IMAGINE: Boomerang and you falling in love

Captain "Digger" Boomerang and you walk through the large sewers. "I hate this." He mutters. "That makes two of us." You grumble. The smell is almost paralyzing. "Why out of the the whole Task Force X would they choose us to go rescue Killer Croc?" "I don't know." You sigh, rubbing your forehead. Killer Croc was kidnapped from Belle Reve Prison by a mysterious captor. Little is known about the case. "It beats me why they even chose me to come along. I'm in the Army. I'm not part of your 'squad'." You say, moving your fingers for the quote-unquote. "Well you must have impressed them somehow because here you are." Digger replies dryly. "Unfortunately." You mutter under your breath. Digger grabs your arm with surprising strength. He glares at you. "Hey, I don't like this anymore than you do." He snaps. You wrench your arm from his grip, your defenses rising. "I never said you liked this. Don't put words in my mouth." "Stop complaining." He fires back. You glare at each other for a solid minute. You let out a strangled sigh. "Look. If we're to save Killer Croc, we need to work together and stop fighting. We're not getting anywhere." You grit out. "I'm ready for you to start acting mature." Digger says, sassy. You clench your draw and swallow down your retort. You take a deep breath. "I'll act mature if you act mature. Deal?" You say calmly. You hold out your hand towards him. Boomerang gives you the barest of smiles. "Deal." He replies, shaking your hand. --- Digger and you walk through a tunnel in ankle deep water. "We've been searching for two days now and there's no sign of Killer Croc. Maybe we're looking in the wrong spot. Maybe he's not underground like we thought." Digger says. You bite your lip and stop walking. He stops and looks back at you, his eyebrows raising. "What is it?" He asks. He and you have been getting along a lot better. You shake your head. "I don't know. I just have a funny feeling." You murmur. "About what?" He questions curiously. "What if Killer Croc staged his kidnapping? I mean, what if he wanted to be kidnapped? What if he somehow hired a person to kidnap him so he can be free? Maybe he hasn't been kidnapped. Maybe he's escaped." Digger snorts and plants his hands on his hips. "Well then good for him. I wish I would have thought of that." He says. You roll your eyes and send him a look. He shrugs. "What? Can you blame me? I hate being in prison." "And whose fault is it that you're in prison?" You ask, raising your eyebrows. "Uh, the Flash?" He says it like you should know. You huff. "You're impossible." You grumble. He nudges you, smiling. "Thanks." He says, before walking off. "That wasn't a compliment!" You exclaim, jogging after him. "I'm taking it as one, Y/N." He singsongs. You narrow your eyes and trudge forward, smiling. --- It's been over a month and there's still been no sign of Killer Croc. You're nearly sure he got kidnapped on purpose. You've been above ground for a few weeks. Digger and you have spent every second together. You've become very close and you're seriously crushing on him, much to your surprise and horror. You sit at a table with Digger and intelligence officer Amanda Waller. "So you're saying you think Killer Croc purposely got kidnapped so that he could escape?" Amanda asks. You nod. "I do. The whole entire world knows Killer Croc has been kidnapped. And it's been over a month and nobody has found him. Don't you think that's a little suspicious? No offense to Killer Croc, but he doesn't have an everyman type of face. He's hard to miss. He's in hiding. He doesn't want to be found." You explain. "Maybe the kidnapper is hiding him...?" Amanda suggests. You lightly shrug. "I seriously doubt it. It's Killer Croc. He doesn't have brains, but he makes up for it in brawn. If someone did kidnap him, they'd have to be very powerful and very strong to kidnap him. And to think that no one actually saw someone this powerful walk into Belle Reve Prison is a mystery to me. This just has too many plots holes, Amanda. I'm saying that Killer Croc staged his kidnapping. He's escaped." Amanda nods slowly. "Okay. I'll have people look into it." She replies. She looks between Digger and you. "Thank you both for the time you spent looking for Killer Croc. I appreciate it so much. But I believe I can take it from here." Digger glances at you. "So...Y/N and I are done with the mission?" He asks. Was that sadness in his voice? Amanda nods. "Yes, you're both released of your duties for this mission." A pang hits you in the chest. "So, what will happen to Digger now? He goes back to Belle Reve Prison?" You ask. Your voice cracks and you look away from Digger when he meets your eyes. "I'm afraid so. I can try to get his sentence shortened but I'm not making any promises." Amanda replies. A woman enters the room. "You have a phone call." She tells Amanda. Amanda stands. "I'll leave you two to it then." She murmurs, before leaving the room. Digger looks at you. "Y/N, look at me." He whispers. You slowly look up at him. His eyes bore into yours. "This past month has been really great with you, Y/N. As much as I'd hate to admit it." "Shut up." You grin, playfully hitting him in the arm. He grabs your hand and holds it, smiling widely at you. "I'm kidding." He murmurs. You smile sadly at him. "As much as I'd hate to admit it, I'm going to miss you, Digger." You sigh. "I'm going to miss you too." He whispers. His thumb runs over the top of your hand and his eyes drop to your lips. "Sorry, Boomerang, it's time for you to go back into your cell." An officer says, walking into the room. Digger and you both look at him and then turn your eyes back to each other. "Goodbye." You whisper. He stares at you with such sadness in his eyes. You stand up and he follows. "Come on." The officer says impatiently. "You need to go." You say softly to Digger. "Not without this first." He murmurs, before cupping your cheek and kissing you deeply. The officer gasps in horror. Digger pulls away, smiling at you. You smile back at him. "I'll see you soon enough, Y/N." He whispers. "I know." You reply. [THE END] I hope you liked it!