IMAGINE: Breaking up with Phillip

Phillip, your boyfriend, kisses the side of your head. "I'll be right back. I need to go take care of something out back." You smile at him. "Okay, hurry back." He grins and winks. "You know I will." He murmurs, before walking out the back door. You watch him leave and sigh. Phillip just got out of jail a month ago. He was in for drugs. You rub your forehead, beyond glad that that life is over for him. Phillip promised you once he got out that he would stop selling drugs and be the right man for you. He's doing a good job so far. You sit on his couch and set your phone next to you. It accidentally falls in between the cracks of the cushions and drops to the floor. "Oh man." You complain. You slide off the couch and bend down. You can't see a thing under the couch. You frown and stick your hand under the couch, feeling around for your phone. Your fingers touch something that's soft and feels like a baggie. Your eyebrows draw and you grab it. You pull your arm out from the couch and your heart nearly stops. "Oh, Phillip." You choke out, holding the small baggie of marijuana in your hand. Disappointment and anger course through your blood. You reach under the couch and pull out more baggies of marijuana. You finally grasp your phone and pull it out. Angry tears fill your eyes at all the drugs in the bags. You pick up a bag and stand up when you hear Phillip entering the house. You turn your back to him. "Hey, so do you want to watch a movie or something?" He asks. "How come you didn't tell me?" You ask hoarsely. He looks stumped. "How come I didn't tell you what?" "How come you lied to me?" You ask, ignoring his question. "Y/N, what are you talking about?" He laughs nervously. You turn around and show him the baggie of marijuana. Tears spill down your cheeks. His jaw drops and he softly gasps. "Oh, Y/N, I-I-I-I-" He stammers. "You lied to me?! You-you told me you were going to stop distributing drugs to people! You lied!" You exclaim angrily, throwing the bag onto the floor. You put a hand on your chest and choke on a sob. "How could you do this? How could you do this to me? I trusted you!" You cry. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I-I couldn't help it." Phillip states. "You didn't love me enough to stop. You don't love me enough to stop. You will never stop." Your eyebrows draw. "Were you outside doing a drug deal just now?" You ask. Phillip hangs his head. You scoff. "Do you know where you belong?" You ask bitterly. You plant your hands on your hips. "You belong in jail. You deserve to rot in prison." You whisper viciously. "You don't mean that." He whispers. "Yes! Yes, I do! I never want to see you again." You spit, before brushing past him, heading for the door. "Y/N, wait!" He exclaims. "No, Phillip!" You shout, not turning back as you exit. [THE END] I hope you liked it!