IMAGINE: William finding out you're getting bullied

You sit at a lunch table by yourself, staring at your salad. Your chin quivers and you bite your lip. You glance across the lunch room at your ex-boyfriend Jake. His arm is wrapped around his snobbish, popular girlfriend Sarah. He throws his head back and laughs at something she says. You clench your jaw and look down at your arms. You pull your long sleeves up to your wrists, wanting to hide your most recent cuts. You're getting bullied by Jake and Sarah. The torture throughout the school days are basically nonstop. They physically and emotionally abuse you—you have the bruises and scars to prove it. Even on social media, they attack you and cut you down. You've been cutting because of them and some days you barely eat anything. Today is one of those days. "Hey, Y/N, sorry I'm late. I was talking with my teacher." William says, collapsing onto the bench beside you. You turn your head and smile up at your best friend. "It's fine." You murmur. William and you have been friends for as long as you can remember. All of your friends think you're dating, but you're not. You really wish you are dating William though. He gets you like no one else. You love him. And that's why you want to spare him the pain of seeing you go through what you're going through. You haven't told him about Jake and Sarah bullying you, and you haven't told him about you cutting. It would crush him. And you love him too much to do that to him. William glances at your untouched salad. "You're not eating." He points out. You gently nudge him, faking a smile you don't feel. "Wow, you're very perceptive." You say jokingly. He laughs softly and wraps his arms around your waist. "Y/N, how come you're not eating?" You lean into him. "Uh, I'm not hungry." You lie. William looks at you like he doesn't believe you. "Well, well, well, if it isn't little Y/N and her pathetic little boyfriend?" Jake asks, walking up to yours and William's table, Sarah at his side, smirking. You inch closer to William. "Back off, Jake. Just leave us alone." William says. "What, Y/N? You're letting your boyfriend protect you?" Jake laughs. "Look at this loser!" He exclaims loudly, pointing his finger at you. Angry tears flood your eyes. You jump to your feet, ready to finally stand up to him. You put your hands on your hips. "If you would just shut up, that'd be much appreciated." You snap. Jake sidles closer to you. "Ooh, you've finally got a voice, Y/N?" "I've always had a voice. Yours was always drowning it out though." You retort. You can feel William smiling on you. Pride swells inside you. Jake just stares at you, kind of taken aback. "Kind of just like how I'm going to drown you out, huh?" Sarah asks. You look at her in confusion. "What?" You ask just as she takes your cup, filled with water, from your table and splashes all of it onto your face. You gasp, your jaw dropping. Jake and Sarah start laughing, the rest of the cafeteria following—except William. You stand there, frozen as the water splatters off your face and down your shirt. You can feel your makeup streaming down your face—makeup that is covering the bruises Jake and Sarah left on your face. Your eyes widen in horror and you grab your backpack. You turn on your feel and flee the cafeteria. "Y/N, wait!" You hear William yell. You just keep running. You make it to the empty women's bathroom and start weeping. You lean against the counter, sobbing. You look up at yourself in the mirror. Your mascara is streaking down your cheeks. You turn your face and you see the purplish-blue bruises peeking through the makeup. You let out a cry as more tears spill down your cheeks. You reach into your backpack and fumble through the pockets until you finger your razor—the one you keep with you just in case. You roll up your sleeve. You're about to press the razor blade into your forearm just when the bathroom door opens. You look up and quickly hide your razor as William stares at you in shock. "Y/N." He reprimands, running over to you and grabbing your razor blade out of your hand. "What are you doing?" He whispers, hurt lurking in his voice. "N-nothing." You cry, pulling your sleeve down. You rub your runny nose with your sleeve. "Here." William says, picking through his backpack. He takes out one of his soccer jerseys. "Take my shirt. Yours is all wet." You sniff and take his shirt. "Thanks." You reply hoarsely. William turns his back to you as you quickly change your shirt. You pull on his shirt and sigh. It smells just like him. "Finished?" "Yeah." You answer, keeping your arms behind your back so he won't see your cuts. William turns to face you, his arms crossed. His eyes fall to your jaw where one of the bruises from Jake and Sarah are. "Y/N, what is that?" He asks, stepping towards you. You inch away from him. "It's nothing." You mutter. William grabs your one arm and then freezes. Your heart sinks. He slowly looks down at your arm and visibly pales. "Y/N, what is this?" He whispers, looking at your scars and bruises. He lifts his tear filled eyes up to meet yours. "William, I'm sorry." You sob. He pulls you into his arms, holding you tightly. You tell him everything that's happened, leaving nothing out. When you're finished, he pulls his head back to look at you and brushes your hair away from your face. "Why did you never tell me? I could have helped you." He whispers. "I didn't tell you because I didn't want to." "But why?" He asks, sounding hurt. "I didn't tell you because...because I love you." You admit. William blinks a few times. "Y-you love me?" You nod. "I do. I love you so much." You whisper. He lets out a breath and smiles at you, cupping your face. "I-I love you too. I thought-I thought you just wanted to remain friends. That's why I didn't tell you." "I don't want to remain just friends. I want something more." William rests his hands on your hips. "Me too." He murmurs. You smile at him. "I promise I will protect you from Jake and Sarah. We will talk to the principal about what's been happening and get everything sorted out." "Thank you." You sigh gratefully. "You're welcome." William replies. You stare up at each other and he slowly leans his head down. Your eyes close before his lips even touch yours. He kisses you softly and gently. You release another content sigh and sink against him, kissing him back. [THE END] I hope you liked it!