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IMAGINE: The Beast saving you

 You ride through the forest on a horse, your heart pounding. You turn your head and look at the castle that's slowly waning out of sight. You think of the monstrous beast in there who has treated you so horribly. You cringe. Out of curiosity, you went up to the West Wing, a part of the castle where you were forbidden to go. The Beast discovered you and became furious. You knew you couldn't stay at the castle—at that prison—any longer. You took a horse and left, not even caring that it is snowing and that night has fallen. When a wolf's howl pierces the air, fear drops into your stomach. You push the horse harder as more howls respond to the first. You spot movement out of the corner of your eyes. Wolves are in pursuit. The horse slows as it steps on top of the slippery ground. You gasp as the wolves circle around you. One lunges at the horse, sending the animal rearing on his hind legs. You jump off the horse and land painfully on your knees. You breathe hard as the wolves near you, a murderous look in their eyes. You grab a large branch and stand to your feet. You turn in a circle, waiting for the wolves to attack. "Get back! Stay back!" You scream at them. One lunges at you and you bring the branch against him. He falls to the ground and pushes himself up, not relenting. "Stay back!" You shout, pointing the branch at him. A wolf jumps on your back, throwing you to the ground. You scream in pain as his claws slice deep in your back. Another wolf jumps on you and bites your leg. You yelp and try to kick him off, crying in desperation. Suddenly a load roar sounds. You freeze and the wolves look up. You glance up and see the Beast. You sigh with relief and rest your head on your arm as he pulls the wolves off of you. You close your eyes and focus on the pain numbing your back as the Beast fights the wolves and sends them scattering. "Y/N..." The Beast says softly, kneeling beside you. You open your eyes slightly. "Help me." You whisper, before sinking into darkness. The Beast gently picks you up into his arms and starts to walk back to the castle. --- You wake up to an intense burning in your back. You gasp and your eyes fly open. You're laying on your stomach. You try to push yourself but cry out, pain radiating all through out your back. "Lay down, lay down." The Beast says, gently pushing you back down. Your eyes widen. "What's-what's going on?" "You're injured, Y/N. You were attacked by wolves." He explains. Memories come flooding back and your mouth goes dry. " saved me." You whisper. The Beast is silent. You turn your head and look at him. He's sitting beside you, a bloody towel in his hands. "How bad is it? My back? And my leg?" You ask. He cringes. "Your leg has some puncture wounds. They have stopped bleeding. It's your back I'm worried about. The scratch marks are pretty deep and they haven't stopped bleeding." He answers. "Does it hurt?" He asks worriedly. "Uh, yeah." You grimace. The Beast sighs heavily. "Y/N, I am so, so sorry. This is all my fault. I-I shouldn't have yelled at you." You can see the guilt weighing on him. "No, no, no, it's my fault. I shouldn't have been in the West Wing. My curiosity got the best of me." You tell him, not wanting him to feel bad. "But I should have controlled my temper. I should have been nicer to you." He responds. You give your head a little shake. "We both could have done things differently, but right now that doesn't matter. I don't want you to feel guilty. It's not your fault this has happened to me." "But—" "No." You respond softly. "Don't feel guilty. Please. I didn't die, I just got wounded. And they will heal." The Beast sighs and nods. "Thank you." He whispers. You smile at him. "No, thank you. I owe you my life." You admit. He smiles back at you. ---- You suck in a sharp breath as the Beast gently dabs your back wounds with ointment. "Sorry." He apologizes. "It's okay." You grit out as your wounds sting. "You're going to need to bind your wounds once I'm finished, Y/N. I will leave the room." He says. You flush and sink your face into the pillow, glad the Beast doesn't see your blush. A few minutes later, the Beast stands. "I'll be right back. You can bind your wounds while I go get you some food, okay?" He says. You nod. "Okay." You answer. You wait until you hear the Beast close the door before you gingerly get out of bed. You look around the large room. There's a roaring fire in the fireplace and it's actually quite cozy. You quickly strip and sloppily bind your back, suddenly very nervous. You're pulling your clothes back on just as a knock sounds at the door. "Y/N?" The Beast asks. You clear your throat. "Come in." You answer. He opens the door and smiles at you. "You all right?" He asks. You nod and return his smile. "Yes." You answer. He carries in a tray of food and sets it on the nightstand. You sit on the bed and start to lay down. The Beast gently helps you lay back against the pillows. "Thank you." You whisper, staring up into his blue eyes. "You're welcome." He says softly. He clears his throat and looks away. "I brought food if you're hungry. I also brought a book too if you'd like me to read to you." You smile. "I would love that." You answer. The Beast claims a seat next to your bed and grabs the book. You grab the tray and start to eat, suddenly starving. Before he starts to read, he looks up at you and smiles. He then opens the book and starts to read the story. [THE END] I hope you liked it!  



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