IMAGINE: Falling in love with Fred

You heave a sigh and twirl a piece of hair around your finger as you watch your fellow classmates dance at the Yule Ball. You look down and frown. You're not even sure why you came to this stupid ball. You hate parties of any kind. Plus your dance partner, Micheal, ditched you and is now dancing with Angelina Johnson, a girl whom he's absolutely smitten with. You narrow your eyes. "I'm leaving." You mutter, standing up right into Fred Weasley. You gasp and nearly fall back into the chair. Fred wraps his arm around your waist and steadies you. "Whoa, whoa, sorry!" He exclaims. You look up at him, your eyes wide. "It's okay." You breathe, flushing slightly, embarrassed. "I'm, uh, I'm kind of clumsy." He mutters. "No, it's my fault. I'm the one that ran into you. I'm sorry." Fred smiles at you and shakes his head slightly. "Don't worry about it. It was an accident." He peers at you. "Were you going somewhere? I don't want to keep you." You grimace. "I was...I was leaving." You admit. He stares at you in confusion. "But why?" You shrug lightly. "There's not really a point to me being here. When we got here, Michael parked me off to the side and has danced with every other girl in the room but me." You explain. You shift in Fred's arms and he drops them. You miss them being around you. "I-I'm not a big fan of dances anyways." You murmur. Fred frowns at you. "I'm sorry." You shake your head. "It's no problem. I'll just go find something else to do." You sigh, before starting to move around him. "Wait!" Fred exclaims, thrusting his arm out and stopping you. You look up at him. "Would-would you like to dance?" "What?" You laugh in surprise. "Would you to dance with me?" He repeats more softly, more shyly. Your heart starts to beat faster and you don't know why. "Um...sure, I guess." You answer. He smiles at you and takes your hand. He leads you to the dance floor. He puts one hand at your waist and holds your hand in his. You put your hands on his shoulders. You both dance to the music. You smile at Fred and he smiles back. Halfway through the dance, Michael comes stalking over to you angrily. "What is going on?" He snaps. "Oh, nothing. Y/N and I are just dancing." Fred responds nonchalantly, twirling you. You smile at Michael, feeling beyond elated as Fred pulls you back into his arms. "You should return to dancing, Michael. It really is so much fun." You say breathlessly. "You're my partner. You should be dancing with me." Michael states, his voice hard. "Oh, I'm sorry. You must have forgotten that I was your partner when you were dancing with every other girl in the room but me." You retort. Fred smiles proudly at you. Michael puts his hands on Fred's and your shoulders. He pulls you two apart and you stumble backwards. "Don't touch me." Fred snaps, shrugging Michael's hand off of him. "Don't dance with Y/N." Michael commands. People stop dancing and start to watch the three of you. "You can't tell me what I can or can't do." Fred fires back. "Guys, stop fighting." You say. "Stay out of this, Y/N, this doesn't involve you. It's just...about you." Michael tells you. You put your hands on your hips. "This is silly! You're arguing about me and dancing. That's stupid. So just stop." Michael whirls around to face you, his face a mask of fury. "You know what, Y/N, you just stop! You are so annoying with all your nagging! Just..shut up!" He shouts at you. You freeze, your eyes wide, as you stare at him. The music stops. Everyone is silent. You can feel the heat of everyone's eyes on you. Fred's jaw slips open and he looks at you in sorrow. You let out a breath, feeling the sting of Michael's words. "Excuse me." You choke out, before picking up the skirt of your dress and running out of the room. --- You stand outside in the darkness, rubbing your arms against the chill. You take a deep breath. "That's the last time I go to a Yule Ball." You mutter. "I hope not." A voice says from the shadows. You turn around and see Fred walking towards you. "I'm sorry about what Michael said to you. It's not true, you know." He states. "Thanks." You reply, rubbing your arm. "Here." Fred says, taking off his jacket and securing it around your shoulders. You smile and flush. "Thanks again." You laugh softly. He quirks a smile and your heart stumbles over a few beats. You can hear the music from the Yule Ball playing again. "What happened with Michael?" You ask. "They escorted him out to cool off." Fred answers. You nod. "I'm not going to let him bully you, Y/N. Michael is a pig who just needs to grow up." He says, stepping towards you. He wraps an arm around your waist. "I'm going to protect you." He whispers. You smile up at him. "Whoa, Fred, I never knew you could actually be serious." He grins and shrugs. "I have my moments." He murmurs. "I like those moments." You admit. Fred wraps his other arm around your waist. "So do I." He agrees. You smile at each other. "Would you like to continue our dance?" "I would love to." You answer. Fred holds your hand and you both start to dance. --- Fred and your relationship hasn't been the same since the Yule Ball, two months ago. You've grown closer. He's gone from friend to something more. Much more. You've fallen in love with him. "Hey." Fred rushes up behind you and taps your shoulder. You look at him and smile widely. "Hey." You return. You glance at Michael as he walks past you. He glares at you and you glare back. Fred lightly touches your arm. "Has he been bugging you?" "No. Not since the ball." You answer. "Good." He says. Fred and you turn down an empty hall. You take a deep breath to try and still your hammering heart. "So...Fred..." You breathe. "Yes, Y/N?" He asks, gently nudging your arm. You stop walking. Fred stops as well and looks at you in confusion. "Is everything okay?" He questions. You stare at him, your breath quickening. He raises his eyebrows in questioning. You quickly step forward. In one fluid motion, you cup his face and kiss him. His eyes widen in shock. You pull your head back and stare into his eyes. He opens his mouth but no words come out. "Okay." You sigh, giving him a nod. Fred blinks a few times. You're about to pull away when he grabs your arms. He pulls you against him and kisses you passionately. [THE END] I hope you liked it!