IMAGINE: Bringing Kylo back to the Light Side

You fly into the hangar at Starkiller Base. You let out a nervous breath to try and calm your racing heart. You grab your blaster as the cockpit door lifts up. First Order Stormtroopers surround your ship. "Who are you?" One shouts, pointing his gun at you. You get off the ship and hold your hands up in surrender. "My name is Y/N. I'm here to see Ben. I mean Kylo Ren." You stammer, still getting used to your husband's new name. You got married to Kylo before he turned to the Dark Side. You were only married for a couple of months before he joined the First Order. He left you so heartbroken, you weren't sure you'd ever recover. But, with time, you slowly did. Now you're here at Starkiller Base to bring him back into the light. A Stormtrooper rips your blaster off your hip and then painfully forces your hands behind your back. "What do you want with Kylo?" "My business with him is my own." You answer, turning your nose up. The Stormtrooper pushes you forward and you stumble. "Get moving. You're going to the detention level." He snaps, pointing his gun at you. You wince and walk forward as two Stormtroopers grab your arms and walk with you. --- You pace the length of your small cell, occasionally glancing at the ray shield wall. Two Stormtroopers are guarding you. You hear heavy footsteps coming down the hall and you stop your pacing. Your heart starts to pound hard again at the prospect of seeing Ben after all this time. "What's going on? I was told you captured a prisoner." You hear your husband ask. You can't see him around the wall. His voice sounds grovelled and muffled. "I wasn't captured. I basically gave myself up." You grumble to yourself. "Yes. She says she needs to see you, but she refuses to tell us why. We thought it'd be better to let you know than just have us kill her." One Stormtrooper states. You roll your eyes. "She? The prisoner is a woman?" Ben asks in surprise. "Yes." The Stormtrooper replies. Ben walks into view. He's in all black and he's wearing a mask. When he spots you, he takes a step back. "Ben..." You breathe. "Leave us." He chokes out to the Stormtroopers. They walk away. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" Ben stammers out. "I came to see you." You whisper, tears pooling in your eyes. You smile. "I wanted to see you." You whisper, your voice cracking. "They-they could have killed you!" He whispers harshly. You shake your head. "I wouldn't have cared, Ben. There's nothing left for me back home. There hasn't been for a while. Not since you left." You answer softly. He looks down. "Could you-could you take off the mask?" You plead. "I need to see the face of the man I love. I need to look into his eyes." You whisper. Ben slowly takes off his mask and your breath catches in your throat. A tear splatters down your cheek as Ben and you stare at each other. You smile as your chin quivers. He steps up to the ray shield. You walk closer to him. "What are you doing here, Y/N? You didn't just want to come see me. I know you didn't." He states. You sniff and take a deep breath. "In all honesty, Ben, I came here because I want to bring you back to the Light Side." You admit. His eyebrows furrow and he steps away from the shield. "No." He protests in disgust. "Please, Ben, you have to. You don't belong to the Dark Side. You never have and you never will. You don't have that kind of evil in your heart. I know it." You state earnestly. "You know nothing about me!" He exclaims. You flinch as if he hit you. Ben looks at you, regret showing now on his face. "Y/N-" He starts to say. "No. I don't want to hear it." You interrupt. You glare at him. "Y/N, please! I would never do anything to hurt you!" You scoff. "Yeah right! That's all you ever do to me! What do you think you did to me when you left? But after all that time, did I ever stop loving you? No! Even though I haven't seen you in years, I have loved you for every second of those years. I-I used to get so angry at myself because even after you left me heartbroken and in despair, I was still in love with you. I hated myself for it! I was so depressed because I knew I was never going to get you back." You sob. Ben's eyes fill with tears. "Y/N." He whisper, his voice garbled. "I want you back, Ben. I can't do this alone anymore. I can't go on knowing that your love for me wasn't enough for you to turn back to the Dark Side." "But it is enough! Y/N, I've thought about you every single day since I left. There hasn't been a minute where I haven't thought about you. Do you not think I'm plagued with guilt every second of the day? Do you think I don't live with regret for what I did to you? Do you think I haven't missed you every minute of every day? Do you think that my love for you has ever stopped?" He asks, shaking his head. You stare at him in silence. He walks up to the ray shield. "Y/N, I love you more than I can ever say." He chokes out. "Then leave the First Order, Ben. We can start fresh. We can start clean where they will never find us." You whisper. He bites his lip. "Please." You beg. "What is keeping you here? What is so important that you'd be willing to give up a life without your wife or your future children? What is so important that you'd be willing to give up love?" You ask. Ben looks into your eyes for a long while. "Nothing." He finally answers, and presses the button that lets the ray shield down. You run into his arms and throw your arms around him, weeping. He holds onto you tightly and buries his face in your neck. You sigh with relief. "Thank you. Thank you, Ben." You whisper. "No, Y/N, thank you. Thank you for coming here." Ben murmurs. He pulls his head back and kisses you deeply. You cup his face and kiss him back. A long minute later, he looks at you, smiling. "You know, I think a fresh start will be nice." He breathes. "I agree." You smile, gently running your thumb over his cheekbone. He kisses you again. [THE END] I hope you liked it!