IMAGINE: Sebastian getting jealous

You pose on the red carpet, your hand on your hip, and smile at the cameras. You're at the premiere for your latest movie. Sebastian Stan, your boyfriend, stands next to you. "Y/N! Y/N!" A handsome reporter calls, jogging up you. Sebastian moves back slightly to give you some room. "Hey." You smile at the reporter. He grins flirtatiously. "Can I just say you look absolutely beautiful, Y/N? I mean, what a vision!" You feel Sebastian tense behind you. "Oh, goodness, thank you." You laugh. "Also, your acting in this movie...superb! You rocked the roll and I don't anyone could have done better. You are my favorite actress of all time and I just love you." He gushes. Sebastian clenches his fist and his jaw. "Uh, thank you." You say, starting to get uncomfortable. Another minute goes by of the reporter gushing and hitting on you. Sebastian is about to lose it. "We actually have to go, so bye." He snaps at the reporter, before grabbing your arm and pulling you along. You almost fall. "Whoa, Sebastian! Hold up!" You gasp, righting yourself. He looks at you, anger burning in his eyes. "Stop it, Sebastian. Let go of me, you're hurting me arm." You grit out, wriggling your arm out of his grip. You cross your arms. "What is going on?" You ask exasperatedly. "Nothing." He replies snarkily. You narrow your eyes. "Obviously it's not nothing because you wouldn't be acting the way you're acting." "There is nothing going on!" You notice people start to stare at you. "Shh, Sebastian, people are staring." You whisper. "You know what, just forget about it." He mumbles, before stalking off down the red carpet. Your jaw drops. "Sebastian!" You call. He keeps on walking. --- For the rest of the premiere Sebastian and you don't say a word to each other. On the drive home, there's an awkward, tension filled silence. You decide to break it once you get in your driveway. " long is this going to go on for?" You ask. "I don't know what you mean." Sebastian replies, his voice tight. You choke on a snort. "Something obviously made you mad at the premiere because, frankly, you're acting like a jerk." You fire at him. He inhales sharply. "Well?" You prompt. "That dude...that reporter." He grits out, clenching the steering wheel. "He was flirting with you and—" He starts to say. "And you got angry and you were jealous." You finish, realization dawning. Sebastian sighs heavily. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I just-I just couldn't stand seeing him flirt with you and be obnoxious." "Sebastian, you know I'd never leave you for a guy like him. I'd never leave you for anyone! I love you. Not that weird reporter, not any other guy. Just you." "I know, I'm sorry." He groans. "You probably think I'm so stupid." "No. It's cute." You laugh. "Just please tell me next time, okay? I want to know. I thought I did something wrong." Sebastian grabs your hand and smiles. "I will, Y/N. I'm sorry." He says. You smile and then lean forward to kiss him. [THE END] I hope you liked it!