IMAGINE: Adam noticing you

You watch Prince Adam, from behind the kitchen doors, as he eats dinner by himself. You swallow, your heart pounding. "Why don't you go talk to him?" Mrs. Potts asks from behind you. You jump in surprise and whirl around, flushing at being caught staring at the prince. "Oh, no, no, I couldn't." You breathe. "We all know you've liked the prince for sometime now." Lumiere says as everyone gathers around you. "You do everything for him." Plumette adds. "But he never notices me. He still hasn't." You sigh, your shoulders dropping. "He will notice you, Y/N. I'm sure of it. You're perfect for him. You're sweet, you're kind, and you have a heart of gold. Prince Adam would have to be crazy not to notice you." Mrs. Potts says, wrapping her arms around you. She gives you a motherly hug and you sigh again. She pats your back and then holds you back at arms length. "Why don't you go bring out a pitcher and refill his glass? Say something to him. Make him look at you." She says. "Okay." You say, pulling your shoulders back bravely and nodding. "You can do this, Y/N. I know you can." Lumiere encourages, smiling at you. You smile back at him. "I think I can." You reply. "You can and you will." Plumette smiles as Mrs. Potts hands you a pitcher. "Go on." She prompts, giving you a smile. You clutch the pitcher and nod, grinning. "Okay." You breathe. You turn around and look at the kitchen doors. You let out a deep breath and then proceed to the dining room. "Would you like a refill, my lord?" You ask, sounding way less nervous than you actually feel. Your knees are shaking. Prince Adam is reading a book. "Uh, yes, that would be wonderful, thank you." He murmurs distractedly, his eyes never leaving the pages. You manage to refill his glass without spilling. "Interesting book, my lord?" "Oh, yes, indeed." "I love to read. It's one of my favorite things to do with my free time." You state, staring at him. He still doesn't look at you. You glance at the kitchen doors and see Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, and Plumette watching you. They smile and nod, encouraging you to go on. You swallow. "So...what book are you reading?" You ask. You slightly lean over his chair to read the title. Without you realizing it, the pitcher starts to tilt forward in your hand. "It's called 'The Adventures of..." Prince Adam starts to say. He yelps suddenly and jumps to his feet. You stumble backwards, surprised by his movements. That's when you notice the wine stain on his starch white shirt. "Oh, no, I'm so sorry." You gasp in horror, blushing red. You glance Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, and Plumette whose jaws are dropped, their eyes wide. You quickly set the pitcher down on the table just as Adam finally looks at you for the first time. His eyes widen slightly and he blinks at you, his jaw slipped open slightly. You blush even harder. "I, so, so, SO sorry." You whisper, shaking your head. You put your hand on your head. "I'm such an idiot." You groan. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, you're not an idiot." Adam breathes. He smiles at you. "It's okay, it's fine. Don't worry about it. It's just a shirt." "Yeah, but I spilled it on you! The prince!" You exclaim. Adam laughs and takes a step towards you. "Hey, it's okay, all right? The stain will come off. Don't worry about it." He says softly. "I just feel bad. And really stupid." You wince, looking down. He touches your arm and it's like you're struck by lightning. You blink, your mouth going dry. You slowly look up at him. "What's your name?" He asks. "Y/N." He smiles at you and you smile a little back. "Y/N, I don't want you to worry about this. It was an accident." "Okay." You sigh. You eye the huge stain on his shirt. "Hey, you better go change your shirt before that stain starts to dry. Then I'll never be able to get it out." You point out. "Oh, here." Adam says, pulling his shirt off. You gasp softly and look away, your cheeks flaming. "You go take this while I run upstairs and grab another shirt. It would be ten minutes before you'd get the shirt back if it went up with me. You have a better chance of removing the stain if you just have it now." He explains. You swallow and slowly look at him. He's holding his shirt out to you and smiling. Your heart pounds. "O-okay." You say, grabbing his shirt. "I'll be right back." He says, before turning on his heel and heading up stairs. You watch him, noticing the warmth still in his shirt. You let out a breath and then laugh softly. You look at the kitchen doors and just see Mrs. Potts smiling approvingly at you. --- That night you make your way back to your quarters. You pass the library and see Adam in there. You start to pick up your pace but it's too late. "Y/N!" Adam exclaims. You stop in your tracks. You were hoping to avoid Adam after the incident at dinner. It was, and still is, embarrassing. You back up and look at Adam. "Yes, my lord? Is there something you need?" "Come here." He beckons. You enter the library. "Yes, my lord?" "Oh, you don't have to call me that. Adam will do fine." You smile at him and nod. "Okay." You say. "Oh, your shirt will be ready by morning. It's just hanging up to dry." He smiles at you. "Did the stain come out easily?" He asks. You blush, the image of him taking his shirt off seared into your brain—most likely for all eternity. "Yeah, it did. I got it just in time." You murmur. "Good." Adam says. He watches you as you look around the expansive library. "So I was thinking..." He starts to say. You look at him, your eyebrows raised. "You said you like to read, right?" He asks. You nod. "I love it." You answer. "Well, I want you to use this library whenever you're free. I want you to enjoy it." He states. Your eyes widen. "Oh, my lord-" You stop when you see the look Adam gives you. "Adam." You amend. "I couldn't possibly." You protest. Adam walks towards you and grabs your hands, smiling down at you. "I want you to, Y/N. I'm asking you to. Please." You smile. "Well, only if you insist." He grins and squeezes your hand. "I insist." He tells you. You laugh softly. "Thank you. Thank you so much." You whisper. "I'll-I'll be in here too, a lot of nights. So we can-we can read together, if you'd like." He offers, looking away. Your heart nearly rips out of your chest. "I'd love that." You answer, smiling. Adam looks at you and smiles back. [THE END] I hope you liked it!Â