IMAGINE: Getting lost and Josh finding you

You pull your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around them. Your heart races. Your eyes watch the forest line. You're in the Black Hills Forest with three of your fellow college students: Heather Donahue, Mike Williams, and Joshua Leonard. You're all out here for a school project, filming a documentary about the legend of the Blair Witch. You're beyond freaked out. You feel a tap on your shoulder and jump. You whirl around and see Joshua, your good friend and crush. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He says. He sits down beside you. He gently rubs your arm. Both of you are keeping watch over the tent tonight. You're not even sure why Joshua invited you to come along for this project. You went deaf in your freshman year of high school after a really terrible car accident. Though you're deaf, it isn't all that bad. All of your senses have improved, especially your eyesight. Plus you've become very adept at reading people's lips. "It's okay." You murmur to Joshua. He smiles at you. "It's kind of creepy out here, isn't it?" He says. Your eyebrows furrow. "What?" You ask, unable to read his lips that time. "It's creepy out here." He says slowly. "Ohhhhhh. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it is." You agree, nodding. "Hey, Josh?" He raises his eyebrows. "Yes?" "Why did you invite me on this little escapade? What use am I to you? I'm deaf. That's not really helpful in this situation." He frowns. "Y/N, I wanted you to come along because you're one of my best friends. You may be deaf, but don't forget that you have killer eyesight. You're amazing!" He exclaims. You chuckle softly and shake your head. "I don't think so." You murmur. Josh wraps his arm around your shoulder and pulls you to his side. "Well, I do." He states, smiling. You smile back and then look away. He leans his head down to your ear and whispers something in it, his breath tickling your ear. You turn your head to look at him. "What did you just say?" You ask in confusion. Joshua flushes a crimson red. "Uh, nothing." You roll your eyes. "Come on, I know you said something. Tell me." You say. He rubs the back of his neck. "Joshua." You whine. He looks at you and grins. "Fine." He huffs. You smile triumphantly. He slowly slides his hand into yours. Your heart beats triple time. "I just told told that...I love you." He admits. Your eyes widen. "What?" You gasp. Joshua smiles sheepishly at you. "That's another reason why I wanted you to come along." He admits. You quirk a smile. "Well, I love you too." His grin widens and looks down. "Well would you look at that?" He mutters. Your eyebrows draw. You put your hand on his jaw and turn his face to look at you. "Look at me when you talk to me." You laugh. "What did you say?" "Nothing." Joshua answers, smiling, before he kisses you. --- It's the middle of the night. Josh is sleeping on the ground outside the tent, while you're still up, reliving the moment that Josh told you he loved you. You can't sleep at a moment like this. You're too excited—too excited for what lays ahead for Josh and you. Something in the forest catches your eye. Your eyebrows furrow and you squint. There's a light. You push yourself up to your feet and cautiously walk towards it. The light moves deeper into the forest and you follow it. It's fast. It zigzags through the trees. Then it disappears. You pull how straight, breathing hard. You turn in a circle, confused. The light is completely gone. You frown, getting a bad feeling about this. You start walking back the way you came and then stop. Which way did you come? You look around, none of this looking familiar. You start to panic. "Joshua?" You call out. "Josh!" You scream, feeling the tears threaten. You collapse to the ground, choking on a sob. You bury your face in your knees. "Please don't let me die. Please don't let me die." You whisper. You stay in that position for ten minutes, too scared to move. Suddenly something touches for your shoulder. You scream in horror and whirl around. It's Josh. He's staying all this stuff, but you're not even reading his lips. "Josh!" You exclaim, launching yourself into his arms. He wraps his arms around you tightly as you cry. "I was so scared. I thought I was going to die." You blubber. Joshua cups your face and looks at you. "What happened? I heard you screaming and came looking for you." "I saw this light. I followed it here and then it disappeared. I was so turned around. I didn't want to move in case I moved even further away from you." "Are you okay?" He asks, concern flooding his eyes. You nod and lay your head on his shoulder. "I am now." You whisper. Joshua taps your shoulder. You look up at him. "We need to go. We need to get back to the tent." He says. You nod. He leads you through the forest back to the tent. "Thank you for finding me, Joshua." You tell him. He smiles down at you. "Please don't go running off again without me." He tells you. You grin. "I won't." [THE END] I hope you liked it!