IMAGINE: Lee and you going on a humanitarian trip

Lee and you walk alongside the UNICEF members around the small village of mostly women and children. Babies are crying in pain and everyone looks starved. You swallow and look into the sad faces of skinny children staring at you, their eyes wide. You softly gasp, tears burning in your eyes. "Do we have enough food to feed them all?" You ask one of the UNICEF members. She looks at you. "There's enough food to last them for a couple of weeks. While we're here though, we're going to be building homes, proper homes, for them to stay in." She states. You nod as a tear slips down your cheek. You look at Lee who's pale. Lee and you fell in love on a movie set. You both decided to do something you've been wanting to do for as long as you can remember—go on a humanitarian trip to Africa. "This is horrible." Lee whispers, his voice breaking. "I know." You sigh. A little skinny African boy runs up to Lee. He barely comes up to Lee's knees. "Hey." Lee says, smiling kindly down at him. The boy slips his hand into Lee's and pulls him towards a small ball. "Oh, you want to play." Lee says, grabbing the ball. You smile as he starts to play catch with the little boy, whose eyes are lit up with hope and happiness. --- For the next couple of days, UNICEF, Lee, and you work from dawn until dusk building homes, feeding everyone, and providing proper care for them. One night, after an utterly exhausting day, you flop onto your sleeping bag inside the tent you share with Lee and a member of UNICEF. Only Lee is in there now. He's laying on his sleeping bag, his back to you. "Oh, what a day. I'm beat." You sigh. You look at Lee, who's been silent all day. You turn to face him and prop yourself up on your elbow. "Lee?" You ask, your eyebrows drawing. He sniffs. You sit up. "Are you crying?" You ask worriedly. You crawl over to him and put your hand on his shoulder. He turns to face. "Oh, Lee." You breathe, staring at his tear stained face, your jaw slipped open. "What is it?" "Y/N." He chokes out, sitting up. He sniffs and wipes his face as more tears fall down his cheeks. "This breaks my heart. Seeing all these women and these children, it breaks my heart." He sobs. "It breaks my heart too, Lee." You murmur, rubbing his back. He leans into you, his shoulders shaking. "I-I think about my life back home—I think about everything I have. Sometimes I still complain that it's not enough. And then I come here and these people have nothing, yet they're so positive. It's opened my eyes to see how selfish and greedy I am." He weeps. "That's how I feel. That's how anyone would feel. If anyone was to come here, they'd see all the pain and suffering that is going on. They'd see how selfish and greedy they are." You say. "I just hate myself for it." Lee sobs. You sigh and wrap him in your arms. "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay." You whisper as he cries into your shoulder. You rub his back. "Don't hate yourself, Lee. Our eyes have been opened and now we have the opportunity to do something about it. So let's take that opportunity and change the world." Lee lifts his head and looks at you. He sniffs and smiles. He cups your face. "I love you." He whispers. You smile back. "I love you too." You whisper. "Let's change the world." He states. You smile widens and you hug him again. [THE END] I hope you liked it!