IMAGINE: Becoming the Doctor's companion

You lay curled up on your bed, brushing the tears off your cheeks. You sniff and bury yourself deeper into your blankets. "I hate my life. I just want to escape it." You sob to yourself. "I-I want to go on adventures. I want to experience life. I want to experience the world. But that's never going to happen." You weep, burying your face in your hands. Suddenly you hear this loud whirring noise. You slowly lift your head out of your hands. A breeze is blowing your hair back and your eyebrows draw. You turn onto your back and gasp as a large object appears in front on your bed. A blue telephone box. "What..." You whisper in confusion. The door opens with a creak and a man pokes his head out. When his eyes settle on you, he smiles widely. "Well, hello." He says kindly, coming out the telephone box. "Um, hi...?" "What's your name?" "Y/N. Who-who are you and what are you doing in my bedroom?" You question, sitting up. "I'm the Doctor." You stare at him. "Doctor what?" "Just the Doctor." He responds, smiling. "Okay, Doctor." The Doctor sits on the edge of your bed. "You've been crying." He says softly. You frown and look down. "Is everything okay?" You chuckle humorlessly and shake your head. "Hardly." You mutter. You look at him. "I just don't feel like I belong here—anywhere." You admit. "I know how that feels." He sighs. "Don't you just want to run away from it all?" Oh, I have been running away from it all. For years I've been running." He tells you. "That feeling never goes away, does it?" You ask lowly. The Doctor sighs and shakes his head. "Not really. It's better when you have someone to share it with. I used to have companions who'd make me feel like I belonged. But they've been gone for a while." "I'm sorry." You whisper. The Doctor smiles sadly at you. "But I guess that's why it brought me to you." He states, nodding his head to the blue box. "The telephone box?" You ask in confusion. "It's a Tardis." "A Tardis?" "It's a time machine. I travel space and time." He admits. Your jaw drops and you stare at him. "You're pulling my leg." The Doctor holds up his hands. "I'm not even touching it." He responds. You slide off of your bed and walk to the Tardis. You lightly touch it and gasp. You look at the Doctor who's staring at you. "That means you can take me away from here, right?" You ask eagerly. "I suppose, if you want." "I do! I've never wanted anything more!" You exclaim. The Doctor grins. "You'd like to be my companion? You'd like to travel the world with me?" He questions wistfully. "I do. More than anything." You whisper. He opens the Tardis door. "After you, Y/N." He says. You step forward and look inside. You gasp. "Oh my." You whisper. "It's bigger on the inside?" The Doctor offers. "Oh, no, no. Well, I mean, yeah, but I didn't expect it to be so homey." You state, smiling. He smiles at you as you walk into the Tardis. "All right, Y/N, where is the first place you want to go? You can choose anywhere and anytime." He says, walking in after you. "Uhh....hmm." You murmur. The Doctor watches you. "Medieval Italy." You state, grinning. He smiles widely. "Medieval Italy it is." He says, before pushing down a lever. [THE END] I hope you liked it!