IMAGINE: Fred leaving class to check on you

"Have you seen Y/N?" Fred Weasley whispers to Harry Potter, his voice filled with worry. "No, I haven't seen her." Harry whispers back. Minerva McGonagall clears her throat, making Harry and Fred look at her. She raises her eyebrows and then continues on with her lesson to the class. Fred bites his lip, getting a bad feeling. You never miss class. Ever. After a few minutes of listening to professor McGonagall drone on about transfiguration, Fred can't take it anymore—he can't shake the feeling that something bad has happened to you. He raises his hand and professor McGonagall stops and looks at him. "Yes?" She asks. "Ummmm, I have to go to the restroom." He lies. Professor McGonagall narrows her eyes at him, suspicion swimming in them. "All right. You may go." She says slowly. Fred quickly gets up, feeling Professor McGonagall's and Harry's eyes on him. He quickens his step and leaves the classroom. Once he's out in the hall, he all but sprints to your room. --- You're huddled beneath your blankets, shivering uncontrollably. You feel like death. You woke up this morning with an aching headache, chills, and a fever. A knock sounds at your door and you softly gasp with relief. You woke up after your roommates had already left for class. No one has come to check on you and you're too weak to even get out of bed. "C-come in." You call. Fred opens the door. "Y/N! What's wrong?!" He exclaims once he sees you in bed. He shuts the door and runs over to you. "Oh, Fred, I'm so glad you're here." You whisper. He sits on your bed, his eyes full of concern. "What's happened?" "I'm sick. I have-I have a fever. My head hurts and I'm-I'm so cold." You shudder. Fred scoots over to you and places his hand gently on your head. He rips his hand back, his eyes wide. "You're burning up!" He gasps. You nod, shivering. "I'm still cold though." You whisper. He goes to get you another blanket and places it on top of you. You smile weakly at him. "Thanks." You tell him. You watch him as he pours some water into a bowl. He grabs a cloth and then walks over to you. He sits beside your bed and places the bowl on the nightstand. He dips the cloth into the water and then wrings it out. He gently places it against your forehead. You sigh and close your eyes. "I was so worried about you, Y/N. It's not like you to miss class." Fred whispers. You open your eyes to peer at him. Your eyebrows furrow. "How did you get out of class?" He smiles. "I told them I had to use the restroom." You chuckle. "That's not going to be a strong enough excuse for why you've been gone so long. You should go, Fred. Just get Madam Pomfrey or something." "No, I'm not leaving you, Y/N. I don't care if I get in trouble. I'm not leaving you." Fred insists. "Fred, really—" "No, Y/N. I'm staying. You're stuck with me." He interrupts. He stares at you, daring you to argue with him. You sigh, relenting. "All right, all right." You mutter. You smile at him. "Thank you." He smiles back and continues to bathe your forehead. "You're welcome." He replies. Thirty minutes later, you've only worsened. The pain in your head is so horrible that it's making you weep. You can barely move you're so weak. You glance at Fred who's pale with fear. "Y-you have t-to take me to Madam P-Pomfrey." You whisper. "Something is really...wrong." You groan. Fred nods. "Okay." He murmurs. He strips back all of your blankets. He picks you up into his arms, causing you to moan. "I'm sorry." He whispers, his voice cracking. You rest your head against his chest, closing your eyes, too weak to even respond. He walks out of your bedroom, swiftly walk-running to the hospital wing of Hogwarts, fear winding through his heart. When he gets to the hospital wing, he looks around for Madam Pomfrey. "Madam Pomfrey! Madam Pomfrey!" He screams in desperation. She comes walking. "Stop your yelling, I'm coming." She grumbles. She pulls up straight when she sees you in Fred's arms. "What happened?" She asks in a whisper. "I don't know! She has a fever, a head ache, and chills. She's getting worse, Madam Pomfrey. You have to do something." Fred cries. "Please help her." He begs. "Come. I need to examine her." She says, leading the way to a separate room. --- Fred paces outside the hospital room while Harry and Professor McGonagall are sitting down and watching him. "She'll be okay, Fred." Harry says softly, breaking the silence. Fred shakes his head, continuing his maddening pace. "If I took her to Madam Pomfrey earlier, she might have been okay. She wouldn't have gotten worse." He answers. Professor McGonagall sighs. "Fred, thinking like that will help no one, especially not Y/N. You didn't know she would worsen." Fred ignores her. "If anything happens to Y/N, I will never forgive myself." He murmurs. Madam Pomfrey opens up the door. Fred stops pacing and Harry and Professor McGonagall jump to their feet. "Well? How is she?" Fred asks wistfully. "She'll live." Madam Pomfrey answers. Fred sighs with relief. "But the fever has weakened her body. I've never seen anything like it. It just completely ravaged her. With time, and medicine, she will regain her full strength. But for now she just needs to rest." She explains. She looks at Fred. "If you hadn't brought her when you did..." She trails off and shakes her head. "I hate to think about what would have happened to her." "Can I see her?" Fred asks. Madam Pomfrey bites her lip. "I don't-I don't think—" "Please." He begs. She sighs. "Oh, all right. But only for a little bit. She needs to rest." She says. Fred goes into the room before Madam Pomfrey is even done talking. You're lying in bed, your skin as white as snow. "Hey." Fred says softly, sitting on the bed. You give him a small smile. "Hey." You whisper. "Thank you for bringing me here, Fred. If-if it was weren't for you...I might have died." You whisper. He strokes your forehead, worry on his face though you can see he's trying to mask it. "You're welcome, Y/N." He replies. "You just focus on getting better, okay?" He says. You nod slightly, your eyes closing. He kisses your forehead and then rests his head against yours. "I love you, Fred." You sigh, surprising him. Fred lifts his head and looks at you. Your eyes are still closed. He thought you fell asleep. He smiles and gently cups your cheek. "I love you too, Y/N." He whispers back. He kisses your forehead again. "Rest now." He says softly. He gets up and opens the door. He turns his head and gives you one last lingering look, before leaving. [THE END] I hope you liked it!