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IMAGINE: Will confessing his love for you

     You crawl over the side of the Flying Dutchman. You fall onto the deck, gasping. "Finally! Finally!" You groan. Your arms feel like noodles, they're so weak. "Um, excuse me? Miss?" A man asks tentatively. You slowly look up at the man. He's young, perhaps your age, and good looking. "Who are you? How did you get here? You push yourself up to your feet and clear your throat. "My name is Y/N L/N. I climbed aboard." He stares at you in shock. "We're in the afterlife. How did you get here?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." You look around the ship. "Um, Will Turner is your captain, right?" You ask hopefully. "Yes, he's in his quarters. Why?" The man asks. You grin happily. You fell in love with Will, your best friend. You had hoped that he was in love with you too, but then one day he disappeared from Port Royal, after having spent time around pirates. "Could you get him for me please? I must see him. He's the reason why I'm here." You say eagerly. The man looks at you unsurely. "Please." You beg impatiently. The man nods and walks off to the captain's quarters. Nervous butterflies are in your stomach. You've waited for this moment for such a long time. Will comes running out of the captain's quarters. He slows to a stop once his eyes land on you. His jaw slips open slightly and his eyes fill with tears. "Y/N?" He asks. You step forward and smile at him. "Hello, Will." You say softly. "Y/N." Will sighs, before bolting to you. He picks you up into his arms and twirls you around. He sets you on your feet and then pulls you into his arms. "What-what are you doing here?" He asks. "Will, I've been searching everywhere for you. After you disappeared, my parents set me up in an arranged marriage. I hated the man, but my parents would hear none of it. I left in the middle of the night. I knew I had to find you. You were the next thing to family. I searched the seas for you. I got word that you became captain of the Dutchman and that you're ferrying souls. So I found a way to get here—to the you." You explain. "I want to join your crew, Will." Will brings his head back to look at you and cups your face. "I was hoping you'd say that. Y/N, seeing you after all this's one of the best things ever. I thought I was never going to see you again." He whispers. You smile at him. "I'm sorry for leaving you. I found-I found my father and I had to save him." "You found your father?" You question in a happy whisper. Will nods, smiling. "He's here. On the ship now. Would you like to meet him?" "I would love to!" You exclaim. He wraps his arm around your waist. "Come. I'll introduce you to my crew." --- That night you rest against the rail of the ship, looking out at the water. You met all the crew members and they welcomed you with opens arms. You know you're really going to be happy here, especially with Will. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Will asks, coming to stand beside you. You turn your head and look at him, smiling. "Yeah, it is." "I just can't believe you're here, Y/N." He sighs happily. "I can't believe I'm here too. I've been trying to find you for so long." You say and then shake your head. "For a while there I thought I was never going to find you." Will rests his hand on your arm. "But you didn't give up." He states, smiling. You shake your head. "Nope. I couldn't give up. I was on a mission to find you." "And you found me." He says softly. Your eyes stare into his eyes. "That I did." You whisper. Will and you just gaze at each other. He starts to lean in and your heart jumps. "Uh, Captain." Jeremiah, the man you ran into when you first got on board, interrupts. Will turns around. Jeremiah is looking between Will and you. "Yes, Jeremiah?" Will asks impatiently. "There's an argument going on below deck. The crew says they need you to solve it." Jeremiah says. Will looks back at you and you smile. "Go on, your crew need you." You say softly. Will smiles and nods, before walking away. You look back out to the sea and sigh heavily. So close. So close to kissing him. You still feel eyes on you and you turn your head. Jeremiah is staring at you. "Best follow the captain, Jeremiah. He might be needing you." You tell him. "Oh, right." He says, before following Will. --- The next morning you're on deck, trying to master a sailor's knot. "Ugh." You groan in frustration, undoing the knot again for the tenth time that morning. "Here, I'll help." Jeremiah says, sidling up next to you. "Oh, thank you." You sigh with relief. You rub your forehead. "I'm just so confused." "Show me how you're doing it and I'll give you some tips." Jeremiah tells you. You start to do the sailor's knot. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, stop!" He exclaims, grabbing your hands. "Who taught you how to do a sailor's knot, Y/N?" "Uh, Bootstrap." "Yeah, he's no help whatsoever." He retorts. Your eyebrows draw. "Well, I thought he was teaching me pretty well. I just keep forgetting all the steps." You murmur. "Y/N, someone as beautiful and smart as you couldn't forget all the steps. Bootstrap is a lousy teacher." You give him a look. "Maybe I'm just a lousy student." You mutter. He smiles at you flirtatiously, giving you an unsettling feeling in your stomach. "Never." He whispers. You look away, your eyes wide. "Uh, I think-I think I'll ask Bootstrap to teach me again." You say hurriedly. "Nonsense! I'll teach you." You grimace. "You really don't have to." You grumble. "Yes, I do. I can't let Bootstrap have you all to himself now, can I?" He says, grinning. Your jaw drops and you look at Jeremiah. Your eyes fall past his head where Will is watching Jeremiah and you, his face a mask of fury and jealously. He's gripping the helm, his knuckles white. His eyes meet yours and he looks away. You sigh and drop your eyes to the floor. --- The snores of the crew keep you wide awake—that and Will's jealous face is haunting you. You get out of your hammock and walk up to the deck. You sit on a barrel, looking out at the ocean. You rub your arms, the night air chilling you. Suddenly a warm jacket settles around your shoulders. You turn your head and see Will beside you. You smile at him and he smiles back. "Thank you." You whisper. He's silent. For a long moment, the two of you stare at the water. "I saw Jeremiah and you together today." He states suddenly. You nod. For some reason, shame fills you, and you don't know why. "Yeah." You mutter. Will looks at you, his eyes intense. "Y/N, I need to tell you something. I need to tell you before any of my crew beats me to it." He admits. "Yes?" You ask desperately. "I'm in love with you. I have been in love with you for as long as I can remember. When I became captain of the Dutchman, I thought I was never going to see you again. It was a crippling thought. And then when you showed up yesterday...I knew it was meant to be. I knew we were meant to be. I love you." He whispers. "Oh, Will." You cry, throwing your arms around him. "I've been wanting to hear that from you since we were children." You tell him. "You will hear it everyday, Y/N. I promise." He whispers, holding you tightly. "And you will hear it everyday as well, Will. I love you with all of my heart." You whisper, looking at him. Will smiles at you. "Let's see if we can do this without any interruptions." He states. "Do what?" You question, your eyebrows furrowing a little. He cups your face and kisses you passionately. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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