sob. "Breathe, breathe." Loki coaches, rubbing your back. You do as he says, tears spilling down your cheeks. "Good job, Y/N." The midwife says, nodding. "Two more pushes to go." She adds. You scream as you push hard for the next pushes. Then the baby slides into the midwife's arms. You sink against the pillows, breathing hard and feeling so dizzy. The midwife gasps. "You have a son!" She announces, just as an ear splitting cry fills the room. "Oh, a boy." Loki breathes, his eyes filling with tears. When you don't say anything, he looks at you. "Y/N?" He asks. You're blinking, trying to clear the haze from your eyes. All of the noises sound like you're underwater. You feel so cold and faraway. You feel like you're being pulled away. You feel like you're sinking...sinking into a black abyss... "Y/N!" Loki screams as you become unconscious. The midwife hands the baby to a nurse and then rushes to your side. "What's going on? What's happened?" Loki asks hysterically. "I don't know. I don't know." The midwife breathes. "I'm going to have to ask you to step outside while we find out what's happened." She says. A nurse comes and all but drags Loki from your side. He stands outside the door as doctors come rushing into the room. Loki starts to pace and doesn't stop until a doctor comes out of the room. "What is it? What's wrong with her?" He asks. The doctor swallows. "I'm sorry, but your wife is in a coma. She's not showing any signs of consciousness. It's almost like she's dead to the world. We...we don't know if she'll ever wake." He says softly. "What..." Loki breathes, his voice cracking. He steps back, shaking his head vehemently, as tears burn in his eyes. "No, no, no, no, no." He protests, his heart pounding and breaking at the same time. "Your son needs a father. He needs you right now." "I can't do this without my wife." Loki cries. "You don't have a choice right now." The doctor replies. He puts a hand on Loki's shoulder. "Your son needs you right now. And you need him." He states. --- Three years later, Loki and the Avengers are at Stark Tower, sitting on the floor playing with Atlas, Loki and your son. Loki has raised Atlas to be a very good boy, thanks to all the Avengers pitching in and helping direct him. You're still in a coma. Loki visits you a few times a week with Atlas. Tony comes into the room, suddenly looking pale. "Loki, it's Y/N's doctors. They want to talk to you." He states, sounding ghostly. All the Avengers and Loki jump to their feet. Tony hands the phone to Loki. Thor pulls Atlas into his arms and holds him tightly. Everyone is dead silent. "H-hello?" Loki asks, putting the phone up to his ear. "Loki, this is doctors Yuri and Lang." A voice says at the other. "Is-is everything okay?" Loki asks worriedly, feeling his heart pounding so hard it might rip out of his chest. "We don't want to get you excited, but your wife is showing signs of waking up. She's been slightly moving her fingers and toes. She's reacting if we poke her arm. We suggest that you get over to the hospital. We know that if she wakes up, she will be panicked if she doesn't see you. She won't understand what's going on." Doctor Yuri explains. "Oh my gosh, I'll be right over." Loki blurts out. He hangs up. "Well?" Steve asks. "Y/N might be waking up. We need to get to the hospital now!" Loki exclaims. --- The Avengers, Loki, and Atlas all crowd around in your room, holding their breaths. Loki and Atlas sit at your side. "Mommy?" Atlas asks. He wraps his arms around you. "Mommy, wake up." He whispers. He lays over you. "I love you." He says, before kissing your cheek. Your eyes fly open and you gasp. Your eyes widen. "Y/N!" Loki exclaims. Everyone starts talking at once. "Who is this?" You breathe, staring at Atlas who stares back at you. "Honey, this is Atlas. Our baby." Loki explains gently. You start sobbing and pull your son into your arms. "You've grown so big. I've missed so much." You weep. "Oh my boy. My sweet, sweet boy." You whisper, kissing his head over and over and over again. He giggles. You open your tearfilled eyes and look at everyone who's crying. Your eyes land on Loki. You lift your hand up to his cheek, wiping away his tears. "I've missed you so much." You choke out. Loki kisses your hand and lets out a sob. "I've missed you too, Y/N." He cries. He leans over you and wraps his arms around Atlas and you. [THE END] I hope you liked it!