IMAGINE: Luke and you getting into a fight

You angrily slam your car door shut and pull out of your driveway. You grip the steering wheel until your knuckles are white. Your jaw hurts from clenching your teeth so hard. You just got into a massive fight with your husband Luke. This is the worst fight you've ever been in. Hot angry tears splatter down your cheeks as you drive away from your home. You don't want to go back there. Ever. You drive twenty minutes until you come to your favorite cafe. You need coffee. Bad. After you get your coffee, you sit down by the window to drink. A minute goes by when suddenly someone familiar enters the cafe. Benedict Cumberbatch—one of your and Luke's friends. You try to hide your face behind your hand, not really in the mood to talk to anyone. "Hey! Y/N! Fancy seeing you here!" Benedict exclaims. You grimace and then plaster a smile on your face. You look at him. "Benedict." You say. He sits across from you, smiling. "Where's Luke?" He asks. Even the name acts like a barb to your heart. "Uh, he's at home." You answer. "What are you doing here?" "Oh, Sophie and I were wedding planning. I needed a break while she went over the little details, so I came here." "How's the wedding planning coming along?" "We're nearly there." He sighs with relief. He crosses his arms and looks at you. "So do you have any tips?" "About what?" "Tips on how to get through wedding planning without seriously losing it. Or maybe some marriage tips?" He offers. Your eyes widen slightly and you laugh humorlessly. "Uh, yeah, I don't know if I'd be the best person that." "C'mon, Y/N. You've been married to Luke for a few years and you're making it work. Tell me, what's your secret?" Benedict says. You bite your lip as shame fills you. "Well, communication is key to a successful marriage. You can't keep secrets with each other. That causes problems down the road. One of the main things though is, even after you're married, you have to continue to date your spouse. Continue to learn about them and grow with them. Nowadays people just get married and don't continue to date their husbands or their wives." You explain. Benedict nods thoughtfully. "That's a good one, I like that. I think Sophie will too." He states. You smile. "So what do you do when you get into fights? Do you have any suggestions on that?" He asks. Your smile drops instantly. "That's-that's a hard one, Benedict." You admit. "Fights are always hard to deal with. I guess you just have to listen to the other person and try to see it from their point of view. But that all depends on what you're fighting about too." You murmur. "Forgiveness is big too, right? We shouldn't be holding grudges or anything. We should forgive and continue to love our spouse no matter what, right?" Benedict says, staring at you. "Right." You whisper. He reaches across the table and rests his hand on yours. "Y/N, whatever happened between Luke and you, it will be okay. You need to forgive him and he needs to forgive you for whatever has happened. You can't let a fight tear you two apart. You love each other deeply, Y/N. I see it whenever you two look at each other. You can't let a fight break what Luke and you have." He whispers earnestly. Tears fill your eyes and your chin quivers. "I know. It's just so hard." You cry softly. "It will get better. After you're done cooling off, you need to go home and make up." He tells you. You nod. "I will." You choke out. Benedict moves around the table and hugs you tightly, rubbing your back. Both of you fail to notice Luke watching you from his car. His blood boils with jealously and anger fills him. He pulls out of the parking lot and drives back home. --- You walk into your house an hour later. You clear your throat. "Luke?" You call hesitantly. "In the kitchen." He answers, his voice hard. You swallow and walk into the kitchen. He's at the counter. He just stares at you. "I've come to apologize. I realized I said some very nasty things to you and I didn't mean them. I was just worked up and angry. I'm so sorry. Can you please forgive me?" You say. "So you aren't even going to apologize about being with Benedict?" He asks randomly. "Wait, what?" You reply in confusion. "I saw Benedict and you at our favorite cafe. I was going there because I wanted to apologize. That's when I saw him hugging you." He explains, his voice tight. "Luke, I know what it looked like, but it wasn't it. He was just offering me some advice, okay? He knew we had been fighting and he was comforting me." You tell him calmly. Luke narrows his eyes at you. "Are you sure that was all?" He asks. "Yes!" You exclaim, nodding. "I don't love Benedict, Luke, if that's what you're thinking. Don't you know I'm mad about you? I love you, Luke. I don't want a fight to separate us ever again." You say. "I don't want a fight to separate us ever again either, Y/N." Luke sighs, his shoulders dropping. He moves around the counter to stand in front of you. "Please forgive me, Y/N. I was such a fool. I'm so sorry." He whispers. "I forgive you as long as you forgive me." You reply. "I do. I forgive you." He replies eagerly. You smile at him. "I love you, Y/N. More than anything." He says. "I love you too, Luke." You return. He wraps his arms around you and kisses you deeply. [THE END] I hope you liked it!