IMAGINE: Kili convincing the Company to let you join them

You stumble through the forest, utterly exhausted. You've been travelling all day and your feet ache with blisters. You see firelight up ahead through the darkness of night and sigh with relief. Your adrenaline kicks in and you run towards it. You break through the forest at full speed and trip over a rock. You fall forward in front of the fire. Your eyes widen at how close you are to it and you scramble backwards, your heart pounding. You gasp when see twelve Dwarves, a Wizard, and a Hobbit staring at you. All of the Dwarves have their weapons drawn and pointed at you. "Wait! I mean no harm!" You exclaim, jumping to your feet and holding your hands up in surrender. "Who are you?" A Dwarf, presumably the leader, asks. "My-my name is Y/N. I've been travelling all day and I saw your fire from afar. I'm so weary..." You trail off, your eyes landing on the pot of stew near the fire. Your stomach quietly growls, reminding you of your hunger. You look back at the Dwarves. "I mean no harm, I promise." You whisper. With a nod from the leader, the Dwarves lower their weapons. "You're in the company of Thorin Oakenshield." An older Dwarf with white hair says. Your eyes widen and you look at Thorin. "My lord." You breathe, bowing your head. "Come, come, sit around the fire. Eat." The Wizard says. You plop down on the ground with an exhausted sigh. --- "Hey." Kili says, sitting next to you. You smile at him. "Hey." You return. While you ate, Thorin introduced you to his Company. You immediately caught Kili's eyes. "So where are you headed?" He asks curiously. You pull your knees to your chest and place your arms on top of your knees. You rest your chin on them. "You know, I haven't the slightest idea." You breathe. "What? How do you not know?" Kili laughs. You laugh with him. "I don't-I don't know." You shrug, grinning. "I just left my home. I'm looking for adventure. I kind of...go where the wind takes me, you know?" "And have you found it? Have you found your adventure?" Kili asks. "Unfortunately not." You frown. "Well, we're going on an adventure. We're going to reclaim Erebor." He states. Your eyebrows shoot up. "You're going to destroy a dragon?" You ask incredulously. "Apparently yes." Kili answers. "You're all braver than I thought." You murmur. "Brave or stupid, I'm not sure which." He mutters, grinning. He gently nudges you. "If you're that brave, I can ask the Company if you can come along." He offers. "Oh, no, Kili, I don't want to impose." You protest. "Nonsense. The more people, the better." He states. "Well, if the Company is okay with it..." You trail off. "They'll love to have you come along, trust me." He says. --- You lie awake at night, hearing Kili lowly argue with the Company about wanting to bring you along for the ride. The only voices you really hear are Thorin's and Kili's, though you know full well that the Company is there too. You keep your back to them. "Uncle, please. She wants adventure. I believe she can get that with us. Just give her a chance." Kili whispers harshly. "I don't know if we should, Kili. She may be dangerous." Thorin replies. "She's not armed." Kili states. "What do you all think?" He asks the Company. "I guess it couldn't hurt." "It'd be nice having a girl on our trip." "She seems nice enough." "She looks strong." "I agree with you, Kili." "Thorin, come on. Let her come along." The rest murmur their agreement. You can't help but smile. "All right, all right, all right, fine. She comes along. But any sign of incompetence from her, she's gone. We can't have anyone slowing us down. Do you understand?" Thorin says. "Understood, Uncle." Kili replies. You hear the smile in his voice. "I'll watch over her and make sure she keeps up." He adds. Your heart starts to pound and you flush. You close your eyes, your heart beating against your chest. [THE END] I hope you liked it!